#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Usage: python git-mpr.py -m 1657 """ from __future__ import print_function import io, os import argparse from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError import gh_api ipy_repository = 'git://github.com/ipython/ipython.git' gh_project = "ipython/ipython" not_merged = {} def merge_branch(repo, branch ): """try to merge the givent branch into the current one If something does not goes smoothly, merge is aborted Returns True if merge sucessfull, False otherwise """ # Delete the branch first try : check_call(['git', 'pull', repo, branch], stdin=io.open(os.devnull)) except CalledProcessError : check_call(['git', 'merge', '--abort']) return False return True def merge_pr(num): """ try to merge the branch of PR `num` into current branch """ # Get Github authorisation first, so that the user is prompted straight away # if their login is needed. pr = gh_api.get_pull_request(gh_project, num) repo = pr['head']['repo']['clone_url'] branch = pr['head']['ref'] mergeable = merge_branch(repo=repo, branch=branch, ) if not mergeable : cmd = "git pull "+repo+" "+branch not_merged[str(num)] = cmd print("==============================================================================") print("Something went wrong merging this branch, you can try it manually by runngin :") print(cmd) print("==============================================================================") def main(*args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=""" Merge one or more github pull requests by their number. If any one pull request can't be merged as is, its merge is ignored and the process continues with the next ones (if any). """ ) grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() grp.add_argument( '-l', '--list', action='store_const', const=True, help='list PR, their number and their mergeability') grp.add_argument('-a', '--merge-all', action='store_const', const=True , help='try to merge as many PR as possible, one by one') parser.add_argument('merge', type=int, help="The pull request numbers", nargs='*', metavar='pr-number') args = parser.parse_args() if(args.list): pr_list = gh_api.get_pulls_list(gh_project) for pr in pr_list : mergeable = gh_api.get_pull_request(gh_project, pr['number'])['mergeable'] ismgb = u"√" if mergeable else " " print(u"* #{number} [{ismgb}]: {title}".format( number=pr['number'], title=pr['title'], ismgb=ismgb)) if(args.merge_all): pr_list = gh_api.get_pulls_list(gh_project) for pr in pr_list : merge_pr(pr['number']) elif args.merge: for num in args.merge : merge_pr(num) if not_merged : print('*************************************************************************************') print('the following branch have not been merged automatically, considere doing it by hand :') for num, cmd in not_merged.items() : print( "PR {num}: {cmd}".format(num=num, cmd=cmd)) print('*************************************************************************************') if __name__ == '__main__': main()