#!/usr/bin/env python """ IPython extension: Render templates from variables and paste to clipbard """ from IPython.core import ipapi ip = ipapi.get() from string import Template import sys,os from IPython.external.Itpl import itplns def toclip_w32(s): """ Places contents of s to clipboard Needs pyvin32 to work: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/ """ import win32clipboard as cl import win32con cl.OpenClipboard() cl.EmptyClipboard() cl.SetClipboardText( s.replace('\n','\r\n' )) cl.CloseClipboard() try: import win32clipboard toclip = toclip_w32 except ImportError: def toclip(s): pass def render(tmpl): """ Render a template (Itpl format) from ipython variables Example: $ import ipy_render $ my_name = 'Bob' # %store this for convenience $ t_submission_form = "Submission report, author: $my_name" # %store also $ render t_submission_form => returns "Submission report, author: Bob" and copies to clipboard on win32 # if template exist as a file, read it. Note: ;f hei vaan => f("hei vaan") $ ;render c:/templates/greeting.txt Template examples (Ka-Ping Yee's Itpl library): Here is a $string. Here is a $module.member. Here is an $object.member. Here is a $functioncall(with, arguments). Here is an ${arbitrary + expression}. Here is an $array[3] member. Here is a $dictionary['member']. """ if os.path.isfile(tmpl): tmpl = open(tmpl).read() res = itplns(tmpl, ip.user_ns) toclip(res) return res ip.to_user_ns('render')