"""Blocking channels Useful for test suites and blocking terminal interfaces. """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. try: from queue import Queue, Empty # Py 3 except ImportError: from Queue import Queue, Empty # Py 2 from IPython.kernel.channelsabc import ShellChannelABC, IOPubChannelABC, \ StdInChannelABC from IPython.kernel.channels import HBChannel,\ make_iopub_socket, make_shell_socket, make_stdin_socket,\ InvalidPortNumber, major_protocol_version from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types, iteritems # some utilities to validate message structure, these might get moved elsewhere # if they prove to have more generic utility def validate_string_list(lst): """Validate that the input is a list of strings. Raises ValueError if not.""" if not isinstance(lst, list): raise ValueError('input %r must be a list' % lst) for x in lst: if not isinstance(x, string_types): raise ValueError('element %r in list must be a string' % x) def validate_string_dict(dct): """Validate that the input is a dict with string keys and values. Raises ValueError if not.""" for k,v in iteritems(dct): if not isinstance(k, string_types): raise ValueError('key %r in dict must be a string' % k) if not isinstance(v, string_types): raise ValueError('value %r in dict must be a string' % v) class ZMQSocketChannel(object): """The base class for the channels that use ZMQ sockets.""" context = None session = None socket = None ioloop = None stream = None _address = None _exiting = False proxy_methods = [] def __init__(self, context, session, address): """Create a channel. Parameters ---------- context : :class:`zmq.Context` The ZMQ context to use. session : :class:`session.Session` The session to use. address : zmq url Standard (ip, port) tuple that the kernel is listening on. """ super(ZMQSocketChannel, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.context = context self.session = session if isinstance(address, tuple): if address[1] == 0: message = 'The port number for a channel cannot be 0.' raise InvalidPortNumber(message) address = "tcp://%s:%i" % address self._address = address def _recv(self, **kwargs): msg = self.socket.recv_multipart(**kwargs) ident,smsg = self.session.feed_identities(msg) return self.session.deserialize(smsg) def get_msg(self, block=True, timeout=None): """ Gets a message if there is one that is ready. """ if block: if timeout is not None: timeout *= 1000 # seconds to ms ready = self.socket.poll(timeout) else: ready = self.socket.poll(timeout=0) if ready: return self._recv() else: raise Empty def get_msgs(self): """ Get all messages that are currently ready. """ msgs = [] while True: try: msgs.append(self.get_msg(block=False)) except Empty: break return msgs def msg_ready(self): """ Is there a message that has been received? """ return bool(self.socket.poll(timeout=0)) def close(self): if self.socket is not None: try: self.socket.close(linger=0) except Exception: pass self.socket = None stop = close def is_alive(self): return (self.socket is not None) @property def address(self): """Get the channel's address as a zmq url string. These URLS have the form: 'tcp://'. """ return self._address def _queue_send(self, msg): """Pass a message to the ZMQ socket to send """ self.session.send(self.socket, msg) class BlockingShellChannel(ZMQSocketChannel): """The shell channel for issuing request/replies to the kernel.""" def start(self): self.socket = make_stdin_socket(self.context, self.session.bsession, self.address) def _handle_kernel_info_reply(self, msg): """handle kernel info reply sets protocol adaptation version """ adapt_version = int(msg['content']['protocol_version'].split('.')[0]) if adapt_version != major_protocol_version: self.session.adapt_version = adapt_version def _recv(self, **kwargs): # Listen for kernel_info_reply message to do protocol adaptation msg = ZMQSocketChannel._recv(self, **kwargs) if msg['msg_type'] == 'kernel_info_reply': self._handle_kernel_info_reply(msg) return msg class BlockingIOPubChannel(ZMQSocketChannel): """The iopub channel which listens for messages that the kernel publishes. This channel is where all output is published to frontends. """ def start(self): self.socket = make_iopub_socket(self.context, self.session.bsession, self.address) class BlockingStdInChannel(ZMQSocketChannel): """The stdin channel to handle raw_input requests that the kernel makes.""" msg_queue = None proxy_methods = ['input'] def start(self): self.socket = make_stdin_socket(self.context, self.session.bsession, self.address) ShellChannelABC.register(BlockingShellChannel) IOPubChannelABC.register(BlockingIOPubChannel) StdInChannelABC.register(BlockingStdInChannel) class BlockingHBChannel(HBChannel): # This kernel needs quicker monitoring, shorten to 1 sec. # less than 0.5s is unreliable, and will get occasional # false reports of missed beats. time_to_dead = 1. def call_handlers(self, since_last_heartbeat): """ Pause beating on missed heartbeat. """ pass