""" This module contains classes - NamedFileInTemporaryDirectory, TemporaryWorkingDirectory. These classes add extra features such as creating a named file in temporary directory and creating a context manager for the working directory which is also temporary. """ import os as _os import warnings as _warnings import sys as _sys from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory class NamedFileInTemporaryDirectory(object): def __init__(self, filename, mode='w+b', bufsize=-1, **kwds): """ Open a file named `filename` in a temporary directory. This context manager is preferred over `NamedTemporaryFile` in stdlib `tempfile` when one needs to reopen the file. Arguments `mode` and `bufsize` are passed to `open`. Rest of the arguments are passed to `TemporaryDirectory`. """ self._tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(**kwds) path = _os.path.join(self._tmpdir.name, filename) self.file = open(path, mode, bufsize) def cleanup(self): self.file.close() self._tmpdir.cleanup() __del__ = cleanup def __enter__(self): return self.file def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.cleanup() class TemporaryWorkingDirectory(TemporaryDirectory): """ Creates a temporary directory and sets the cwd to that directory. Automatically reverts to previous cwd upon cleanup. Usage example: with TemporaryWorkingDirectory() as tmpdir: ... """ def __enter__(self): self.old_wd = _os.getcwd() _os.chdir(self.name) return super(TemporaryWorkingDirectory, self).__enter__() def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): _os.chdir(self.old_wd) return super(TemporaryWorkingDirectory, self).__exit__(exc, value, tb)