# coding: utf-8 """String filters. Contains a collection of useful string manipulation filters for use in Jinja templates. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import textwrap try: from urllib.parse import quote # Py 3 except ImportError: from urllib2 import quote # Py 2 from xml.etree import ElementTree from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell from IPython.utils import py3compat #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = [ 'wrap_text', 'html2text', 'add_anchor', 'strip_dollars', 'strip_files_prefix', 'comment_lines', 'get_lines', 'ipython2python', 'posix_path', 'path2url', 'add_prompts' ] def wrap_text(text, width=100): """ Intelligently wrap text. Wrap text without breaking words if possible. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to wrap. width : int, optional Number of characters to wrap to, default 100. """ split_text = text.split('\n') wrp = map(lambda x:textwrap.wrap(x,width), split_text) wrpd = map('\n'.join, wrp) return '\n'.join(wrpd) def html2text(element): """extract inner text from html Analog of jQuery's $(element).text() """ if isinstance(element, py3compat.string_types): element = ElementTree.fromstring(element) text = element.text or "" for child in element: text += html2text(child) text += (element.tail or "") return text def add_anchor(html): """Add an anchor-link to an html header tag For use in heading cells """ h = ElementTree.fromstring(py3compat.cast_bytes_py2(html, encoding='utf-8')) link = html2text(h).replace(' ', '-') h.set('id', link) a = ElementTree.Element("a", {"class" : "anchor-link", "href" : "#" + link}) a.text = u'ΒΆ' h.append(a) # Known issue of Python3.x, ElementTree.tostring() returns a byte string # instead of a text string. See issue http://bugs.python.org/issue10942 # Workaround is to make sure the bytes are casted to a string. return py3compat.decode(ElementTree.tostring(h), 'utf-8') def add_prompts(code, first='>>> ', cont='... '): """Add prompts to code snippets""" new_code = [] code_list = code.split('\n') new_code.append(first + code_list[0]) for line in code_list[1:]: new_code.append(cont + line) return '\n'.join(new_code) def strip_dollars(text): """ Remove all dollar symbols from text Parameters ---------- text : str Text to remove dollars from """ return text.strip('$') files_url_pattern = re.compile(r'(src|href)\=([\'"]?)files/') markdown_url_pattern = re.compile(r'!\[(?P.*?)\]\(/?files/(?P.*?)\)') def strip_files_prefix(text): """ Fix all fake URLs that start with `files/`, stripping out the `files/` prefix. Applies to both urls (for html) and relative paths (for markdown paths). Parameters ---------- text : str Text in which to replace 'src="files/real...' with 'src="real...' """ cleaned_text = files_url_pattern.sub(r"\1=\2", text) cleaned_text = markdown_url_pattern.sub(r'![\1](\2)', cleaned_text) return cleaned_text def comment_lines(text, prefix='# '): """ Build a Python comment line from input text. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to comment out. prefix : str Character to append to the start of each line. """ #Replace line breaks with line breaks and comment symbols. #Also add a comment symbol at the beginning to comment out #the first line. return prefix + ('\n'+prefix).join(text.split('\n')) def get_lines(text, start=None,end=None): """ Split the input text into separate lines and then return the lines that the caller is interested in. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to parse lines from. start : int, optional First line to grab from. end : int, optional Last line to grab from. """ # Split the input into lines. lines = text.split("\n") # Return the right lines. return "\n".join(lines[start:end]) #re-join def ipython2python(code): """Transform IPython syntax to pure Python syntax Parameters ---------- code : str IPython code, to be transformed to pure Python """ shell = InteractiveShell.instance() return shell.input_transformer_manager.transform_cell(code) def posix_path(path): """Turn a path into posix-style path/to/etc Mainly for use in latex on Windows, where native Windows paths are not allowed. """ if os.path.sep != '/': return path.replace(os.path.sep, '/') return path def path2url(path): """Turn a file path into a URL""" parts = path.split(os.path.sep) return '/'.join(quote(part) for part in parts)