import numpy as np
from math import *

def price_options(S=100.0, K=100.0, sigma=0.25, r=0.05, days=260, paths=10000):
    Price European and Asian options using a Monte Carlo method.

    S : float
        The initial price of the stock.
    K : float
        The strike price of the option.
    sigma : float
        The volatility of the stock.
    r : float
        The risk free interest rate.
    days : int
        The number of days until the option expires.
    paths : int
        The number of Monte Carlo paths used to price the option.

    A tuple of (E. call, E. put, A. call, A. put) option prices.
    h = 1.0/days
    const1 = exp((r-0.5*sigma**2)*h)
    const2 = sigma*sqrt(h)
    stock_price = S*np.ones(paths, dtype='float64')
    stock_price_sum = np.zeros(paths, dtype='float64')
    for j in range(days):
        growth_factor = const1*np.exp(const2*np.random.standard_normal(paths))
        stock_price = stock_price*growth_factor
        stock_price_sum = stock_price_sum + stock_price
    stock_price_avg = stock_price_sum/days
    zeros = np.zeros(paths, dtype='float64')
    r_factor = exp(-r*h*days)
    euro_put = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, K-stock_price))
    asian_put = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, K-stock_price_avg))
    euro_call = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, stock_price-K))
    asian_call = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, stock_price_avg-K))
    return (euro_call, euro_put, asian_call, asian_put)