# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pdb debugger class. Modified from the standard pdb.Pdb class to avoid including readline, so that the command line completion of other programs which include this isn't damaged. In the future, this class will be expanded with improvements over the standard pdb. The code in this file is mainly lifted out of cmd.py in Python 2.2, with minor changes. Licensing should therefore be under the standard Python terms. For details on the PSF (Python Software Foundation) standard license, see: https://docs.python.org/2/license.html """ #***************************************************************************** # # This file is licensed under the PSF license. # # Copyright (C) 2001 Python Software Foundation, www.python.org # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Fernando Perez. # # #***************************************************************************** import bdb import functools import inspect import linecache import sys import warnings import re import os from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.utils import PyColorize from IPython.utils import coloransi, py3compat from IPython.core.excolors import exception_colors from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest prompt = 'ipdb> ' #We have to check this directly from sys.argv, config struct not yet available from pdb import Pdb as OldPdb # Allow the set_trace code to operate outside of an ipython instance, even if # it does so with some limitations. The rest of this support is implemented in # the Tracer constructor. def make_arrow(pad): """generate the leading arrow in front of traceback or debugger""" if pad >= 2: return '-'*(pad-2) + '> ' elif pad == 1: return '>' return '' def BdbQuit_excepthook(et, ev, tb, excepthook=None): """Exception hook which handles `BdbQuit` exceptions. All other exceptions are processed using the `excepthook` parameter. """ warnings.warn("`BdbQuit_excepthook` is deprecated since version 5.1", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if et==bdb.BdbQuit: print('Exiting Debugger.') elif excepthook is not None: excepthook(et, ev, tb) else: # Backwards compatibility. Raise deprecation warning? BdbQuit_excepthook.excepthook_ori(et,ev,tb) def BdbQuit_IPython_excepthook(self,et,ev,tb,tb_offset=None): warnings.warn( "`BdbQuit_IPython_excepthook` is deprecated since version 5.1", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) print('Exiting Debugger.') class Tracer(object): """ DEPRECATED Class for local debugging, similar to pdb.set_trace. Instances of this class, when called, behave like pdb.set_trace, but providing IPython's enhanced capabilities. This is implemented as a class which must be initialized in your own code and not as a standalone function because we need to detect at runtime whether IPython is already active or not. That detection is done in the constructor, ensuring that this code plays nicely with a running IPython, while functioning acceptably (though with limitations) if outside of it. """ @skip_doctest def __init__(self, colors=None): """ DEPRECATED Create a local debugger instance. Parameters ---------- colors : str, optional The name of the color scheme to use, it must be one of IPython's valid color schemes. If not given, the function will default to the current IPython scheme when running inside IPython, and to 'NoColor' otherwise. Examples -------- :: from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; debug_here = Tracer() Later in your code:: debug_here() # -> will open up the debugger at that point. Once the debugger activates, you can use all of its regular commands to step through code, set breakpoints, etc. See the pdb documentation from the Python standard library for usage details. """ warnings.warn("`Tracer` is deprecated since version 5.1, directly use " "`IPython.core.debugger.Pdb.set_trace()`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) ip = get_ipython() if ip is None: # Outside of ipython, we set our own exception hook manually sys.excepthook = functools.partial(BdbQuit_excepthook, excepthook=sys.excepthook) def_colors = 'NoColor' else: # In ipython, we use its custom exception handler mechanism def_colors = ip.colors ip.set_custom_exc((bdb.BdbQuit,), BdbQuit_IPython_excepthook) if colors is None: colors = def_colors # The stdlib debugger internally uses a modified repr from the `repr` # module, that limits the length of printed strings to a hardcoded # limit of 30 characters. That much trimming is too aggressive, let's # at least raise that limit to 80 chars, which should be enough for # most interactive uses. try: from reprlib import aRepr aRepr.maxstring = 80 except: # This is only a user-facing convenience, so any error we encounter # here can be warned about but can be otherwise ignored. These # printouts will tell us about problems if this API changes import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.debugger = Pdb(colors) def __call__(self): """Starts an interactive debugger at the point where called. This is similar to the pdb.set_trace() function from the std lib, but using IPython's enhanced debugger.""" self.debugger.set_trace(sys._getframe().f_back) RGX_EXTRA_INDENT = re.compile(r'(?<=\n)\s+') def strip_indentation(multiline_string): return RGX_EXTRA_INDENT.sub('', multiline_string) def decorate_fn_with_doc(new_fn, old_fn, additional_text=""): """Make new_fn have old_fn's doc string. This is particularly useful for the ``do_...`` commands that hook into the help system. Adapted from from a comp.lang.python posting by Duncan Booth.""" def wrapper(*args, **kw): return new_fn(*args, **kw) if old_fn.__doc__: wrapper.__doc__ = strip_indentation(old_fn.__doc__) + additional_text return wrapper class Pdb(OldPdb): """Modified Pdb class, does not load readline. for a standalone version that uses prompt_toolkit, see `IPython.terminal.debugger.TerminalPdb` and `IPython.terminal.debugger.set_trace()` """ def __init__(self, color_scheme=None, completekey=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, context=5, **kwargs): """Create a new IPython debugger. :param color_scheme: Deprecated, do not use. :param completekey: Passed to pdb.Pdb. :param stdin: Passed to pdb.Pdb. :param stdout: Passed to pdb.Pdb. :param context: Number of lines of source code context to show when displaying stacktrace information. :param kwargs: Passed to pdb.Pdb. The possibilities are python version dependent, see the python docs for more info. """ # Parent constructor: try: self.context = int(context) if self.context <= 0: raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") # `kwargs` ensures full compatibility with stdlib's `pdb.Pdb`. OldPdb.__init__(self, completekey, stdin, stdout, **kwargs) # IPython changes... self.shell = get_ipython() if self.shell is None: save_main = sys.modules['__main__'] # No IPython instance running, we must create one from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import \ TerminalInteractiveShell self.shell = TerminalInteractiveShell.instance() # needed by any code which calls __import__("__main__") after # the debugger was entered. See also #9941. sys.modules['__main__'] = save_main if color_scheme is not None: warnings.warn( "The `color_scheme` argument is deprecated since version 5.1", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) else: color_scheme = self.shell.colors self.aliases = {} # Create color table: we copy the default one from the traceback # module and add a few attributes needed for debugging self.color_scheme_table = exception_colors() # shorthands C = coloransi.TermColors cst = self.color_scheme_table cst['NoColor'].colors.prompt = C.NoColor cst['NoColor'].colors.breakpoint_enabled = C.NoColor cst['NoColor'].colors.breakpoint_disabled = C.NoColor cst['Linux'].colors.prompt = C.Green cst['Linux'].colors.breakpoint_enabled = C.LightRed cst['Linux'].colors.breakpoint_disabled = C.Red cst['LightBG'].colors.prompt = C.Blue cst['LightBG'].colors.breakpoint_enabled = C.LightRed cst['LightBG'].colors.breakpoint_disabled = C.Red cst['Neutral'].colors.prompt = C.Blue cst['Neutral'].colors.breakpoint_enabled = C.LightRed cst['Neutral'].colors.breakpoint_disabled = C.Red # Add a python parser so we can syntax highlight source while # debugging. self.parser = PyColorize.Parser(style=color_scheme) self.set_colors(color_scheme) # Set the prompt - the default prompt is '(Pdb)' self.prompt = prompt self.skip_hidden = True self.report_skipped = True # list of predicates we use to skip frames self._predicates = {"tbhide": True, "readonly": False, "ipython_internal": True} def set_colors(self, scheme): """Shorthand access to the color table scheme selector method.""" self.color_scheme_table.set_active_scheme(scheme) self.parser.style = scheme def set_trace(self, frame=None): if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe().f_back self.initial_frame = frame return super().set_trace(frame) def _hidden_predicate(self, frame): """ Given a frame return whether it it should be hidden or not by IPython. """ if self._predicates["readonly"]: fname = frame.f_code.co_filename # we need to check for file existence and interactively define # function would otherwise appear as RO. if os.path.isfile(fname) and not os.access(fname, os.W_OK): return True if self._predicates["tbhide"]: if frame in (self.curframe, getattr(self, "initial_frame", None)): return False else: return frame.f_locals.get("__tracebackhide__", False) return False def hidden_frames(self, stack): """ Given an index in the stack return wether it should be skipped. This is used in up/down and where to skip frames. """ # The f_locals dictionary is updated from the actual frame # locals whenever the .f_locals accessor is called, so we # avoid calling it here to preserve self.curframe_locals. # Futhermore, there is no good reason to hide the current frame. ip_hide = [self._hidden_predicate(s[0]) for s in stack] ip_start = [i for i, s in enumerate(ip_hide) if s == "__ipython_bottom__"] if ip_start and self._predicates["ipython_internal"]: ip_hide = [h if i > ip_start[0] else True for (i, h) in enumerate(ip_hide)] return ip_hide def interaction(self, frame, traceback): try: OldPdb.interaction(self, frame, traceback) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stdout.write("\n" + self.shell.get_exception_only()) def new_do_frame(self, arg): OldPdb.do_frame(self, arg) def new_do_quit(self, arg): if hasattr(self, 'old_all_completions'): self.shell.Completer.all_completions=self.old_all_completions return OldPdb.do_quit(self, arg) do_q = do_quit = decorate_fn_with_doc(new_do_quit, OldPdb.do_quit) def new_do_restart(self, arg): """Restart command. In the context of ipython this is exactly the same thing as 'quit'.""" self.msg("Restart doesn't make sense here. Using 'quit' instead.") return self.do_quit(arg) def print_stack_trace(self, context=None): Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal if context is None: context = self.context try: context=int(context) if context <= 0: raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") try: skipped = 0 for hidden, frame_lineno in zip(self.hidden_frames(self.stack), self.stack): if hidden and self.skip_hidden: skipped += 1 continue if skipped: print( f"{Colors.excName} [... skipping {skipped} hidden frame(s)]{ColorsNormal}\n" ) skipped = 0 self.print_stack_entry(frame_lineno, context=context) if skipped: print( f"{Colors.excName} [... skipping {skipped} hidden frame(s)]{ColorsNormal}\n" ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def print_stack_entry(self, frame_lineno, prompt_prefix='\n-> ', context=None): if context is None: context = self.context try: context=int(context) if context <= 0: raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Context must be a positive integer") print(self.format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, '', context), file=self.stdout) # vds: >> frame, lineno = frame_lineno filename = frame.f_code.co_filename self.shell.hooks.synchronize_with_editor(filename, lineno, 0) # vds: << def format_stack_entry(self, frame_lineno, lprefix=': ', context=None): if context is None: context = self.context try: context=int(context) if context <= 0: print("Context must be a positive integer", file=self.stdout) except (TypeError, ValueError): print("Context must be a positive integer", file=self.stdout) try: import reprlib # Py 3 except ImportError: import repr as reprlib # Py 2 ret = [] Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal tpl_link = u'%s%%s%s' % (Colors.filenameEm, ColorsNormal) tpl_call = u'%s%%s%s%%s%s' % (Colors.vName, Colors.valEm, ColorsNormal) tpl_line = u'%%s%s%%s %s%%s' % (Colors.lineno, ColorsNormal) tpl_line_em = u'%%s%s%%s %s%%s%s' % (Colors.linenoEm, Colors.line, ColorsNormal) frame, lineno = frame_lineno return_value = '' if '__return__' in frame.f_locals: rv = frame.f_locals['__return__'] #return_value += '->' return_value += reprlib.repr(rv) + '\n' ret.append(return_value) #s = filename + '(' + `lineno` + ')' filename = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) link = tpl_link % py3compat.cast_unicode(filename) if frame.f_code.co_name: func = frame.f_code.co_name else: func = "" call = '' if func != '?': if '__args__' in frame.f_locals: args = reprlib.repr(frame.f_locals['__args__']) else: args = '()' call = tpl_call % (func, args) # The level info should be generated in the same format pdb uses, to # avoid breaking the pdbtrack functionality of python-mode in *emacs. if frame is self.curframe: ret.append('> ') else: ret.append(' ') ret.append(u'%s(%s)%s\n' % (link,lineno,call)) start = lineno - 1 - context//2 lines = linecache.getlines(filename) start = min(start, len(lines) - context) start = max(start, 0) lines = lines[start : start + context] for i,line in enumerate(lines): show_arrow = (start + 1 + i == lineno) linetpl = (frame is self.curframe or show_arrow) \ and tpl_line_em \ or tpl_line ret.append(self.__format_line(linetpl, filename, start + 1 + i, line, arrow = show_arrow) ) return ''.join(ret) def __format_line(self, tpl_line, filename, lineno, line, arrow = False): bp_mark = "" bp_mark_color = "" new_line, err = self.parser.format2(line, 'str') if not err: line = new_line bp = None if lineno in self.get_file_breaks(filename): bps = self.get_breaks(filename, lineno) bp = bps[-1] if bp: Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors bp_mark = str(bp.number) bp_mark_color = Colors.breakpoint_enabled if not bp.enabled: bp_mark_color = Colors.breakpoint_disabled numbers_width = 7 if arrow: # This is the line with the error pad = numbers_width - len(str(lineno)) - len(bp_mark) num = '%s%s' % (make_arrow(pad), str(lineno)) else: num = '%*s' % (numbers_width - len(bp_mark), str(lineno)) return tpl_line % (bp_mark_color + bp_mark, num, line) def print_list_lines(self, filename, first, last): """The printing (as opposed to the parsing part of a 'list' command.""" try: Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal tpl_line = '%%s%s%%s %s%%s' % (Colors.lineno, ColorsNormal) tpl_line_em = '%%s%s%%s %s%%s%s' % (Colors.linenoEm, Colors.line, ColorsNormal) src = [] if filename == "" and hasattr(self, "_exec_filename"): filename = self._exec_filename for lineno in range(first, last+1): line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) if not line: break if lineno == self.curframe.f_lineno: line = self.__format_line(tpl_line_em, filename, lineno, line, arrow = True) else: line = self.__format_line(tpl_line, filename, lineno, line, arrow = False) src.append(line) self.lineno = lineno print(''.join(src), file=self.stdout) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def do_skip_predicates(self, args): """ Turn on/off individual predicates as to whether a frame should be hidden/skip. The global option to skip (or not) hidden frames is set with skip_hidden To change the value of a predicate skip_predicates key [true|false] Call without arguments to see the current values. """ if not args.strip(): print("current predicates:") for (p, v) in self._predicates.items(): print(" ", p, ":", v) return type_value = args.strip().split(" ") if len(type_value) != 2: print( f"Usage: skip_predicates , with one of {set(self._predicates.keys())}" ) return type_, value = type_value if type_ not in self._predicates: print(f"{type_!r} not in {set(self._predicates.keys())}") return if value.lower() not in ("true", "yes", "1", "no", "false", "0"): print( f"{value!r} is invalid - use one of ('true', 'yes', '1', 'no', 'false', '0')" ) return self._predicates[type_] = value.lower() in ("true", "yes", "1") if not any(self._predicates.values()): print( "Warning, all predicates set to False, skip_hidden may not have any effects." ) def do_skip_hidden(self, arg): """ Change whether or not we should skip frames with the __tracebackhide__ attribute. """ if not arg.strip(): print( f"skip_hidden = {self.skip_hidden}, use 'yes','no', 'true', or 'false' to change." ) elif arg.strip().lower() in ("true", "yes"): self.skip_hidden = True elif arg.strip().lower() in ("false", "no"): self.skip_hidden = False if not any(self._predicates.values()): print( "Warning, all predicates set to False, skip_hidden may not have any effects." ) def do_list(self, arg): """Print lines of code from the current stack frame """ self.lastcmd = 'list' last = None if arg: try: x = eval(arg, {}, {}) if type(x) == type(()): first, last = x first = int(first) last = int(last) if last < first: # Assume it's a count last = first + last else: first = max(1, int(x) - 5) except: print('*** Error in argument:', repr(arg), file=self.stdout) return elif self.lineno is None: first = max(1, self.curframe.f_lineno - 5) else: first = self.lineno + 1 if last is None: last = first + 10 self.print_list_lines(self.curframe.f_code.co_filename, first, last) # vds: >> lineno = first filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename self.shell.hooks.synchronize_with_editor(filename, lineno, 0) # vds: << do_l = do_list def getsourcelines(self, obj): lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj) if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals: # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it return lines, 1 elif inspect.ismodule(obj): return lines, 1 return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1 def do_longlist(self, arg): """Print lines of code from the current stack frame. Shows more lines than 'list' does. """ self.lastcmd = 'longlist' try: lines, lineno = self.getsourcelines(self.curframe) except OSError as err: self.error(err) return last = lineno + len(lines) self.print_list_lines(self.curframe.f_code.co_filename, lineno, last) do_ll = do_longlist def do_debug(self, arg): """debug code Enter a recursive debugger that steps through the code argument (which is an arbitrary expression or statement to be executed in the current environment). """ trace_function = sys.gettrace() sys.settrace(None) globals = self.curframe.f_globals locals = self.curframe_locals p = self.__class__(completekey=self.completekey, stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout) p.use_rawinput = self.use_rawinput p.prompt = "(%s) " % self.prompt.strip() self.message("ENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER") sys.call_tracing(p.run, (arg, globals, locals)) self.message("LEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER") sys.settrace(trace_function) self.lastcmd = p.lastcmd def do_pdef(self, arg): """Print the call signature for any callable object. The debugger interface to %pdef""" namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("pdef")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_pdoc(self, arg): """Print the docstring for an object. The debugger interface to %pdoc.""" namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("pdoc")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_pfile(self, arg): """Print (or run through pager) the file where an object is defined. The debugger interface to %pfile. """ namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("pfile")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_pinfo(self, arg): """Provide detailed information about an object. The debugger interface to %pinfo, i.e., obj?.""" namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("pinfo")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_pinfo2(self, arg): """Provide extra detailed information about an object. The debugger interface to %pinfo2, i.e., obj??.""" namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("pinfo2")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_psource(self, arg): """Print (or run through pager) the source code for an object.""" namespaces = [ ("Locals", self.curframe_locals), ("Globals", self.curframe.f_globals), ] self.shell.find_line_magic("psource")(arg, namespaces=namespaces) def do_where(self, arg): """w(here) Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom. An arrow indicates the "current frame", which determines the context of most commands. 'bt' is an alias for this command. Take a number as argument as an (optional) number of context line to print""" if arg: try: context = int(arg) except ValueError as err: self.error(err) return self.print_stack_trace(context) else: self.print_stack_trace() do_w = do_where def stop_here(self, frame): """Check if pdb should stop here""" if not super().stop_here(frame): return False hidden = False if self.skip_hidden: hidden = self._hidden_predicate(frame) if hidden: if self.report_skipped: Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal print(f"{Colors.excName} [... skipped 1 hidden frame]{ColorsNormal}\n") return False return True def do_up(self, arg): """u(p) [count] Move the current frame count (default one) levels up in the stack trace (to an older frame). Will skip hidden frames. """ # modified version of upstream that skips # frames with __tracebackhide__ if self.curindex == 0: self.error("Oldest frame") return try: count = int(arg or 1) except ValueError: self.error("Invalid frame count (%s)" % arg) return skipped = 0 if count < 0: _newframe = 0 else: _newindex = self.curindex counter = 0 hidden_frames = self.hidden_frames(self.stack) for i in range(self.curindex - 1, -1, -1): frame = self.stack[i][0] if hidden_frames[i] and self.skip_hidden: skipped += 1 continue counter += 1 if counter >= count: break else: # if no break occured. self.error("all frames above hidden") return Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal _newframe = i self._select_frame(_newframe) if skipped: print( f"{Colors.excName} [... skipped {skipped} hidden frame(s)]{ColorsNormal}\n" ) def do_down(self, arg): """d(own) [count] Move the current frame count (default one) levels down in the stack trace (to a newer frame). Will skip hidden frames. """ if self.curindex + 1 == len(self.stack): self.error("Newest frame") return try: count = int(arg or 1) except ValueError: self.error("Invalid frame count (%s)" % arg) return if count < 0: _newframe = len(self.stack) - 1 else: _newindex = self.curindex counter = 0 skipped = 0 hidden_frames = self.hidden_frames(self.stack) for i in range(self.curindex + 1, len(self.stack)): frame = self.stack[i][0] if hidden_frames[i] and self.skip_hidden: skipped += 1 continue counter += 1 if counter >= count: break else: self.error("all frames bellow hidden") return Colors = self.color_scheme_table.active_colors ColorsNormal = Colors.Normal if skipped: print( f"{Colors.excName} [... skipped {skipped} hidden frame(s)]{ColorsNormal}\n" ) _newframe = i self._select_frame(_newframe) do_d = do_down do_u = do_up def do_context(self, context): """context number_of_lines Set the number of lines of source code to show when displaying stacktrace information. """ try: new_context = int(context) if new_context <= 0: raise ValueError() self.context = new_context except ValueError: self.error("The 'context' command requires a positive integer argument.") class InterruptiblePdb(Pdb): """Version of debugger where KeyboardInterrupt exits the debugger altogether.""" def cmdloop(self): """Wrap cmdloop() such that KeyboardInterrupt stops the debugger.""" try: return OldPdb.cmdloop(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stop_here = lambda frame: False self.do_quit("") sys.settrace(None) self.quitting = False raise def _cmdloop(self): while True: try: # keyboard interrupts allow for an easy way to cancel # the current command, so allow them during interactive input self.allow_kbdint = True self.cmdloop() self.allow_kbdint = False break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.message('--KeyboardInterrupt--') raise def set_trace(frame=None): """ Start debugging from `frame`. If frame is not specified, debugging starts from caller's frame. """ Pdb().set_trace(frame or sys._getframe().f_back)