// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. /** * @module notebook */ define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'base/js/dialog', 'notebook/js/cell', 'notebook/js/textcell', 'notebook/js/codecell', 'services/config', 'services/sessions/session', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', 'components/marked/lib/marked', 'codemirror/lib/codemirror', 'codemirror/addon/runmode/runmode', 'notebook/js/mathjaxutils', 'base/js/keyboard', 'notebook/js/tooltip', 'notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/default', 'notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/rawcell', 'notebook/js/celltoolbarpresets/slideshow', 'notebook/js/scrollmanager' ], function ( IPython, $, utils, dialog, cellmod, textcell, codecell, configmod, session, celltoolbar, marked, CodeMirror, runMode, mathjaxutils, keyboard, tooltip, default_celltoolbar, rawcell_celltoolbar, slideshow_celltoolbar, scrollmanager ) { "use strict"; /** * Contains and manages cells. * * @class Notebook * @param {string} selector * @param {object} options - Dictionary of keyword arguments. * @param {jQuery} options.events - selector of Events * @param {KeyboardManager} options.keyboard_manager * @param {Contents} options.contents * @param {SaveWidget} options.save_widget * @param {object} options.config * @param {string} options.base_url * @param {string} options.notebook_path * @param {string} options.notebook_name */ var Notebook = function (selector, options) { this.config = options.config; this.class_config = new configmod.ConfigWithDefaults(this.config, Notebook.options_default, 'Notebook'); this.base_url = options.base_url; this.notebook_path = options.notebook_path; this.notebook_name = options.notebook_name; this.events = options.events; this.keyboard_manager = options.keyboard_manager; this.contents = options.contents; this.save_widget = options.save_widget; this.tooltip = new tooltip.Tooltip(this.events); this.ws_url = options.ws_url; this._session_starting = false; // Create default scroll manager. this.scroll_manager = new scrollmanager.ScrollManager(this); // TODO: This code smells (and the other `= this` line a couple lines down) // We need a better way to deal with circular instance references. this.keyboard_manager.notebook = this; this.save_widget.notebook = this; mathjaxutils.init(); if (marked) { marked.setOptions({ gfm : true, tables: true, // FIXME: probably want central config for CodeMirror theme when we have js config langPrefix: "cm-s-ipython language-", highlight: function(code, lang, callback) { if (!lang) { // no language, no highlight if (callback) { callback(null, code); return; } else { return code; } } utils.requireCodeMirrorMode(lang, function (spec) { var el = document.createElement("div"); var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({}, spec); if (!mode) { console.log("No CodeMirror mode: " + lang); callback(null, code); return; } try { CodeMirror.runMode(code, spec, el); callback(null, el.innerHTML); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to highlight " + lang + " code", err); callback(err, code); } }, function (err) { console.log("No CodeMirror mode: " + lang); callback(err, code); }); } }); } this.element = $(selector); this.element.scroll(); this.element.data("notebook", this); this.next_prompt_number = 1; this.session = null; this.kernel = null; this.clipboard = null; this.undelete_backup = null; this.undelete_index = null; this.undelete_below = false; this.paste_enabled = false; this.writable = false; // It is important to start out in command mode to match the intial mode // of the KeyboardManager. this.mode = 'command'; this.set_dirty(false); this.metadata = {}; this._checkpoint_after_save = false; this.last_checkpoint = null; this.checkpoints = []; this.autosave_interval = 0; this.autosave_timer = null; // autosave *at most* every two minutes this.minimum_autosave_interval = 120000; this.notebook_name_blacklist_re = /[\/\\:]/; this.nbformat = 4; // Increment this when changing the nbformat this.nbformat_minor = this.current_nbformat_minor = 0; // Increment this when changing the nbformat this.codemirror_mode = 'ipython'; this.create_elements(); this.bind_events(); this.kernel_selector = null; this.dirty = null; this.trusted = null; this._fully_loaded = false; // Trigger cell toolbar registration. default_celltoolbar.register(this); rawcell_celltoolbar.register(this); slideshow_celltoolbar.register(this); // prevent assign to miss-typed properties. Object.seal(this); }; Notebook.options_default = { // can be any cell type, or the special values of // 'above', 'below', or 'selected' to get the value from another cell. default_cell_type: 'code' }; /** * Create an HTML and CSS representation of the notebook. */ Notebook.prototype.create_elements = function () { var that = this; this.element.attr('tabindex','-1'); this.container = $("
").addClass("container").attr("id", "notebook-container"); // We add this end_space div to the end of the notebook div to: // i) provide a margin between the last cell and the end of the notebook // ii) to prevent the div from scrolling up when the last cell is being // edited, but is too low on the page, which browsers will do automatically. var end_space = $('
').addClass('end_space'); end_space.dblclick(function (e) { var ncells = that.ncells(); that.insert_cell_below('code',ncells-1); }); this.element.append(this.container); this.container.append(end_space); }; /** * Bind JavaScript events: key presses and custom IPython events. */ Notebook.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.events.on('set_next_input.Notebook', function (event, data) { if (data.replace) { data.cell.set_text(data.text); data.cell.clear_output(); } else { var index = that.find_cell_index(data.cell); var new_cell = that.insert_cell_below('code',index); new_cell.set_text(data.text); } that.dirty = true; }); this.events.on('unrecognized_cell.Cell', function () { that.warn_nbformat_minor(); }); this.events.on('unrecognized_output.OutputArea', function () { that.warn_nbformat_minor(); }); this.events.on('set_dirty.Notebook', function (event, data) { that.dirty = data.value; }); this.events.on('trust_changed.Notebook', function (event, trusted) { that.trusted = trusted; }); this.events.on('select.Cell', function (event, data) { var index = that.find_cell_index(data.cell); that.select(index); }); this.events.on('edit_mode.Cell', function (event, data) { that.handle_edit_mode(data.cell); }); this.events.on('command_mode.Cell', function (event, data) { that.handle_command_mode(data.cell); }); this.events.on('spec_changed.Kernel', function(event, data) { that.metadata.kernelspec = {name: data.name, display_name: data.spec.display_name}; }); this.events.on('kernel_ready.Kernel', function(event, data) { var kinfo = data.kernel.info_reply; var langinfo = kinfo.language_info || {}; that.metadata.language_info = langinfo; // Mode 'null' should be plain, unhighlighted text. var cm_mode = langinfo.codemirror_mode || langinfo.name || 'null'; that.set_codemirror_mode(cm_mode); }); var collapse_time = function (time) { var app_height = $('#ipython-main-app').height(); // content height var splitter_height = $('div#pager_splitter').outerHeight(true); var new_height = app_height - splitter_height; that.element.animate({height : new_height + 'px'}, time); }; this.element.bind('collapse_pager', function (event, extrap) { var time = (extrap !== undefined) ? ((extrap.duration !== undefined ) ? extrap.duration : 'fast') : 'fast'; collapse_time(time); }); var expand_time = function (time) { var app_height = $('#ipython-main-app').height(); // content height var splitter_height = $('div#pager_splitter').outerHeight(true); var pager_height = $('div#pager').outerHeight(true); var new_height = app_height - pager_height - splitter_height; that.element.animate({height : new_height + 'px'}, time); }; this.element.bind('expand_pager', function (event, extrap) { var time = (extrap !== undefined) ? ((extrap.duration !== undefined ) ? extrap.duration : 'fast') : 'fast'; expand_time(time); }); // Firefox 22 broke $(window).on("beforeunload") // I'm not sure why or how. window.onbeforeunload = function (e) { // TODO: Make killing the kernel configurable. var kill_kernel = false; if (kill_kernel) { that.session.delete(); } // if we are autosaving, trigger an autosave on nav-away. // still warn, because if we don't the autosave may fail. if (that.dirty) { if ( that.autosave_interval ) { // schedule autosave in a timeout // this gives you a chance to forcefully discard changes // by reloading the page if you *really* want to. // the timer doesn't start until you *dismiss* the dialog. setTimeout(function () { if (that.dirty) { that.save_notebook(); } }, 1000); return "Autosave in progress, latest changes may be lost."; } else { return "Unsaved changes will be lost."; } } // Null is the *only* return value that will make the browser not // pop up the "don't leave" dialog. return null; }; }; /** * Trigger a warning dialog about missing functionality from newer minor versions */ Notebook.prototype.warn_nbformat_minor = function (event) { var v = 'v' + this.nbformat + '.'; var orig_vs = v + this.nbformat_minor; var this_vs = v + this.current_nbformat_minor; var msg = "This notebook is version " + orig_vs + ", but we only fully support up to " + this_vs + ". You can still work with this notebook, but cell and output types " + "introduced in later notebook versions will not be available."; dialog.modal({ notebook: this, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, title : "Newer Notebook", body : msg, buttons : { OK : { "class" : "btn-danger" } } }); }; /** * Set the dirty flag, and trigger the set_dirty.Notebook event */ Notebook.prototype.set_dirty = function (value) { if (value === undefined) { value = true; } if (this.dirty === value) { return; } this.events.trigger('set_dirty.Notebook', {value: value}); }; /** * Scroll the top of the page to a given cell. * * @param {integer} index - An index of the cell to view * @param {integer} time - Animation time in milliseconds * @return {integer} Pixel offset from the top of the container */ Notebook.prototype.scroll_to_cell = function (index, time) { var cells = this.get_cells(); time = time || 0; index = Math.min(cells.length-1,index); index = Math.max(0 ,index); var scroll_value = cells[index].element.position().top-cells[0].element.position().top ; this.scroll_manager.element.animate({scrollTop:scroll_value}, time); return scroll_value; }; /** * Scroll to the bottom of the page. */ Notebook.prototype.scroll_to_bottom = function () { this.scroll_manager.element.animate({scrollTop:this.element.get(0).scrollHeight}, 0); }; /** * Scroll to the top of the page. */ Notebook.prototype.scroll_to_top = function () { this.scroll_manager.element.animate({scrollTop:0}, 0); }; // Edit Notebook metadata /** * Display a dialog that allows the user to edit the Notebook's metadata. */ Notebook.prototype.edit_metadata = function () { var that = this; dialog.edit_metadata({ md: this.metadata, callback: function (md) { that.metadata = md; }, name: 'Notebook', notebook: this, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager}); }; // Cell indexing, retrieval, etc. /** * Get all cell elements in the notebook. * * @return {jQuery} A selector of all cell elements */ Notebook.prototype.get_cell_elements = function () { return this.container.find(".cell").not('.cell .cell'); }; /** * Get a particular cell element. * * @param {integer} index An index of a cell to select * @return {jQuery} A selector of the given cell. */ Notebook.prototype.get_cell_element = function (index) { var result = null; var e = this.get_cell_elements().eq(index); if (e.length !== 0) { result = e; } return result; }; /** * Try to get a particular cell by msg_id. * * @param {string} msg_id A message UUID * @return {Cell} Cell or null if no cell was found. */ Notebook.prototype.get_msg_cell = function (msg_id) { return codecell.CodeCell.msg_cells[msg_id] || null; }; /** * Count the cells in this notebook. * * @return {integer} The number of cells in this notebook */ Notebook.prototype.ncells = function () { return this.get_cell_elements().length; }; /** * Get all Cell objects in this notebook. * * @return {Array} This notebook's Cell objects */ Notebook.prototype.get_cells = function () { // TODO: we are often calling cells as cells()[i], which we should optimize // to cells(i) or a new method. return this.get_cell_elements().toArray().map(function (e) { return $(e).data("cell"); }); }; /** * Get a Cell objects from this notebook. * * @param {integer} index - An index of a cell to retrieve * @return {Cell} Cell or null if no cell was found. */ Notebook.prototype.get_cell = function (index) { var result = null; var ce = this.get_cell_element(index); if (ce !== null) { result = ce.data('cell'); } return result; }; /** * Get the cell below a given cell. * * @param {Cell} cell * @return {Cell} the next cell or null if no cell was found. */ Notebook.prototype.get_next_cell = function (cell) { var result = null; var index = this.find_cell_index(cell); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(index+1)) { result = this.get_cell(index+1); } return result; }; /** * Get the cell above a given cell. * * @param {Cell} cell * @return {Cell} The previous cell or null if no cell was found. */ Notebook.prototype.get_prev_cell = function (cell) { var result = null; var index = this.find_cell_index(cell); if (index !== null && index > 0) { result = this.get_cell(index-1); } return result; }; /** * Get the numeric index of a given cell. * * @param {Cell} cell * @return {integer} The cell's numeric index or null if no cell was found. */ Notebook.prototype.find_cell_index = function (cell) { var result = null; this.get_cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell") === cell) { result = index; } }); return result; }; /** * Return given index if defined, or the selected index if not. * * @param {integer} [index] - A cell's index * @return {integer} cell index */ Notebook.prototype.index_or_selected = function (index) { var i; if (index === undefined || index === null) { i = this.get_selected_index(); if (i === null) { i = 0; } } else { i = index; } return i; }; /** * Get the currently selected cell. * * @return {Cell} The selected cell */ Notebook.prototype.get_selected_cell = function () { var index = this.get_selected_index(); return this.get_cell(index); }; /** * Check whether a cell index is valid. * * @param {integer} index - A cell index * @return True if the index is valid, false otherwise */ Notebook.prototype.is_valid_cell_index = function (index) { if (index !== null && index >= 0 && index < this.ncells()) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * Get the index of the currently selected cell. * * @return {integer} The selected cell's numeric index */ Notebook.prototype.get_selected_index = function () { var result = null; this.get_cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell").selected === true) { result = index; } }); return result; }; // Cell selection. /** * Programmatically select a cell. * * @param {integer} index - A cell's index * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.select = function (index) { if (this.is_valid_cell_index(index)) { var sindex = this.get_selected_index(); if (sindex !== null && index !== sindex) { // If we are about to select a different cell, make sure we are // first in command mode. if (this.mode !== 'command') { this.command_mode(); } this.get_cell(sindex).unselect(); } var cell = this.get_cell(index); cell.select(); if (cell.cell_type === 'heading') { this.events.trigger('selected_cell_type_changed.Notebook', {'cell_type':cell.cell_type,level:cell.level} ); } else { this.events.trigger('selected_cell_type_changed.Notebook', {'cell_type':cell.cell_type} ); } } return this; }; /** * Programmatically select the next cell. * * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.select_next = function () { var index = this.get_selected_index(); this.select(index+1); return this; }; /** * Programmatically select the previous cell. * * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.select_prev = function () { var index = this.get_selected_index(); this.select(index-1); return this; }; // Edit/Command mode /** * Gets the index of the cell that is in edit mode. * * @return {integer} index */ Notebook.prototype.get_edit_index = function () { var result = null; this.get_cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell").mode === 'edit') { result = index; } }); return result; }; /** * Handle when a a cell blurs and the notebook should enter command mode. * * @param {Cell} [cell] - Cell to enter command mode on. */ Notebook.prototype.handle_command_mode = function (cell) { if (this.mode !== 'command') { cell.command_mode(); this.mode = 'command'; this.events.trigger('command_mode.Notebook'); this.keyboard_manager.command_mode(); } }; /** * Make the notebook enter command mode. */ Notebook.prototype.command_mode = function () { var cell = this.get_cell(this.get_edit_index()); if (cell && this.mode !== 'command') { // We don't call cell.command_mode, but rather call cell.focus_cell() // which will blur and CM editor and trigger the call to // handle_command_mode. cell.focus_cell(); } }; /** * Handle when a cell fires it's edit_mode event. * * @param {Cell} [cell] Cell to enter edit mode on. */ Notebook.prototype.handle_edit_mode = function (cell) { if (cell && this.mode !== 'edit') { cell.edit_mode(); this.mode = 'edit'; this.events.trigger('edit_mode.Notebook'); this.keyboard_manager.edit_mode(); } }; /** * Make a cell enter edit mode. */ Notebook.prototype.edit_mode = function () { var cell = this.get_selected_cell(); if (cell && this.mode !== 'edit') { cell.unrender(); cell.focus_editor(); } }; /** * Focus the currently selected cell. */ Notebook.prototype.focus_cell = function () { var cell = this.get_selected_cell(); if (cell === null) {return;} // No cell is selected cell.focus_cell(); }; // Cell movement /** * Move given (or selected) cell up and select it. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell index * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.move_cell_up = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i) && i > 0) { var pivot = this.get_cell_element(i-1); var tomove = this.get_cell_element(i); if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.before(tomove); this.select(i-1); var cell = this.get_selected_cell(); cell.focus_cell(); } this.set_dirty(true); } return this; }; /** * Move given (or selected) cell down and select it. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell index * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.move_cell_down = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i) && this.is_valid_cell_index(i+1)) { var pivot = this.get_cell_element(i+1); var tomove = this.get_cell_element(i); if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.after(tomove); this.select(i+1); var cell = this.get_selected_cell(); cell.focus_cell(); } } this.set_dirty(); return this; }; // Insertion, deletion. /** * Delete a cell from the notebook without any precautions * Needed to reload checkpoints and other things like that. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell's numeric index * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype._unsafe_delete_cell = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = this.get_cell(i); $('#undelete_cell').addClass('disabled'); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) { var old_ncells = this.ncells(); var ce = this.get_cell_element(i); ce.remove(); this.set_dirty(true); } return this; }; /** * Delete a cell from the notebook. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell's numeric index * @return {Notebook} This notebook */ Notebook.prototype.delete_cell = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = this.get_cell(i); if (!cell.is_deletable()) { return this; } this.undelete_backup = cell.toJSON(); $('#undelete_cell').removeClass('disabled'); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) { var old_ncells = this.ncells(); var ce = this.get_cell_element(i); ce.remove(); if (i === 0) { // Always make sure we have at least one cell. if (old_ncells === 1) { this.insert_cell_below('code'); } this.select(0); this.undelete_index = 0; this.undelete_below = false; } else if (i === old_ncells-1 && i !== 0) { this.select(i-1); this.undelete_index = i - 1; this.undelete_below = true; } else { this.select(i); this.undelete_index = i; this.undelete_below = false; } this.events.trigger('delete.Cell', {'cell': cell, 'index': i}); this.set_dirty(true); } return this; }; /** * Restore the most recently deleted cell. */ Notebook.prototype.undelete_cell = function() { if (this.undelete_backup !== null && this.undelete_index !== null) { var current_index = this.get_selected_index(); if (this.undelete_index < current_index) { current_index = current_index + 1; } if (this.undelete_index >= this.ncells()) { this.select(this.ncells() - 1); } else { this.select(this.undelete_index); } var cell_data = this.undelete_backup; var new_cell = null; if (this.undelete_below) { new_cell = this.insert_cell_below(cell_data.cell_type); } else { new_cell = this.insert_cell_above(cell_data.cell_type); } new_cell.fromJSON(cell_data); if (this.undelete_below) { this.select(current_index+1); } else { this.select(current_index); } this.undelete_backup = null; this.undelete_index = null; } $('#undelete_cell').addClass('disabled'); }; /** * Insert a cell so that after insertion the cell is at given index. * * If cell type is not provided, it will default to the type of the * currently active cell. * * Similar to insert_above, but index parameter is mandatory. * * Index will be brought back into the accessible range [0,n]. * * @param {string} [type] - in ['code','markdown', 'raw'], defaults to 'code' * @param {integer} [index] - a valid index where to insert cell * @return {Cell|null} created cell or null */ Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_at_index = function(type, index){ var ncells = this.ncells(); index = Math.min(index, ncells); index = Math.max(index, 0); var cell = null; type = type || this.class_config.get_sync('default_cell_type'); if (type === 'above') { if (index > 0) { type = this.get_cell(index-1).cell_type; } else { type = 'code'; } } else if (type === 'below') { if (index < ncells) { type = this.get_cell(index).cell_type; } else { type = 'code'; } } else if (type === 'selected') { type = this.get_selected_cell().cell_type; } if (ncells === 0 || this.is_valid_cell_index(index) || index === ncells) { var cell_options = { events: this.events, config: this.config, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, notebook: this, tooltip: this.tooltip }; switch(type) { case 'code': cell = new codecell.CodeCell(this.kernel, cell_options); cell.set_input_prompt(); break; case 'markdown': cell = new textcell.MarkdownCell(cell_options); break; case 'raw': cell = new textcell.RawCell(cell_options); break; default: console.log("Unrecognized cell type: ", type, cellmod); cell = new cellmod.UnrecognizedCell(cell_options); } if(this._insert_element_at_index(cell.element,index)) { cell.render(); this.events.trigger('create.Cell', {'cell': cell, 'index': index}); cell.refresh(); // We used to select the cell after we refresh it, but there // are now cases were this method is called where select is // not appropriate. The selection logic should be handled by the // caller of the the top level insert_cell methods. this.set_dirty(true); } } return cell; }; /** * Insert an element at given cell index. * * @param {HTMLElement} element - a cell element * @param {integer} [index] - a valid index where to inser cell * @returns {boolean} success */ Notebook.prototype._insert_element_at_index = function(element, index){ if (element === undefined){ return false; } var ncells = this.ncells(); if (ncells === 0) { // special case append if empty this.element.find('div.end_space').before(element); } else if ( ncells === index ) { // special case append it the end, but not empty this.get_cell_element(index-1).after(element); } else if (this.is_valid_cell_index(index)) { // otherwise always somewhere to append to this.get_cell_element(index).before(element); } else { return false; } if (this.undelete_index !== null && index <= this.undelete_index) { this.undelete_index = this.undelete_index + 1; this.set_dirty(true); } return true; }; /** * Insert a cell of given type above given index, or at top * of notebook if index smaller than 0. * * @param {string} [type] - cell type * @param {integer} [index] - defaults to the currently selected cell * @return {Cell|null} handle to created cell or null */ Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_above = function (type, index) { index = this.index_or_selected(index); return this.insert_cell_at_index(type, index); }; /** * Insert a cell of given type below given index, or at bottom * of notebook if index greater than number of cells * * @param {string} [type] - cell type * @param {integer} [index] - defaults to the currently selected cell * @return {Cell|null} handle to created cell or null */ Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_below = function (type, index) { index = this.index_or_selected(index); return this.insert_cell_at_index(type, index+1); }; /** * Insert cell at end of notebook * * @param {string} type - cell type * @return {Cell|null} handle to created cell or null */ Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_at_bottom = function (type){ var len = this.ncells(); return this.insert_cell_below(type,len-1); }; /** * Turn a cell into a code cell. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell index */ Notebook.prototype.to_code = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) { var source_cell = this.get_cell(i); if (!(source_cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) { var target_cell = this.insert_cell_below('code',i); var text = source_cell.get_text(); if (text === source_cell.placeholder) { text = ''; } //metadata target_cell.metadata = source_cell.metadata; target_cell.set_text(text); // make this value the starting point, so that we can only undo // to this state, instead of a blank cell target_cell.code_mirror.clearHistory(); source_cell.element.remove(); this.select(i); var cursor = source_cell.code_mirror.getCursor(); target_cell.code_mirror.setCursor(cursor); this.set_dirty(true); } } }; /** * Turn a cell into a Markdown cell. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell index */ Notebook.prototype.to_markdown = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) { var source_cell = this.get_cell(i); if (!(source_cell instanceof textcell.MarkdownCell)) { var target_cell = this.insert_cell_below('markdown',i); var text = source_cell.get_text(); if (text === source_cell.placeholder) { text = ''; } // metadata target_cell.metadata = source_cell.metadata; // We must show the editor before setting its contents target_cell.unrender(); target_cell.set_text(text); // make this value the starting point, so that we can only undo // to this state, instead of a blank cell target_cell.code_mirror.clearHistory(); source_cell.element.remove(); this.select(i); if ((source_cell instanceof textcell.TextCell) && source_cell.rendered) { target_cell.render(); } var cursor = source_cell.code_mirror.getCursor(); target_cell.code_mirror.setCursor(cursor); this.set_dirty(true); } } }; /** * Turn a cell into a raw text cell. * * @param {integer} [index] - cell index */ Notebook.prototype.to_raw = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) { var target_cell = null; var source_cell = this.get_cell(i); if (!(source_cell instanceof textcell.RawCell)) { target_cell = this.insert_cell_below('raw',i); var text = source_cell.get_text(); if (text === source_cell.placeholder) { text = ''; } //metadata target_cell.metadata = source_cell.metadata; // We must show the editor before setting its contents target_cell.unrender(); target_cell.set_text(text); // make this value the starting point, so that we can only undo // to this state, instead of a blank cell target_cell.code_mirror.clearHistory(); source_cell.element.remove(); this.select(i); var cursor = source_cell.code_mirror.getCursor(); target_cell.code_mirror.setCursor(cursor); this.set_dirty(true); } } }; /** * Warn about heading cell support removal. */ Notebook.prototype._warn_heading = function () { dialog.modal({ notebook: this, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, title : "Use markdown headings", body : $("

").text( 'IPython no longer uses special heading cells. ' + 'Instead, write your headings in Markdown cells using # characters:' ).append($('

                '## This is a level 2 heading'
            buttons : {
                "OK" : {}
     * Turn a cell into a heading containing markdown cell.
     * @param {integer} [index] - cell index
     * @param {integer} [level] - heading level (e.g., 1 for h1)
    Notebook.prototype.to_heading = function (index, level) {
        level = level || 1;
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        if (this.is_valid_cell_index(i)) {
            var cell = this.get_cell(i);

    // Cut/Copy/Paste

     * Enable the UI elements for pasting cells.
    Notebook.prototype.enable_paste = function () {
        var that = this;
        if (!this.paste_enabled) {
                .on('click', function () {that.paste_cell_replace();});
                .on('click', function () {that.paste_cell_above();});
                .on('click', function () {that.paste_cell_below();});
            this.paste_enabled = true;

     * Disable the UI elements for pasting cells.
    Notebook.prototype.disable_paste = function () {
        if (this.paste_enabled) {
            this.paste_enabled = false;

     * Cut a cell.
    Notebook.prototype.cut_cell = function () {

     * Copy a cell.
    Notebook.prototype.copy_cell = function () {
        var cell = this.get_selected_cell();
        this.clipboard = cell.toJSON();
        // remove undeletable status from the copied cell
        if (this.clipboard.metadata.deletable !== undefined) {
            delete this.clipboard.metadata.deletable;

     * Replace the selected cell with the cell in the clipboard.
    Notebook.prototype.paste_cell_replace = function () {
        if (this.clipboard !== null && this.paste_enabled) {
            var cell_data = this.clipboard;
            var new_cell = this.insert_cell_above(cell_data.cell_type);
            var old_cell = this.get_next_cell(new_cell);

     * Paste a cell from the clipboard above the selected cell.
    Notebook.prototype.paste_cell_above = function () {
        if (this.clipboard !== null && this.paste_enabled) {
            var cell_data = this.clipboard;
            var new_cell = this.insert_cell_above(cell_data.cell_type);

     * Paste a cell from the clipboard below the selected cell.
    Notebook.prototype.paste_cell_below = function () {
        if (this.clipboard !== null && this.paste_enabled) {
            var cell_data = this.clipboard;
            var new_cell = this.insert_cell_below(cell_data.cell_type);

    // Split/merge

     * Split the selected cell into two cells.
    Notebook.prototype.split_cell = function () {
        var cell = this.get_selected_cell();
        if (cell.is_splittable()) {
            var texta = cell.get_pre_cursor();
            var textb = cell.get_post_cursor();
            var new_cell = this.insert_cell_above(cell.cell_type);
            // Unrender the new cell so we can call set_text.

     * Merge the selected cell into the cell above it.
    Notebook.prototype.merge_cell_above = function () {
        var index = this.get_selected_index();
        var cell = this.get_cell(index);
        var render = cell.rendered;
        if (!cell.is_mergeable()) {
        if (index > 0) {
            var upper_cell = this.get_cell(index-1);
            if (!upper_cell.is_mergeable()) {
            var upper_text = upper_cell.get_text();
            var text = cell.get_text();
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
            } else {
                cell.unrender(); // Must unrender before we set_text.
                if (render) {
                    // The rendered state of the final cell should match
                    // that of the original selected cell;

     * Merge the selected cell into the cell below it.
    Notebook.prototype.merge_cell_below = function () {
        var index = this.get_selected_index();
        var cell = this.get_cell(index);
        var render = cell.rendered;
        if (!cell.is_mergeable()) {
        if (index < this.ncells()-1) {
            var lower_cell = this.get_cell(index+1);
            if (!lower_cell.is_mergeable()) {
            var lower_text = lower_cell.get_text();
            var text = cell.get_text();
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
            } else {
                cell.unrender(); // Must unrender before we set_text.
                if (render) {
                    // The rendered state of the final cell should match
                    // that of the original selected cell;

    // Cell collapsing and output clearing

     * Hide a cell's output.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.collapse_output = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Hide each code cell's output area.
    Notebook.prototype.collapse_all_output = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
        // this should not be set if the `collapse` key is removed from nbformat

     * Show a cell's output.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.expand_output = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Expand each code cell's output area, and remove scrollbars.
    Notebook.prototype.expand_all_output = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
        // this should not be set if the `collapse` key is removed from nbformat

     * Clear the selected CodeCell's output area.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.clear_output = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Clear each code cell's output area.
    Notebook.prototype.clear_all_output = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {

     * Scroll the selected CodeCell's output area.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.scroll_output = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Expand each code cell's output area and add a scrollbar for long output.
    Notebook.prototype.scroll_all_output = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
        // this should not be set if the `collapse` key is removed from nbformat

     * Toggle whether a cell's output is collapsed or expanded.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.toggle_output = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Toggle the output of all cells.
    Notebook.prototype.toggle_all_output = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
        // this should not be set if the `collapse` key is removed from nbformat

     * Toggle a scrollbar for long cell outputs.
     * @param {integer} index - cell index
    Notebook.prototype.toggle_output_scroll = function (index) {
        var i = this.index_or_selected(index);
        var cell = this.get_cell(i);
        if (cell !== null && (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell)) {

     * Toggle the scrolling of long output on all cells.
    Notebook.prototype.toggle_all_output_scroll = function () {
        this.get_cells().map(function (cell, i) {
            if (cell instanceof codecell.CodeCell) {
        // this should not be set if the `collapse` key is removed from nbformat

    // Other cell functions: line numbers, ...

     * Toggle line numbers in the selected cell's input area.
    Notebook.prototype.cell_toggle_line_numbers = function() {
     * Set the codemirror mode for all code cells, including the default for
     * new code cells.
    Notebook.prototype.set_codemirror_mode = function(newmode){
        if (newmode === this.codemirror_mode) {
        this.codemirror_mode = newmode;
        codecell.CodeCell.options_default.cm_config.mode = newmode;
        var that = this;
        utils.requireCodeMirrorMode(newmode, function (spec) {
            that.get_cells().map(function(cell, i) {
                if (cell.cell_type === 'code'){
                    cell.code_mirror.setOption('mode', spec);
                    // This is currently redundant, because cm_config ends up as
                    // codemirror's own .options object, but I don't want to
                    // rely on that.
                    cell.cm_config.mode = spec;

    // Session related things

     * Start a new session and set it on each code cell.
    Notebook.prototype.start_session = function (kernel_name) {
        if (this._session_starting) {
            throw new session.SessionAlreadyStarting();
        this._session_starting = true;

        var options = {
            base_url: this.base_url,
            ws_url: this.ws_url,
            notebook_path: this.notebook_path,
            notebook_name: this.notebook_name,
            kernel_name: kernel_name,
            notebook: this

        var success = $.proxy(this._session_started, this);
        var failure = $.proxy(this._session_start_failed, this);

        if (this.session !== null) {
            this.session.restart(options, success, failure);
        } else {
            this.session = new session.Session(options);
            this.session.start(success, failure);

     * Once a session is started, link the code cells to the kernel and pass the 
     * comm manager to the widget manager.
    Notebook.prototype._session_started = function (){
        this._session_starting = false;
        this.kernel = this.session.kernel;
        var ncells = this.ncells();
        for (var i=0; i").text(
                'Do you want to restart the current kernel?  You will lose all variables defined in it.'
            buttons : {
                "Continue running" : {},
                "Restart" : {
                    "class" : "btn-danger",
                    "click" : function() {
     * Execute or render cell outputs and go into command mode.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cell = function () {
        // mode = shift, ctrl, alt
        var cell = this.get_selected_cell();

     * Execute or render cell outputs and insert a new cell below.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cell_and_insert_below = function () {
        var cell = this.get_selected_cell();
        var cell_index = this.find_cell_index(cell);

        // If we are at the end always insert a new cell and return
        if (cell_index === (this.ncells()-1)) {


     * Execute or render cell outputs and select the next cell.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cell_and_select_below = function () {

        var cell = this.get_selected_cell();
        var cell_index = this.find_cell_index(cell);

        // If we are at the end always insert a new cell and return
        if (cell_index === (this.ncells()-1)) {


     * Execute all cells below the selected cell.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cells_below = function () {
        this.execute_cell_range(this.get_selected_index(), this.ncells());

     * Execute all cells above the selected cell.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cells_above = function () {
        this.execute_cell_range(0, this.get_selected_index());

     * Execute all cells.
    Notebook.prototype.execute_all_cells = function () {
        this.execute_cell_range(0, this.ncells());

     * Execute a contiguous range of cells.
     * @param {integer} start - index of the first cell to execute (inclusive)
     * @param {integer} end - index of the last cell to execute (exclusive)
    Notebook.prototype.execute_cell_range = function (start, end) {
        for (var i=start; i0 && !this.notebook_name_blacklist_re.test(nbname)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Load a notebook from JSON (.ipynb).
     * @param {object} data - JSON representation of a notebook
    Notebook.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) {

        var content = data.content;
        var ncells = this.ncells();
        var i;
        for (i=0; i");
            var title = "Notebook validation failed";


").text( "The save operation succeeded," + " but the notebook does not appear to be valid." + " The validation error was:" )).append($("

").addClass("validation-error").append( $("
                notebook: this,
                keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager,
                title: title,
                body: body,
                buttons : {
                    OK : {
                        "class" : "btn-primary"
        if (this._checkpoint_after_save) {
            this._checkpoint_after_save = false;
     * Update the autosave interval based on the duration of the last save.
     * @param {integer} timestamp - when the save request started
    Notebook.prototype._update_autosave_interval = function (start) {
        var duration = (new Date().getTime() - start);
        if (this.autosave_interval) {
            // new save interval: higher of 10x save duration or parameter (default 30 seconds)
            var interval = Math.max(10 * duration, this.minimum_autosave_interval);
            // round to 10 seconds, otherwise we will be setting a new interval too often
            interval = 10000 * Math.round(interval / 10000);
            // set new interval, if it's changed
            if (interval !== this.autosave_interval) {

     * Explicitly trust the output of this notebook.
    Notebook.prototype.trust_notebook = function () {
        var body = $("

") .text("A trusted IPython notebook may execute hidden malicious code ") .append($("") .append( $("").text("when you open it") ) ).append(".").append( " Selecting trust will immediately reload this notebook in a trusted state." ).append( " For more information, see the " ).append($("").attr("href", "http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/2/notebook/security.html") .text("IPython security documentation") ).append(".") ); var nb = this; dialog.modal({ notebook: this, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, title: "Trust this notebook?", body: body, buttons: { Cancel : {}, Trust : { class : "btn-danger", click : function () { var cells = nb.get_cells(); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; if (cell.cell_type === 'code') { cell.output_area.trusted = true; } } nb.events.on('notebook_saved.Notebook', function () { window.location.reload(); }); nb.save_notebook(); } } } }); }; /** * Make a copy of the current notebook. */ Notebook.prototype.copy_notebook = function () { var that = this; var base_url = this.base_url; var w = window.open(); var parent = utils.url_path_split(this.notebook_path)[0]; this.contents.copy(this.notebook_path, parent).then( function (data) { w.location = utils.url_join_encode( base_url, 'notebooks', data.path ); }, function(error) { w.close(); that.events.trigger('notebook_copy_failed', error); } ); }; /** * Ensure a filename has the right extension * Returns the filename with the appropriate extension, appending if necessary. */ Notebook.prototype.ensure_extension = function (name) { if (!name.match(/\.ipynb$/)) { name = name + ".ipynb"; } return name; }; /** * Rename the notebook. * @param {string} new_name * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when the notebook is renamed. */ Notebook.prototype.rename = function (new_name) { new_name = this.ensure_extension(new_name); var that = this; var parent = utils.url_path_split(this.notebook_path)[0]; var new_path = utils.url_path_join(parent, new_name); return this.contents.rename(this.notebook_path, new_path).then( function (json) { that.notebook_name = json.name; that.notebook_path = json.path; that.session.rename_notebook(json.path); that.events.trigger('notebook_renamed.Notebook', json); } ); }; /** * Delete this notebook */ Notebook.prototype.delete = function () { this.contents.delete(this.notebook_path); }; /** * Request a notebook's data from the server. * * @param {string} notebook_path - A notebook to load */ Notebook.prototype.load_notebook = function (notebook_path) { this.notebook_path = notebook_path; this.notebook_name = utils.url_path_split(this.notebook_path)[1]; this.events.trigger('notebook_loading.Notebook'); this.contents.get(notebook_path, {type: 'notebook'}).then( $.proxy(this.load_notebook_success, this), $.proxy(this.load_notebook_error, this) ); }; /** * Success callback for loading a notebook from the server. * * Load notebook data from the JSON response. * * @param {object} data JSON representation of a notebook */ Notebook.prototype.load_notebook_success = function (data) { var failed, msg; try { this.fromJSON(data); } catch (e) { failed = e; console.log("Notebook failed to load from JSON:", e); } if (failed || data.message) { // *either* fromJSON failed or validation failed var body = $("

"); var title; if (failed) { title = "Notebook failed to load"; body.append($("

").text( "The error was: " )).append($("

").addClass("js-error").text( failed.toString() )).append($("

").text( "See the error console for details." )); } else { title = "Notebook validation failed"; } if (data.message) { if (failed) { msg = "The notebook also failed validation:"; } else { msg = "An invalid notebook may not function properly." + " The validation error was:"; } body.append($("

").text( msg )).append($("

").addClass("validation-error").append( $("

                notebook: this,
                keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager,
                title: title,
                body: body,
                buttons : {
                    OK : {
                        "class" : "btn-primary"
        if (this.ncells() === 0) {
        } else {
        this.writable = data.writable || false;
        var nbmodel = data.content;
        var orig_nbformat = nbmodel.metadata.orig_nbformat;
        var orig_nbformat_minor = nbmodel.metadata.orig_nbformat_minor;
        if (orig_nbformat !== undefined && nbmodel.nbformat !== orig_nbformat) {
            var src;
            if (nbmodel.nbformat > orig_nbformat) {
                src = " an older notebook format ";
            } else {
                src = " a newer notebook format ";
            msg = "This notebook has been converted from" + src +
            "(v"+orig_nbformat+") to the current notebook " +
            "format (v"+nbmodel.nbformat+"). The next time you save this notebook, the " +
            "current notebook format will be used.";
            if (nbmodel.nbformat > orig_nbformat) {
                msg += " Older versions of IPython may not be able to read the new format.";
            } else {
                msg += " Some features of the original notebook may not be available.";
            msg += " To preserve the original version, close the " +
                "notebook without saving it.";
                notebook: this,
                keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager,
                title : "Notebook converted",
                body : msg,
                buttons : {
                    OK : {
                        class : "btn-primary"
        } else if (this.nbformat_minor < nbmodel.nbformat_minor) {
            this.nbformat_minor = nbmodel.nbformat_minor;
        // Create the session after the notebook is completely loaded to prevent
        // code execution upon loading, which is a security risk.
        if (this.session === null) {
            var kernel_name;
            if (this.metadata.kernelspec) {
                var kernelspec = this.metadata.kernelspec || {};
                kernel_name = kernelspec.name;
            } else {
                kernel_name = utils.get_url_param('kernel_name');
        // load our checkpoint list
        // load toolbar state
        if (this.metadata.celltoolbar) {
        } else {
        if (!this.writable) {
        // now that we're fully loaded, it is safe to restore save functionality
        this._fully_loaded = true;

    Notebook.prototype.set_kernelselector = function(k_selector){
        this.kernel_selector = k_selector;

     * Failure callback for loading a notebook from the server.
     * @param {Error} error
    Notebook.prototype.load_notebook_error = function (error) {
        this.events.trigger('notebook_load_failed.Notebook', error);
        var msg;
        if (error.name === utils.XHR_ERROR && error.xhr.status === 500) {
            utils.log_ajax_error(error.xhr, error.xhr_status, error.xhr_error);
            msg = "An unknown error occurred while loading this notebook. " +
            "This version can load notebook formats " +
            "v" + this.nbformat + " or earlier. See the server log for details.";
        } else {
            msg = error.message;
            notebook: this,
            keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager,
            title: "Error loading notebook",
            body : msg,
            buttons : {
                "OK": {}

    /*********************  checkpoint-related  ********************/
     * Save the notebook then immediately create a checkpoint.
    Notebook.prototype.save_checkpoint = function () {
        this._checkpoint_after_save = true;
     * Add a checkpoint for this notebook.
    Notebook.prototype.add_checkpoint = function (checkpoint) {
        var found = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.checkpoints.length; i++) {
            var existing = this.checkpoints[i];
            if (existing.id === checkpoint.id) {
                found = true;
                this.checkpoints[i] = checkpoint;
        if (!found) {
        this.last_checkpoint = this.checkpoints[this.checkpoints.length - 1];
     * List checkpoints for this notebook.
    Notebook.prototype.list_checkpoints = function () {
        var that = this;
            $.proxy(this.list_checkpoints_success, this),
            function(error) {
                that.events.trigger('list_checkpoints_failed.Notebook', error);

     * Success callback for listing checkpoints.
     * @param {object} data - JSON representation of a checkpoint
    Notebook.prototype.list_checkpoints_success = function (data) {
        this.checkpoints = data;
        if (data.length) {
            this.last_checkpoint = data[data.length - 1];
        } else {
            this.last_checkpoint = null;
        this.events.trigger('checkpoints_listed.Notebook', [data]);

     * Create a checkpoint of this notebook on the server from the most recent save.
    Notebook.prototype.create_checkpoint = function () {
        var that = this;
            $.proxy(this.create_checkpoint_success, this),
            function (error) {
                that.events.trigger('checkpoint_failed.Notebook', error);

     * Success callback for creating a checkpoint.
     * @param {object} data - JSON representation of a checkpoint
    Notebook.prototype.create_checkpoint_success = function (data) {
        this.events.trigger('checkpoint_created.Notebook', data);

     * Display the restore checkpoint dialog
     * @param  {string} checkpoint ID
    Notebook.prototype.restore_checkpoint_dialog = function (checkpoint) {
        var that = this;
        checkpoint = checkpoint || this.last_checkpoint;
        if ( ! checkpoint ) {
            console.log("restore dialog, but no checkpoint to restore to!");
        var body = $('
').append( $('

').addClass("p-space").text( "Are you sure you want to revert the notebook to " + "the latest checkpoint?" ).append( $("").text( " This cannot be undone." ) ) ).append( $('

').addClass("p-space").text("The checkpoint was last updated at:") ).append( $('

').addClass("p-space").text( Date(checkpoint.last_modified) ).css("text-align", "center") ); dialog.modal({ notebook: this, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, title : "Revert notebook to checkpoint", body : body, buttons : { Revert : { class : "btn-danger", click : function () { that.restore_checkpoint(checkpoint.id); } }, Cancel : {} } }); }; /** * Restore the notebook to a checkpoint state. * * @param {string} checkpoint ID */ Notebook.prototype.restore_checkpoint = function (checkpoint) { this.events.trigger('notebook_restoring.Notebook', checkpoint); var that = this; this.contents.restore_checkpoint(this.notebook_path, checkpoint).then( $.proxy(this.restore_checkpoint_success, this), function (error) { that.events.trigger('checkpoint_restore_failed.Notebook', error); } ); }; /** * Success callback for restoring a notebook to a checkpoint. */ Notebook.prototype.restore_checkpoint_success = function () { this.events.trigger('checkpoint_restored.Notebook'); this.load_notebook(this.notebook_path); }; /** * Delete a notebook checkpoint. * * @param {string} checkpoint ID */ Notebook.prototype.delete_checkpoint = function (checkpoint) { this.events.trigger('notebook_restoring.Notebook', checkpoint); var that = this; this.contents.delete_checkpoint(this.notebook_path, checkpoint).then( $.proxy(this.delete_checkpoint_success, this), function (error) { that.events.trigger('checkpoint_delete_failed.Notebook', error); } ); }; /** * Success callback for deleting a notebook checkpoint. */ Notebook.prototype.delete_checkpoint_success = function () { this.events.trigger('checkpoint_deleted.Notebook'); this.load_notebook(this.notebook_path); }; // For backwards compatability. IPython.Notebook = Notebook; return {'Notebook': Notebook}; });