// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

], function(widget, int_widgets){
    var IntSliderView = int_widgets.IntSliderView;
    var IntTextView = int_widgets.IntTextView;

    var FloatSliderView = IntSliderView.extend({
        _validate_slide_value: function(x) {
            // Validate the value of the slider before sending it to the back-end
            // and applying it to the other views on the page.
            return x;

    var FloatTextView = IntTextView.extend({
        _parse_value: function(value) {
            // Parse the value stored in a string.
            return  parseFloat(value);

    return {
        'FloatSliderView': FloatSliderView,
        'FloatTextView': FloatTextView,