# encoding: utf-8
Utilities for getting information about IPython and the system it's running in.

#  Copyright (C) 2008-2009  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

# Imports

import os
import platform
import pprint
import sys
import subprocess

from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

from IPython.core import release

# Globals
COMMIT_INFO_FNAME = '.git_commit_info.ini'

# Code

def pkg_commit_hash(pkg_path):
    """Get short form of commit hash given directory `pkg_path`

    There should be a file called 'COMMIT_INFO.txt' in `pkg_path`.  This is a
    file in INI file format, with at least one section: ``commit hash``, and two
    variables ``archive_subst_hash`` and ``install_hash``.  The first has a
    substitution pattern in it which may have been filled by the execution of
    ``git archive`` if this is an archive generated that way.  The second is
    filled in by the installation, if the installation is from a git archive.

    We get the commit hash from (in order of preference):

    * A substituted value in ``archive_subst_hash``
    * A written commit hash value in ``install_hash`
    * git output, if we are in a git repository

    If all these fail, we return a not-found placeholder tuple

    pkg_path : str
       directory containing package

    hash_from : str
       Where we got the hash from - description
    hash_str : str
       short form of hash
    # Try and get commit from written commit text file
    pth = os.path.join(pkg_path, COMMIT_INFO_FNAME)
    if not os.path.isfile(pth):
        raise IOError('Missing commit info file %s' % pth)
    cfg_parser = ConfigParser()
    archive_subst = cfg_parser.get('commit hash', 'archive_subst_hash')
    if not archive_subst.startswith('$Format'): # it has been substituted
        return 'archive substitution', archive_subst
    install_subst = cfg_parser.get('commit hash', 'install_hash')
    if install_subst != '':
        return 'installation', install_subst
    # maybe we are in a repository
    proc = subprocess.Popen('git rev-parse --short HEAD',
                            cwd=pkg_path, shell=True)
    repo_commit, _ = proc.communicate()
    if repo_commit:
        return 'repository', repo_commit.strip()
    return '(none found)', '<not found>'

def pkg_info(pkg_path):
    """Return dict describing the context of this package

    pkg_path : str
       path containing __init__.py for package

    context : dict
       with named parameters of interest
    src, hsh = pkg_commit_hash(pkg_path)
    return dict(

def sys_info():
    """Return useful information about IPython and the system, as a string.

    In [2]: print sys_info()
    {'commit_hash': '144fdae',      # random
     'commit_source': 'repository',
     'ipython_path': '/home/fperez/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython',
     'ipython_version': '0.11.dev',
     'os_name': 'posix',
     'platform': 'Linux-2.6.35-22-generic-i686-with-Ubuntu-10.10-maverick',
     'sys_executable': '/usr/bin/python',
     'sys_platform': 'linux2',
     'sys_version': '2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39) \\n[GCC 4.4.5]'}
    p = os.path
    path = p.dirname(p.abspath(p.join(__file__, '..')))
    return pprint.pformat(pkg_info(path))

def _num_cpus_unix():
    """Return the number of active CPUs on a Unix system."""
    return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")

def _num_cpus_darwin():
    """Return the number of active CPUs on a Darwin system."""
    p = subprocess.Popen(['sysctl','-n','hw.ncpu'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    return p.stdout.read()

def _num_cpus_windows():
    """Return the number of active CPUs on a Windows system."""
    return os.environ.get("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")

def num_cpus():
   """Return the effective number of CPUs in the system as an integer.

   This cross-platform function makes an attempt at finding the total number of
   available CPUs in the system, as returned by various underlying system and
   python calls.

   If it can't find a sensible answer, it returns 1 (though an error *may* make
   it return a large positive number that's actually incorrect).

   # Many thanks to the Parallel Python project (http://www.parallelpython.com)
   # for the names of the keys we needed to look up for this function.  This
   # code was inspired by their equivalent function.

   ncpufuncs = {'Linux':_num_cpus_unix,
                # On Vista, python < 2.5.2 has a bug and returns 'Microsoft'
                # See http://bugs.python.org/issue1082 for details.

   ncpufunc = ncpufuncs.get(platform.system(),
                            # default to unix version (Solaris, AIX, etc)

       ncpus = max(1,int(ncpufunc()))
       ncpus = 1
   return ncpus