"""Tests for autoreload extension. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import platform import pytest import sys import tempfile import textwrap import shutil import random import time from io import StringIO from dataclasses import dataclass import IPython.testing.tools as tt from unittest import TestCase from IPython.extensions.autoreload import AutoreloadMagics from IPython.core.events import EventManager, pre_run_cell from IPython.testing.decorators import skipif_not_numpy if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy": pytest.skip( "Current autoreload implementation is extremely slow on PyPy", allow_module_level=True, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test fixture # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- noop = lambda *a, **kw: None class FakeShell: def __init__(self): self.ns = {} self.user_ns = self.ns self.user_ns_hidden = {} self.events = EventManager(self, {"pre_run_cell", pre_run_cell}) self.auto_magics = AutoreloadMagics(shell=self) self.events.register("pre_run_cell", self.auto_magics.pre_run_cell) register_magics = set_hook = noop def run_code(self, code): self.events.trigger("pre_run_cell") exec(code, self.user_ns) self.auto_magics.post_execute_hook() def push(self, items): self.ns.update(items) def magic_autoreload(self, parameter): self.auto_magics.autoreload(parameter) def magic_aimport(self, parameter, stream=None): self.auto_magics.aimport(parameter, stream=stream) self.auto_magics.post_execute_hook() def magic_averbose(self, parameter): self.auto_magics.averbose(parameter) class Fixture(TestCase): """Fixture for creating test module files""" test_dir = None old_sys_path = None filename_chars = "abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" def setUp(self): self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.old_sys_path = list(sys.path) sys.path.insert(0, self.test_dir) self.shell = FakeShell() def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.test_dir) sys.path = self.old_sys_path self.test_dir = None self.old_sys_path = None self.shell = None def get_module(self): module_name = "tmpmod_" + "".join(random.sample(self.filename_chars, 20)) if module_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[module_name] file_name = os.path.join(self.test_dir, module_name + ".py") return module_name, file_name def write_file(self, filename, content): """ Write a file, and force a timestamp difference of at least one second Notes ----- Python's .pyc files record the timestamp of their compilation with a time resolution of one second. Therefore, we need to force a timestamp difference between .py and .pyc, without having the .py file be timestamped in the future, and without changing the timestamp of the .pyc file (because that is stored in the file). The only reliable way to achieve this seems to be to sleep. """ content = textwrap.dedent(content) # Sleep one second + eps time.sleep(1.05) # Write with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def new_module(self, code): code = textwrap.dedent(code) mod_name, mod_fn = self.get_module() with open(mod_fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(code) return mod_name, mod_fn # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test automatic reloading # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pickle_get_current_class(obj): """ Original issue comes from pickle; hence the name. """ name = obj.__class__.__name__ module_name = getattr(obj, "__module__", None) obj2 = sys.modules[module_name] for subpath in name.split("."): obj2 = getattr(obj2, subpath) return obj2 class TestAutoreload(Fixture): def test_reload_enums(self): mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module( textwrap.dedent( """ from enum import Enum class MyEnum(Enum): A = 'A' B = 'B' """ ) ) self.shell.magic_autoreload("2") self.shell.magic_aimport(mod_name) self.write_file( mod_fn, textwrap.dedent( """ from enum import Enum class MyEnum(Enum): A = 'A' B = 'B' C = 'C' """ ), ) with tt.AssertNotPrints( ("[autoreload of %s failed:" % mod_name), channel="stderr" ): self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger another reload def test_reload_class_type(self): self.shell.magic_autoreload("2") mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module( """ class Test(): def meth(self): return "old" """ ) assert "test" not in self.shell.ns assert "result" not in self.shell.ns self.shell.run_code("from %s import Test" % mod_name) self.shell.run_code("test = Test()") self.write_file( mod_fn, """ class Test(): def meth(self): return "new" """, ) test_object = self.shell.ns["test"] # important to trigger autoreload logic ! self.shell.run_code("pass") test_class = pickle_get_current_class(test_object) assert isinstance(test_object, test_class) # extra check. self.shell.run_code("import pickle") self.shell.run_code("p = pickle.dumps(test)") def test_reload_class_attributes(self): self.shell.magic_autoreload("2") mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module( textwrap.dedent( """ class MyClass: def __init__(self, a=10): self.a = a self.b = 22 # self.toto = 33 def square(self): print('compute square') return self.a*self.a """ ) ) self.shell.run_code("from %s import MyClass" % mod_name) self.shell.run_code("first = MyClass(5)") self.shell.run_code("first.square()") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code("first.cube()") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code("first.power(5)") self.shell.run_code("first.b") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code("first.toto") # remove square, add power self.write_file( mod_fn, textwrap.dedent( """ class MyClass: def __init__(self, a=10): self.a = a self.b = 11 def power(self, p): print('compute power '+str(p)) return self.a**p """ ), ) self.shell.run_code("second = MyClass(5)") for object_name in {"first", "second"}: self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.power(5)") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.cube()") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.square()") self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.b") self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.a") with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.shell.run_code(f"{object_name}.toto") @skipif_not_numpy def test_comparing_numpy_structures(self): self.shell.magic_autoreload("2") mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module( textwrap.dedent( """ import numpy as np class MyClass: a = (np.array((.1, .2)), np.array((.2, .3))) """ ) ) self.shell.run_code("from %s import MyClass" % mod_name) self.shell.run_code("first = MyClass()") # change property `a` self.write_file( mod_fn, textwrap.dedent( """ import numpy as np class MyClass: a = (np.array((.3, .4)), np.array((.5, .6))) """ ), ) with tt.AssertNotPrints( ("[autoreload of %s failed:" % mod_name), channel="stderr" ): self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger another reload def test_autoload_newly_added_objects(self): # All of these fail with %autoreload 2 self.shell.magic_autoreload("3") mod_code = """ def func1(): pass """ mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module(textwrap.dedent(mod_code)) self.shell.run_code(f"from {mod_name} import *") self.shell.run_code("func1()") with self.assertRaises(NameError): self.shell.run_code("func2()") with self.assertRaises(NameError): self.shell.run_code("t = Test()") with self.assertRaises(NameError): self.shell.run_code("number") # ----------- TEST NEW OBJ LOADED -------------------------- new_code = """ def func1(): pass def func2(): pass class Test: pass number = 0 from enum import Enum class TestEnum(Enum): A = 'a' """ self.write_file(mod_fn, textwrap.dedent(new_code)) # test function now exists in shell's namespace namespace self.shell.run_code("func2()") # test function now exists in module's dict self.shell.run_code(f"import sys; sys.modules['{mod_name}'].func2()") # test class now exists self.shell.run_code("t = Test()") # test global built-in var now exists self.shell.run_code("number") # test the enumerations gets loaded successfully self.shell.run_code("TestEnum.A") # ----------- TEST NEW OBJ CAN BE CHANGED -------------------- new_code = """ def func1(): return 'changed' def func2(): return 'changed' class Test: def new_func(self): return 'changed' number = 1 from enum import Enum class TestEnum(Enum): A = 'a' B = 'added' """ self.write_file(mod_fn, textwrap.dedent(new_code)) self.shell.run_code("assert func1() == 'changed'") self.shell.run_code("assert func2() == 'changed'") self.shell.run_code("t = Test(); assert t.new_func() == 'changed'") self.shell.run_code("assert number == 1") self.shell.run_code("assert TestEnum.B.value == 'added'") # ----------- TEST IMPORT FROM MODULE -------------------------- new_mod_code = """ from enum import Enum class Ext(Enum): A = 'ext' def ext_func(): return 'ext' class ExtTest: def meth(self): return 'ext' ext_int = 2 """ new_mod_name, new_mod_fn = self.new_module(textwrap.dedent(new_mod_code)) current_mod_code = f""" from {new_mod_name} import * """ self.write_file(mod_fn, textwrap.dedent(current_mod_code)) self.shell.run_code("assert Ext.A.value == 'ext'") self.shell.run_code("assert ext_func() == 'ext'") self.shell.run_code("t = ExtTest(); assert t.meth() == 'ext'") self.shell.run_code("assert ext_int == 2") def test_verbose_names(self): # Asserts correspondense between original mode names and their verbose equivalents. @dataclass class AutoreloadSettings: check_all: bool enabled: bool autoload_obj: bool def gather_settings(mode): self.shell.magic_autoreload(mode) module_reloader = self.shell.auto_magics._reloader return AutoreloadSettings( module_reloader.check_all, module_reloader.enabled, module_reloader.autoload_obj, ) assert gather_settings("0") == gather_settings("off") assert gather_settings("0") == gather_settings("OFF") # Case insensitive assert gather_settings("1") == gather_settings("explicit") assert gather_settings("2") == gather_settings("all") assert gather_settings("3") == gather_settings("complete") # And an invalid mode name raises an exception. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.shell.magic_autoreload("4") def test_aimport_parsing(self): # Modules can be included or excluded all in one line. module_reloader = self.shell.auto_magics._reloader self.shell.magic_aimport("os") # import and mark `os` for auto-reload. assert module_reloader.modules["os"] is True assert "os" not in module_reloader.skip_modules.keys() self.shell.magic_aimport("-math") # forbid autoreloading of `math` assert module_reloader.skip_modules["math"] is True assert "math" not in module_reloader.modules.keys() self.shell.magic_aimport( "-os, math" ) # Can do this all in one line; wasn't possible before. assert module_reloader.modules["math"] is True assert "math" not in module_reloader.skip_modules.keys() assert module_reloader.skip_modules["os"] is True assert "os" not in module_reloader.modules.keys() def test_averbose(self): self.shell.magic_averbose("off") self.shell.magic_autoreload("complete") mod_code = """ def func1(): pass """ mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module(mod_code) self.shell.run_code(f"import {mod_name}") with tt.AssertPrints("", channel="stdout"): # no output. self.shell.run_code("pass") self.write_file(mod_fn, mod_code) # "modify" the module self.shell.magic_averbose("on") # Should now see a print statement. with tt.AssertPrints(f"Reloading '{mod_name}'.", channel="stdout"): self.shell.run_code("pass") self.write_file(mod_fn, mod_code) # "modify" the module self.shell.magic_averbose("off") # Should not see anything on next call with tt.AssertPrints("", channel="stdout"): self.shell.run_code("pass") # TODO: test logging. Why won't this work? # with tt.AssertPrints('LOGGER: '): # self.shell.run_code("import logging; logging.basicConfig(format='LOGGER: %(message)s');" # "logger = logging.getLogger(); logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG);" # "logger.info('test')") # self.shell.magic_averbose("log") # Should see it formatted as per our logging config # self.write_file(mod_fn, mod_code) # "modify" the module # with tt.AssertPrints(f"LOGGER: Reloading '{mod_name}'.", channel="stdout"): # self.shell.run_code("pass") # And an invalid mode name raises an exception. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.shell.magic_averbose("fax") def _check_smoketest(self, use_aimport=True): """ Functional test for the automatic reloader using either '%autoreload 1' or '%autoreload 2' """ mod_name, mod_fn = self.new_module( """ x = 9 z = 123 # this item will be deleted def foo(y): return y + 3 class Baz(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def bar(self, y): return self.x + y @property def quux(self): return 42 def zzz(self): '''This method will be deleted below''' return 99 class Bar: # old-style class: weakref doesn't work for it on Python < 2.7 def foo(self): return 1 """ ) # # Import module, and mark for reloading # if use_aimport: self.shell.magic_autoreload("1") self.shell.magic_aimport(mod_name) stream = StringIO() self.shell.magic_aimport("", stream=stream) self.assertIn(("Modules to reload:\n%s" % mod_name), stream.getvalue()) with self.assertRaises(ImportError): self.shell.magic_aimport("tmpmod_as318989e89ds") else: self.shell.magic_autoreload("2") self.shell.run_code("import %s" % mod_name) stream = StringIO() self.shell.magic_aimport("", stream=stream) self.assertTrue( "Modules to reload:\nall-except-skipped" in stream.getvalue() ) self.assertIn(mod_name, self.shell.ns) mod = sys.modules[mod_name] # # Test module contents # old_foo = mod.foo old_obj = mod.Baz(9) old_obj2 = mod.Bar() def check_module_contents(): self.assertEqual(mod.x, 9) self.assertEqual(mod.z, 123) self.assertEqual(old_foo(0), 3) self.assertEqual(mod.foo(0), 3) obj = mod.Baz(9) self.assertEqual(old_obj.bar(1), 10) self.assertEqual(obj.bar(1), 10) self.assertEqual(obj.quux, 42) self.assertEqual(obj.zzz(), 99) obj2 = mod.Bar() self.assertEqual(old_obj2.foo(), 1) self.assertEqual(obj2.foo(), 1) check_module_contents() # # Simulate a failed reload: no reload should occur and exactly # one error message should be printed # self.write_file( mod_fn, """ a syntax error """, ) with tt.AssertPrints( ("[autoreload of %s failed:" % mod_name), channel="stderr" ): self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger reload with tt.AssertNotPrints( ("[autoreload of %s failed:" % mod_name), channel="stderr" ): self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger another reload check_module_contents() # # Rewrite module (this time reload should succeed) # self.write_file( mod_fn, """ x = 10 def foo(y): return y + 4 class Baz(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def bar(self, y): return self.x + y + 1 @property def quux(self): return 43 class Bar: # old-style class def foo(self): return 2 """, ) def check_module_contents(): self.assertEqual(mod.x, 10) self.assertFalse(hasattr(mod, "z")) self.assertEqual(old_foo(0), 4) # superreload magic! self.assertEqual(mod.foo(0), 4) obj = mod.Baz(9) self.assertEqual(old_obj.bar(1), 11) # superreload magic! self.assertEqual(obj.bar(1), 11) self.assertEqual(old_obj.quux, 43) self.assertEqual(obj.quux, 43) self.assertFalse(hasattr(old_obj, "zzz")) self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, "zzz")) obj2 = mod.Bar() self.assertEqual(old_obj2.foo(), 2) self.assertEqual(obj2.foo(), 2) self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger reload check_module_contents() # # Another failure case: deleted file (shouldn't reload) # os.unlink(mod_fn) self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger reload check_module_contents() # # Disable autoreload and rewrite module: no reload should occur # if use_aimport: self.shell.magic_aimport("-" + mod_name) stream = StringIO() self.shell.magic_aimport("", stream=stream) self.assertTrue(("Modules to skip:\n%s" % mod_name) in stream.getvalue()) # This should succeed, although no such module exists self.shell.magic_aimport("-tmpmod_as318989e89ds") else: self.shell.magic_autoreload("0") self.write_file( mod_fn, """ x = -99 """, ) self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger reload self.shell.run_code("pass") check_module_contents() # # Re-enable autoreload: reload should now occur # if use_aimport: self.shell.magic_aimport(mod_name) else: self.shell.magic_autoreload("") self.shell.run_code("pass") # trigger reload self.assertEqual(mod.x, -99) def test_smoketest_aimport(self): self._check_smoketest(use_aimport=True) def test_smoketest_autoreload(self): self._check_smoketest(use_aimport=False)