"""A Task logger that presents our DB interface, but exists entirely in memory and implemented with dicts. Authors: * Min RK TaskRecords are dicts of the form: { 'msg_id' : str(uuid), 'client_uuid' : str(uuid), 'engine_uuid' : str(uuid) or None, 'header' : dict(header), 'content': dict(content), 'buffers': list(buffers), 'submitted': datetime, 'started': datetime or None, 'completed': datetime or None, 'resubmitted': datetime or None, 'result_header' : dict(header) or None, 'result_content' : dict(content) or None, 'result_buffers' : list(buffers) or None, } With this info, many of the special categories of tasks can be defined by query: pending: completed is None client's outstanding: client_uuid = uuid && completed is None MIA: arrived is None (and completed is None) etc. EngineRecords are dicts of the form: { 'eid' : int(id), 'uuid': str(uuid) } This may be extended, but is currently. We support a subset of mongodb operators: $lt,$gt,$lte,$gte,$ne,$in,$nin,$all,$mod,$exists """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from copy import deepcopy as copy from datetime import datetime from IPython.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable from IPython.utils.traitlets import Dict, Unicode, Instance filters = { '$lt' : lambda a,b: a < b, '$gt' : lambda a,b: b > a, '$eq' : lambda a,b: a == b, '$ne' : lambda a,b: a != b, '$lte': lambda a,b: a <= b, '$gte': lambda a,b: a >= b, '$in' : lambda a,b: a in b, '$nin': lambda a,b: a not in b, '$all': lambda a,b: all([ a in bb for bb in b ]), '$mod': lambda a,b: a%b[0] == b[1], '$exists' : lambda a,b: (b and a is not None) or (a is None and not b) } class CompositeFilter(object): """Composite filter for matching multiple properties.""" def __init__(self, dikt): self.tests = [] self.values = [] for key, value in dikt.iteritems(): self.tests.append(filters[key]) self.values.append(value) def __call__(self, value): for test,check in zip(self.tests, self.values): if not test(value, check): return False return True class BaseDB(LoggingConfigurable): """Empty Parent class so traitlets work on DB.""" # base configurable traits: session = Unicode("") class DictDB(BaseDB): """Basic in-memory dict-based object for saving Task Records. This is the first object to present the DB interface for logging tasks out of memory. The interface is based on MongoDB, so adding a MongoDB backend should be straightforward. """ _records = Dict() def _match_one(self, rec, tests): """Check if a specific record matches tests.""" for key,test in tests.iteritems(): if not test(rec.get(key, None)): return False return True def _match(self, check): """Find all the matches for a check dict.""" matches = [] tests = {} for k,v in check.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, dict): tests[k] = CompositeFilter(v) else: tests[k] = lambda o: o==v for rec in self._records.itervalues(): if self._match_one(rec, tests): matches.append(copy(rec)) return matches def _extract_subdict(self, rec, keys): """extract subdict of keys""" d = {} d['msg_id'] = rec['msg_id'] for key in keys: d[key] = rec[key] return copy(d) def add_record(self, msg_id, rec): """Add a new Task Record, by msg_id.""" if msg_id in self._records: raise KeyError("Already have msg_id %r"%(msg_id)) self._records[msg_id] = rec def get_record(self, msg_id): """Get a specific Task Record, by msg_id.""" if not msg_id in self._records: raise KeyError("No such msg_id %r"%(msg_id)) return copy(self._records[msg_id]) def update_record(self, msg_id, rec): """Update the data in an existing record.""" self._records[msg_id].update(rec) def drop_matching_records(self, check): """Remove a record from the DB.""" matches = self._match(check) for m in matches: del self._records[m['msg_id']] def drop_record(self, msg_id): """Remove a record from the DB.""" del self._records[msg_id] def find_records(self, check, keys=None): """Find records matching a query dict, optionally extracting subset of keys. Returns dict keyed by msg_id of matching records. Parameters ---------- check: dict mongodb-style query argument keys: list of strs [optional] if specified, the subset of keys to extract. msg_id will *always* be included. """ matches = self._match(check) if keys: return [ self._extract_subdict(rec, keys) for rec in matches ] else: return matches def get_history(self): """get all msg_ids, ordered by time submitted.""" msg_ids = self._records.keys() return sorted(msg_ids, key=lambda m: self._records[m]['submitted']) NODATA = KeyError("NoDB backend doesn't store any data. " "Start the Controller with a DB backend to enable resubmission / result persistence." ) class NoDB(DictDB): """A blackhole db backend that actually stores no information. Provides the full DB interface, but raises KeyErrors on any method that tries to access the records. This can be used to minimize the memory footprint of the Hub when its record-keeping functionality is not required. """ def add_record(self, msg_id, record): pass def get_record(self, msg_id): raise NODATA def update_record(self, msg_id, record): pass def drop_matching_records(self, check): pass def drop_record(self, msg_id): pass def find_records(self, check, keys=None): raise NODATA def get_history(self): raise NODATA