"""A simple engine that talks to a controller over 0MQ. it handles registration, etc. and launches a kernel connected to the Controller's Schedulers. Authors: * Min RK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import sys import time from getpass import getpass import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream from IPython.external.ssh import tunnel # internal from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Instance, Dict, Integer, Type, CFloat, Unicode, CBytes, Bool ) from IPython.utils.py3compat import cast_bytes from IPython.parallel.controller.heartmonitor import Heart from IPython.parallel.factory import RegistrationFactory from IPython.parallel.util import disambiguate_url from IPython.zmq.session import Message from IPython.zmq.ipkernel import Kernel class EngineFactory(RegistrationFactory): """IPython engine""" # configurables: out_stream_factory=Type('IPython.zmq.iostream.OutStream', config=True, help="""The OutStream for handling stdout/err. Typically 'IPython.zmq.iostream.OutStream'""") display_hook_factory=Type('IPython.zmq.displayhook.ZMQDisplayHook', config=True, help="""The class for handling displayhook. Typically 'IPython.zmq.displayhook.ZMQDisplayHook'""") location=Unicode(config=True, help="""The location (an IP address) of the controller. This is used for disambiguating URLs, to determine whether loopback should be used to connect or the public address.""") timeout=CFloat(5, config=True, help="""The time (in seconds) to wait for the Controller to respond to registration requests before giving up.""") sshserver=Unicode(config=True, help="""The SSH server to use for tunneling connections to the Controller.""") sshkey=Unicode(config=True, help="""The SSH private key file to use when tunneling connections to the Controller.""") paramiko=Bool(sys.platform == 'win32', config=True, help="""Whether to use paramiko instead of openssh for tunnels.""") # not configurable: connection_info = Dict() user_ns = Dict() id = Integer(allow_none=True) registrar = Instance('zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream') kernel = Instance(Kernel) bident = CBytes() ident = Unicode() def _ident_changed(self, name, old, new): self.bident = cast_bytes(new) using_ssh=Bool(False) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(EngineFactory, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ident = self.session.session def init_connector(self): """construct connection function, which handles tunnels.""" self.using_ssh = bool(self.sshkey or self.sshserver) if self.sshkey and not self.sshserver: # We are using ssh directly to the controller, tunneling localhost to localhost self.sshserver = self.url.split('://')[1].split(':')[0] if self.using_ssh: if tunnel.try_passwordless_ssh(self.sshserver, self.sshkey, self.paramiko): password=False else: password = getpass("SSH Password for %s: "%self.sshserver) else: password = False def connect(s, url): url = disambiguate_url(url, self.location) if self.using_ssh: self.log.debug("Tunneling connection to %s via %s", url, self.sshserver) return tunnel.tunnel_connection(s, url, self.sshserver, keyfile=self.sshkey, paramiko=self.paramiko, password=password, ) else: return s.connect(url) def maybe_tunnel(url): """like connect, but don't complete the connection (for use by heartbeat)""" url = disambiguate_url(url, self.location) if self.using_ssh: self.log.debug("Tunneling connection to %s via %s", url, self.sshserver) url,tunnelobj = tunnel.open_tunnel(url, self.sshserver, keyfile=self.sshkey, paramiko=self.paramiko, password=password, ) return str(url) return connect, maybe_tunnel def register(self): """send the registration_request""" self.log.info("Registering with controller at %s"%self.url) ctx = self.context connect,maybe_tunnel = self.init_connector() reg = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) reg.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, self.bident) connect(reg, self.url) self.registrar = zmqstream.ZMQStream(reg, self.loop) content = dict(uuid=self.ident) self.registrar.on_recv(lambda msg: self.complete_registration(msg, connect, maybe_tunnel)) # print (self.session.key) self.session.send(self.registrar, "registration_request", content=content) def complete_registration(self, msg, connect, maybe_tunnel): # print msg self._abort_dc.stop() ctx = self.context loop = self.loop identity = self.bident idents,msg = self.session.feed_identities(msg) msg = self.session.unserialize(msg) content = msg['content'] info = self.connection_info def url(key): """get zmq url for given channel""" return str(info["interface"] + ":%i" % info[key]) if content['status'] == 'ok': self.id = int(content['id']) # launch heartbeat # possibly forward hb ports with tunnels hb_ping = maybe_tunnel(url('hb_ping')) hb_pong = maybe_tunnel(url('hb_pong')) heart = Heart(hb_ping, hb_pong, heart_id=identity) heart.start() # create Shell Connections (MUX, Task, etc.): shell_addrs = url('mux'), url('task') # Use only one shell stream for mux and tasks stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER), loop) stream.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, identity) shell_streams = [stream] for addr in shell_addrs: connect(stream, addr) # control stream: control_addr = url('control') control_stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER), loop) control_stream.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, identity) connect(control_stream, control_addr) # create iopub stream: iopub_addr = url('iopub') iopub_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) iopub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, identity) connect(iopub_socket, iopub_addr) # disable history: self.config.HistoryManager.hist_file = ':memory:' # Redirect input streams and set a display hook. if self.out_stream_factory: sys.stdout = self.out_stream_factory(self.session, iopub_socket, u'stdout') sys.stdout.topic = cast_bytes('engine.%i.stdout' % self.id) sys.stderr = self.out_stream_factory(self.session, iopub_socket, u'stderr') sys.stderr.topic = cast_bytes('engine.%i.stderr' % self.id) if self.display_hook_factory: sys.displayhook = self.display_hook_factory(self.session, iopub_socket) sys.displayhook.topic = cast_bytes('engine.%i.pyout' % self.id) self.kernel = Kernel(config=self.config, int_id=self.id, ident=self.ident, session=self.session, control_stream=control_stream, shell_streams=shell_streams, iopub_socket=iopub_socket, loop=loop, user_ns=self.user_ns, log=self.log) self.kernel.shell.display_pub.topic = cast_bytes('engine.%i.displaypub' % self.id) self.kernel.start() else: self.log.fatal("Registration Failed: %s"%msg) raise Exception("Registration Failed: %s"%msg) self.log.info("Completed registration with id %i"%self.id) def abort(self): self.log.fatal("Registration timed out after %.1f seconds"%self.timeout) if self.url.startswith('127.'): self.log.fatal(""" If the controller and engines are not on the same machine, you will have to instruct the controller to listen on an external IP (in ipcontroller_config.py): c.HubFactory.ip='*' # for all interfaces, internal and external c.HubFactory.ip='' # or any interface that the engines can see or tunnel connections via ssh. """) self.session.send(self.registrar, "unregistration_request", content=dict(id=self.id)) time.sleep(1) sys.exit(255) def start(self): dc = ioloop.DelayedCallback(self.register, 0, self.loop) dc.start() self._abort_dc = ioloop.DelayedCallback(self.abort, self.timeout*1000, self.loop) self._abort_dc.start()