# encoding: utf-8 # -*- test-case-name: IPython.frontend.tests.test_frontendbase -*- """ frontendbase provides an interface and base class for GUI frontends for IPython.kernel/IPython.kernel.core. Frontend implementations will likely want to subclass FrontEndBase. Author: Barry Wark """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import string import uuid import _ast import zope.interface as zi from IPython.kernel.core.history import FrontEndHistory from IPython.kernel.core.util import Bunch from IPython.kernel.engineservice import IEngineCore from twisted.python.failure import Failure ############################################################################## # TEMPORARY!!! fake configuration, while we decide whether to use tconfig or # not rc = Bunch() rc.prompt_in1 = r'In [$number]: ' rc.prompt_in2 = r'...' rc.prompt_out = r'Out [$number]: ' ############################################################################## class IFrontEndFactory(zi.Interface): """Factory interface for frontends.""" def __call__(engine=None, history=None): """ Parameters: interpreter : IPython.kernel.engineservice.IEngineCore """ pass class IFrontEnd(zi.Interface): """Interface for frontends. All methods return t.i.d.Deferred""" zi.Attribute("input_prompt_template", "string.Template instance\ substituteable with execute result.") zi.Attribute("output_prompt_template", "string.Template instance\ substituteable with execute result.") zi.Attribute("continuation_prompt_template", "string.Template instance\ substituteable with execute result.") def update_cell_prompt(result, blockID=None): """Subclass may override to update the input prompt for a block. Since this method will be called as a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred's callback/errback, implementations should return result when finished. Result is a result dict in case of success, and a twisted.python.util.failure.Failure in case of an error """ pass def render_result(result): """Render the result of an execute call. Implementors may choose the method of rendering. For example, a notebook-style frontend might render a Chaco plot inline. Parameters: result : dict (result of IEngineBase.execute ) blockID = result['blockID'] Result: Output of frontend rendering """ pass def render_error(failure): """Subclasses must override to render the failure. Since this method will be called as a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred's callback, implementations should return result when finished. blockID = failure.blockID """ pass def input_prompt(number=''): """Returns the input prompt by subsituting into self.input_prompt_template """ pass def output_prompt(number=''): """Returns the output prompt by subsituting into self.output_prompt_template """ pass def continuation_prompt(): """Returns the continuation prompt by subsituting into self.continuation_prompt_template """ pass def is_complete(block): """Returns True if block is complete, False otherwise.""" pass def compile_ast(block): """Compiles block to an _ast.AST""" pass def get_history_previous(currentBlock): """Returns the block previous in the history. Saves currentBlock if the history_cursor is currently at the end of the input history""" pass def get_history_next(): """Returns the next block in the history.""" pass class FrontEndBase(object): """ FrontEndBase manages the state tasks for a CLI frontend: - Input and output history management - Input/continuation and output prompt generation Some issues (due to possibly unavailable engine): - How do we get the current cell number for the engine? - How do we handle completions? """ history_cursor = 0 current_indent_level = 0 input_prompt_template = string.Template(rc.prompt_in1) output_prompt_template = string.Template(rc.prompt_out) continuation_prompt_template = string.Template(rc.prompt_in2) def __init__(self, engine=None, history=None): assert(engine==None or IEngineCore.providedBy(engine)) self.engine = IEngineCore(engine) if history is None: self.history = FrontEndHistory(input_cache=['']) else: self.history = history def input_prompt(self, number=''): """Returns the current input prompt It would be great to use ipython1.core.prompts.Prompt1 here """ return self.input_prompt_template.safe_substitute({'number':number}) def continuation_prompt(self): """Returns the current continuation prompt""" return self.continuation_prompt_template.safe_substitute() def output_prompt(self, number=''): """Returns the output prompt for result""" return self.output_prompt_template.safe_substitute({'number':number}) def is_complete(self, block): """Determine if block is complete. Parameters block : string Result True if block can be sent to the engine without compile errors. False otherwise. """ try: ast = self.compile_ast(block) except: return False lines = block.split('\n') return (len(lines)==1 or str(lines[-1])=='') def compile_ast(self, block): """Compile block to an AST Parameters: block : str Result: AST Throws: Exception if block cannot be compiled """ return compile(block, "", "exec", _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) def execute(self, block, blockID=None): """Execute the block and return result. Parameters: block : {str, AST} blockID : any Caller may provide an ID to identify this block. result['blockID'] := blockID Result: Deferred result of self.interpreter.execute """ pass def _add_block_id_for_result(self, result, blockID): """Add the blockID to result or failure. Unfortunatley, we have to treat failures differently than result dicts. """ result['blockID'] = blockID return result def _add_block_id_for_failure(self, failure, blockID): """_add_block_id_for_failure""" failure.blockID = blockID return failure def _add_history(self, result, block=None): """Add block to the history""" assert(block != None) self.history.add_items([block]) self.history_cursor += 1 return result def get_history_previous(self, currentBlock): """ Returns previous history string and decrement history cursor. """ command = self.history.get_history_item(self.history_cursor - 1) if command is not None: if(self.history_cursor == len(self.history.input_cache)): self.history.input_cache[self.history_cursor] = currentBlock self.history_cursor -= 1 return command def get_history_next(self): """ Returns next history string and increment history cursor. """ command = self.history.get_history_item(self.history_cursor+1) if command is not None: self.history_cursor += 1 return command ### # Subclasses probably want to override these methods... ### def update_cell_prompt(self, result, blockID=None): """Subclass may override to update the input prompt for a block. Since this method will be called as a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred's callback, implementations should return result when finished. """ return result def render_result(self, result): """Subclasses must override to render result. Since this method will be called as a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred's callback, implementations should return result when finished. """ return result def render_error(self, failure): """Subclasses must override to render the failure. Since this method will be called as a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred's callback, implementations should return result when finished. """ return failure class AsynchronousFrontEndBase(FrontEndBase): """ Overrides FrontEndBase to wrap execute in a deferred result. All callbacks are made as callbacks on the deferred result. """ zi.implements(IFrontEnd) zi.classProvides(IFrontEndFactory) def execute(self, block, blockID=None): """Execute the block and return the deferred result. Parameters: block : {str, AST} blockID : any Caller may provide an ID to identify this block. result['blockID'] := blockID Result: Deferred result of self.interpreter.execute """ if(not self.is_complete(block)): return Failure(Exception("Block is not compilable")) if(blockID == None): blockID = uuid.uuid4() #random UUID d = self.engine.execute(block) d.addCallback(self._add_history, block=block) d.addCallbacks(self._add_block_id_for_result, errback=self._add_block_id_for_failure, callbackArgs=(blockID,), errbackArgs=(blockID,)) d.addBoth(self.update_cell_prompt, blockID=blockID) d.addCallbacks(self.render_result, errback=self.render_error) return d