#!/usr/bin/env python """ A multi-heart Heartbeat system using PUB and XREP sockets. pings are sent out on the PUB, and hearts are tracked based on their XREQ identities. Authors: * Min RK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import time import uuid import zmq from zmq.devices import ThreadDevice from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream from IPython.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable from IPython.utils.py3compat import str_to_bytes from IPython.utils.traitlets import Set, Instance, CFloat, Integer from IPython.parallel.util import log_errors class Heart(object): """A basic heart object for responding to a HeartMonitor. This is a simple wrapper with defaults for the most common Device model for responding to heartbeats. It simply builds a threadsafe zmq.FORWARDER Device, defaulting to using SUB/XREQ for in/out. You can specify the XREQ's IDENTITY via the optional heart_id argument.""" device=None id=None def __init__(self, in_addr, out_addr, in_type=zmq.SUB, out_type=zmq.DEALER, heart_id=None): self.device = ThreadDevice(zmq.FORWARDER, in_type, out_type) # do not allow the device to share global Context.instance, # which is the default behavior in pyzmq > 2.1.10 self.device.context_factory = zmq.Context self.device.daemon=True self.device.connect_in(in_addr) self.device.connect_out(out_addr) if in_type == zmq.SUB: self.device.setsockopt_in(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"") if heart_id is None: heart_id = uuid.uuid4().bytes self.device.setsockopt_out(zmq.IDENTITY, heart_id) self.id = heart_id def start(self): return self.device.start() class HeartMonitor(LoggingConfigurable): """A basic HeartMonitor class pingstream: a PUB stream pongstream: an XREP stream period: the period of the heartbeat in milliseconds""" period = Integer(3000, config=True, help='The frequency at which the Hub pings the engines for heartbeats ' '(in ms)', ) pingstream=Instance('zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream') pongstream=Instance('zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream') loop = Instance('zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop') def _loop_default(self): return ioloop.IOLoop.instance() # not settable: hearts=Set() responses=Set() on_probation=Set() last_ping=CFloat(0) _new_handlers = Set() _failure_handlers = Set() lifetime = CFloat(0) tic = CFloat(0) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HeartMonitor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pongstream.on_recv(self.handle_pong) def start(self): self.tic = time.time() self.caller = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.beat, self.period, self.loop) self.caller.start() def add_new_heart_handler(self, handler): """add a new handler for new hearts""" self.log.debug("heartbeat::new_heart_handler: %s", handler) self._new_handlers.add(handler) def add_heart_failure_handler(self, handler): """add a new handler for heart failure""" self.log.debug("heartbeat::new heart failure handler: %s", handler) self._failure_handlers.add(handler) def beat(self): self.pongstream.flush() self.last_ping = self.lifetime toc = time.time() self.lifetime += toc-self.tic self.tic = toc self.log.debug("heartbeat::sending %s", self.lifetime) goodhearts = self.hearts.intersection(self.responses) missed_beats = self.hearts.difference(goodhearts) heartfailures = self.on_probation.intersection(missed_beats) newhearts = self.responses.difference(goodhearts) map(self.handle_new_heart, newhearts) map(self.handle_heart_failure, heartfailures) self.on_probation = missed_beats.intersection(self.hearts) self.responses = set() # print self.on_probation, self.hearts # self.log.debug("heartbeat::beat %.3f, %i beating hearts", self.lifetime, len(self.hearts)) self.pingstream.send(str_to_bytes(str(self.lifetime))) # flush stream to force immediate socket send self.pingstream.flush() def handle_new_heart(self, heart): if self._new_handlers: for handler in self._new_handlers: handler(heart) else: self.log.info("heartbeat::yay, got new heart %s!", heart) self.hearts.add(heart) def handle_heart_failure(self, heart): if self._failure_handlers: for handler in self._failure_handlers: try: handler(heart) except Exception as e: self.log.error("heartbeat::Bad Handler! %s", handler, exc_info=True) pass else: self.log.info("heartbeat::Heart %s failed :(", heart) self.hearts.remove(heart) @log_errors def handle_pong(self, msg): "a heart just beat" current = str_to_bytes(str(self.lifetime)) last = str_to_bytes(str(self.last_ping)) if msg[1] == current: delta = time.time()-self.tic # self.log.debug("heartbeat::heart %r took %.2f ms to respond"%(msg[0], 1000*delta)) self.responses.add(msg[0]) elif msg[1] == last: delta = time.time()-self.tic + (self.lifetime-self.last_ping) self.log.warn("heartbeat::heart %r missed a beat, and took %.2f ms to respond", msg[0], 1000*delta) self.responses.add(msg[0]) else: self.log.warn("heartbeat::got bad heartbeat (possibly old?): %s (current=%.3f)", msg[1], self.lifetime) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() context = zmq.Context() pub = context.socket(zmq.PUB) pub.bind('tcp://') xrep = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) xrep.bind('tcp://') outstream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(pub, loop) instream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(xrep, loop) hb = HeartMonitor(loop, outstream, instream) loop.start()