.. _terminal-shortcuts-list: ================= IPython shortcuts ================= Shortcuts available in an IPython terminal. .. note:: This list is automatically generated. Key bindings defined in ``prompt_toolkit`` may differ between installations depending on the ``prompt_toolkit`` version. * Comma-separated keys, e.g. :kbd:`Esc`, :kbd:`f`, indicate a sequence which can be activated by pressing the listed keys in succession. * Plus-separated keys, e.g. :kbd:`Esc` + :kbd:`f` indicate a combination which requires pressing all keys simultaneously. * Hover over the ⓘ icon in the filter column to see when the shortcut is active. You can use :std:configtrait:`TerminalInteractiveShell.shortcuts` configuration to modify, disable or add shortcuts. .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html .. csv-table:: :header: Shortcut,Description and identifier,Filter :delim: tab :class: shortcuts :file: table.tsv :widths: 20 75 5