########################## LICENCE ############################### # Copyright (c) 2005-2012, Michele Simionato # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in bytecode form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR # TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. """ Decorator module, see http://pypi.python.org/pypi/decorator for the documentation. """ from __future__ import print_function __version__ = '3.3.3' __all__ = ["decorator", "FunctionMaker", "partial"] import sys, re, inspect try: from functools import partial except ImportError: # for Python version < 2.5 class partial(object): "A simple replacement of functools.partial" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kw): self.func = func self.args = args self.keywords = kw def __call__(self, *otherargs, **otherkw): kw = self.keywords.copy() kw.update(otherkw) return self.func(*(self.args + otherargs), **kw) if sys.version >= '3': from inspect import getfullargspec else: class getfullargspec(object): "A quick and dirty replacement for getfullargspec for Python 2.X" def __init__(self, f): self.args, self.varargs, self.varkw, self.defaults = \ inspect.getargspec(f) self.kwonlyargs = [] self.kwonlydefaults = None def __iter__(self): yield self.args yield self.varargs yield self.varkw yield self.defaults DEF = re.compile('\s*def\s*([_\w][_\w\d]*)\s*\(') # basic functionality class FunctionMaker(object): """ An object with the ability to create functions with a given signature. It has attributes name, doc, module, signature, defaults, dict and methods update and make. """ def __init__(self, func=None, name=None, signature=None, defaults=None, doc=None, module=None, funcdict=None): self.shortsignature = signature if func: # func can be a class or a callable, but not an instance method self.name = func.__name__ if self.name == '': # small hack for lambda functions self.name = '_lambda_' self.doc = func.__doc__ self.module = func.__module__ if inspect.isfunction(func): argspec = getfullargspec(func) self.annotations = getattr(func, '__annotations__', {}) for a in ('args', 'varargs', 'varkw', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs', 'kwonlydefaults'): setattr(self, a, getattr(argspec, a)) for i, arg in enumerate(self.args): setattr(self, 'arg%d' % i, arg) if sys.version < '3': # easy way self.shortsignature = self.signature = \ inspect.formatargspec( formatvalue=lambda val: "", *argspec)[1:-1] else: # Python 3 way self.signature = self.shortsignature = ', '.join(self.args) if self.varargs: self.signature += ', *' + self.varargs self.shortsignature += ', *' + self.varargs if self.kwonlyargs: for a in self.kwonlyargs: self.signature += ', %s=None' % a self.shortsignature += ', %s=%s' % (a, a) if self.varkw: self.signature += ', **' + self.varkw self.shortsignature += ', **' + self.varkw self.dict = func.__dict__.copy() # func=None happens when decorating a caller if name: self.name = name if signature is not None: self.signature = signature if defaults: self.defaults = defaults if doc: self.doc = doc if module: self.module = module if funcdict: self.dict = funcdict # check existence required attributes assert hasattr(self, 'name') if not hasattr(self, 'signature'): raise TypeError('You are decorating a non function: %s' % func) def update(self, func, **kw): "Update the signature of func with the data in self" func.__name__ = self.name func.__doc__ = getattr(self, 'doc', None) func.__dict__ = getattr(self, 'dict', {}) func.__defaults__ = getattr(self, 'defaults', ()) func.__kwdefaults__ = getattr(self, 'kwonlydefaults', None) func.__annotations__ = getattr(self, 'annotations', None) callermodule = sys._getframe(3).f_globals.get('__name__', '?') func.__module__ = getattr(self, 'module', callermodule) func.__dict__.update(kw) def make(self, src_templ, evaldict=None, addsource=False, **attrs): "Make a new function from a given template and update the signature" src = src_templ % vars(self) # expand name and signature evaldict = evaldict or {} mo = DEF.match(src) if mo is None: raise SyntaxError('not a valid function template\n%s' % src) name = mo.group(1) # extract the function name names = set([name] + [arg.strip(' *') for arg in self.shortsignature.split(',')]) for n in names: if n in ('_func_', '_call_'): raise NameError('%s is overridden in\n%s' % (n, src)) if not src.endswith('\n'): # add a newline just for safety src += '\n' # this is needed in old versions of Python try: code = compile(src, '', 'single') # print >> sys.stderr, 'Compiling %s' % src exec(code, evaldict) except: print('Error in generated code:', file=sys.stderr) print(src, file=sys.stderr) raise func = evaldict[name] if addsource: attrs['__source__'] = src self.update(func, **attrs) return func @classmethod def create(cls, obj, body, evaldict, defaults=None, doc=None, module=None, addsource=True, **attrs): """ Create a function from the strings name, signature and body. evaldict is the evaluation dictionary. If addsource is true an attribute __source__ is added to the result. The attributes attrs are added, if any. """ if isinstance(obj, str): # "name(signature)" name, rest = obj.strip().split('(', 1) signature = rest[:-1] #strip a right parens func = None else: # a function name = None signature = None func = obj self = cls(func, name, signature, defaults, doc, module) ibody = '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in body.splitlines()) return self.make('def %(name)s(%(signature)s):\n' + ibody, evaldict, addsource, **attrs) def decorator(caller, func=None): """ decorator(caller) converts a caller function into a decorator; decorator(caller, func) decorates a function using a caller. """ if func is not None: # returns a decorated function evaldict = func.__globals__.copy() evaldict['_call_'] = caller evaldict['_func_'] = func return FunctionMaker.create( func, "return _call_(_func_, %(shortsignature)s)", evaldict, undecorated=func, __wrapped__=func) else: # returns a decorator if isinstance(caller, partial): return partial(decorator, caller) # otherwise assume caller is a function first = inspect.getargspec(caller)[0][0] # first arg evaldict = caller.__globals__.copy() evaldict['_call_'] = caller evaldict['decorator'] = decorator return FunctionMaker.create( '%s(%s)' % (caller.__name__, first), 'return decorator(_call_, %s)' % first, evaldict, undecorated=caller, __wrapped__=caller, doc=caller.__doc__, module=caller.__module__)