===================== Development version ===================== This document describes in-flight development work. Redesigned IPython notebook user interface ------------------------------------------ .. add details Other new features ------------------ * **%install_ext**: A new magic function to install an IPython extension from a URL. E.g. ``%install_ext https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/ipython-physics/raw/d1310a2ab15d/physics.py``. * The :envvar:`IPYTHON_DIR` environment variable, introduced in the Great Reorganization of 0.11 and existing only in versions 0.11-0.13, has been deprecated. As described in :ghissue:`1167`, the complexity and confusion of migrating to this variable is not worth the aesthetic improvement. Please use the historical :envvar:`IPYTHONDIR` environment variable instead. * The default value of *interactivity* passed from :meth:`~IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell.run_cell` to :meth:`~IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell.run_ast_nodes` is now configurable. Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * The exception :exc:`IPython.core.error.TryNext` previously accepted arguments and keyword arguments to be passed to the next implementation of the hook. This feature was removed as it made error message propagation difficult and violated the principle of loose coupling.