""" Preliminary "job control" extensions for IPython requires python 2.4 (or separate 'subprocess' module This provides 2 features, launching background jobs and killing foreground jobs from another IPython instance. Launching background jobs: Usage: [ipython]|2> import jobctrl [ipython]|3> &ls <3> <jobctrl.IpyPopen object at 0x00D87FD0> [ipython]|4> _3.go -----------> _3.go() ChangeLog IPython MANIFEST.in README README_Windows.txt ... Killing foreground tasks: Launch IPython instance, run a blocking command: [Q:/ipython]|1> import jobctrl [Q:/ipython]|2> cat Now launch a new IPython prompt and kill the process: IPython 0.8.3.svn.r2919 [on Py 2.5] [Q:/ipython]|1> import jobctrl [Q:/ipython]|2> %tasks 6020: 'cat ' (Q:\ipython) [Q:/ipython]|3> %kill SUCCESS: The process with PID 6020 has been terminated. [Q:/ipython]|4> (you don't need to specify PID for %kill if only one task is running) """ from subprocess import * import os,shlex,sys,time import threading,Queue from IPython import genutils import IPython.ipapi if os.name == 'nt': def kill_process(pid): os.system('taskkill /F /PID %d' % pid) else: def kill_process(pid): os.system('kill -9 %d' % pid) class IpyPopen(Popen): def go(self): print self.communicate()[0] def __repr__(self): return '<IPython job "%s" PID=%d>' % (self.line, self.pid) def kill(self): kill_process(self.pid) def startjob(job): p = IpyPopen(shlex.split(job), stdout=PIPE, shell = False) p.line = job return p class AsyncJobQ(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.q = Queue.Queue() self.output = [] self.stop = False def run(self): while 1: cmd,cwd = self.q.get() if self.stop: self.output.append("** Discarding: '%s' - %s" % (cmd,cwd)) continue self.output.append("** Task started: '%s' - %s" % (cmd,cwd)) p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd = cwd) out = p.stdout.read() self.output.append("** Task complete: '%s'\n" % cmd) self.output.append(out) def add(self,cmd): self.q.put_nowait((cmd, os.getcwd())) def dumpoutput(self): while self.output: item = self.output.pop(0) print item _jobq = None def jobqueue_f(self, line): global _jobq if not _jobq: print "Starting jobqueue - do '&some_long_lasting_system_command' to enqueue" _jobq = AsyncJobQ() _jobq.setDaemon(True) _jobq.start() ip.jobq = _jobq.add return if line.strip() == 'stop': print "Stopping and clearing jobqueue, %jobqueue start to start again" _jobq.stop = True return if line.strip() == 'start': _jobq.stop = False return def jobctrl_prefilter_f(self,line): if line.startswith('&'): pre,fn,rest = self.split_user_input(line[1:]) line = ip.IP.expand_aliases(fn,rest) if not _jobq: return '_ip.startjob(%s)' % genutils.make_quoted_expr(line) return '_ip.jobq(%s)' % genutils.make_quoted_expr(line) raise IPython.ipapi.TryNext def jobq_output_hook(self): if not _jobq: return _jobq.dumpoutput() def job_list(ip): keys = ip.db.keys('tasks/*') ents = [ip.db[k] for k in keys] return ents def magic_tasks(self,line): """ Show a list of tasks. A 'task' is a process that has been started in IPython when 'jobctrl' extension is enabled. Tasks can be killed with %kill. '%tasks clear' clears the task list (from stale tasks) """ ip = self.getapi() if line.strip() == 'clear': for k in ip.db.keys('tasks/*'): print "Clearing",ip.db[k] del ip.db[k] return ents = job_list(ip) if not ents: print "No tasks running" for pid,cmd,cwd,t in ents: dur = int(time.time()-t) print "%d: '%s' (%s) %d:%02d" % (pid,cmd,cwd, dur / 60,dur%60) def magic_kill(self,line): """ Kill a task Without args, either kill one task (if only one running) or show list (if many) With arg, assume it's the process id. %kill is typically (much) more powerful than trying to terminate a process with ctrl+C. """ ip = self.getapi() jobs = job_list(ip) if not line.strip(): if len(jobs) == 1: kill_process(jobs[0][0]) else: magic_tasks(self,line) return try: pid = int(line) kill_process(pid) except ValueError: magic_tasks(self,line) if sys.platform == 'win32': shell_internal_commands = 'break chcp cls copy ctty date del erase dir md mkdir path prompt rd rmdir start time type ver vol'.split() PopenExc = WindowsError else: # todo linux commands shell_internal_commands = [] PopenExc = OSError def jobctrl_shellcmd(ip,cmd): """ os.system replacement that stores process info to db['tasks/t1234'] """ cmd = cmd.strip() cmdname = cmd.split(None,1)[0] if cmdname in shell_internal_commands or '|' in cmd or '>' in cmd or '<' in cmd: use_shell = True else: use_shell = False jobentry = None try: try: p = Popen(cmd,shell = use_shell) except PopenExc : if use_shell: # try with os.system os.system(cmd) return else: # have to go via shell, sucks p = Popen(cmd,shell = True) jobentry = 'tasks/t' + str(p.pid) ip.db[jobentry] = (p.pid,cmd,os.getcwd(),time.time()) p.communicate() finally: if jobentry: del ip.db[jobentry] def install(): global ip ip = IPython.ipapi.get() # needed to make startjob visible as _ip.startjob('blah') ip.startjob = startjob ip.set_hook('input_prefilter', jobctrl_prefilter_f) ip.set_hook('shell_hook', jobctrl_shellcmd) ip.expose_magic('kill',magic_kill) ip.expose_magic('tasks',magic_tasks) ip.expose_magic('jobqueue',jobqueue_f) ip.set_hook('pre_prompt_hook', jobq_output_hook) install()