// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. /** * * * @module codecell * @namespace codecell * @class CodeCell */ define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'base/js/keyboard', 'notebook/js/cell', 'notebook/js/outputarea', 'notebook/js/completer', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', 'codemirror/lib/codemirror', 'codemirror/mode/python/python', 'notebook/js/codemirror-ipython' ], function(IPython, $, utils, keyboard, cell, outputarea, completer, celltoolbar, CodeMirror, cmpython, cmip) { "use strict"; var Cell = cell.Cell; /* local util for codemirror */ var posEq = function(a, b) {return a.line == b.line && a.ch == b.ch;}; /** * * function to delete until previous non blanking space character * or first multiple of 4 tabstop. * @private */ CodeMirror.commands.delSpaceToPrevTabStop = function(cm){ var from = cm.getCursor(true), to = cm.getCursor(false), sel = !posEq(from, to); if (!posEq(from, to)) { cm.replaceRange("", from, to); return; } var cur = cm.getCursor(), line = cm.getLine(cur.line); var tabsize = cm.getOption('tabSize'); var chToPrevTabStop = cur.ch-(Math.ceil(cur.ch/tabsize)-1)*tabsize; from = {ch:cur.ch-chToPrevTabStop,line:cur.line}; var select = cm.getRange(from,cur); if( select.match(/^\ +$/) !== null){ cm.replaceRange("",from,cur); } else { cm.deleteH(-1,"char"); } }; var keycodes = keyboard.keycodes; var CodeCell = function (kernel, options) { /** * Constructor * * A Cell conceived to write code. * * Parameters: * kernel: Kernel instance * The kernel doesn't have to be set at creation time, in that case * it will be null and set_kernel has to be called later. * options: dictionary * Dictionary of keyword arguments. * events: $(Events) instance * config: dictionary * keyboard_manager: KeyboardManager instance * notebook: Notebook instance * tooltip: Tooltip instance */ this.kernel = kernel || null; this.notebook = options.notebook; this.collapsed = false; this.events = options.events; this.tooltip = options.tooltip; this.config = options.config; // create all attributed in constructor function // even if null for V8 VM optimisation this.input_prompt_number = null; this.celltoolbar = null; this.output_area = null; // Keep a stack of the 'active' output areas (where active means the // output area that recieves output). When a user activates an output // area, it gets pushed to the stack. Then, when the output area is // deactivated, it's popped from the stack. When the stack is empty, // the cell's output area is used. this.active_output_areas = []; var that = this; Object.defineProperty(this, 'active_output_area', { get: function() { if (that.active_output_areas && that.active_output_areas.length > 0) { return that.active_output_areas[that.active_output_areas.length-1]; } else { return that.output_area; } }, }); this.last_msg_id = null; this.completer = null; var config = utils.mergeopt(CodeCell, this.config); Cell.apply(this,[{ config: config, keyboard_manager: options.keyboard_manager, events: this.events}]); // Attributes we want to override in this subclass. this.cell_type = "code"; this.element.focusout( function() { that.auto_highlight(); } ); }; CodeCell.options_default = { cm_config : { extraKeys: { "Tab" : "indentMore", "Shift-Tab" : "indentLess", "Backspace" : "delSpaceToPrevTabStop", "Cmd-/" : "toggleComment", "Ctrl-/" : "toggleComment" }, mode: 'ipython', theme: 'ipython', matchBrackets: true } }; CodeCell.msg_cells = {}; CodeCell.prototype = Object.create(Cell.prototype); /** * @method push_output_area */ CodeCell.prototype.push_output_area = function (output_area) { this.active_output_areas.push(output_area); }; /** * @method pop_output_area */ CodeCell.prototype.pop_output_area = function (output_area) { var index = this.active_output_areas.lastIndexOf(output_area); if (index > -1) { this.active_output_areas.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * @method auto_highlight */ CodeCell.prototype.auto_highlight = function () { this._auto_highlight(this.config.cell_magic_highlight); }; /** @method create_element */ CodeCell.prototype.create_element = function () { Cell.prototype.create_element.apply(this, arguments); var cell = $('<div></div>').addClass('cell code_cell'); cell.attr('tabindex','2'); var input = $('<div></div>').addClass('input'); var prompt = $('<div/>').addClass('prompt input_prompt'); var inner_cell = $('<div/>').addClass('inner_cell'); this.celltoolbar = new celltoolbar.CellToolbar({ cell: this, notebook: this.notebook}); inner_cell.append(this.celltoolbar.element); var input_area = $('<div/>').addClass('input_area'); this.code_mirror = new CodeMirror(input_area.get(0), this.cm_config); this.code_mirror.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.handle_keyevent,this)) $(this.code_mirror.getInputField()).attr("spellcheck", "false"); inner_cell.append(input_area); input.append(prompt).append(inner_cell); var widget_area = $('<div/>') .addClass('widget-area') .hide(); this.widget_area = widget_area; var widget_prompt = $('<div/>') .addClass('prompt') .appendTo(widget_area); var widget_subarea = $('<div/>') .addClass('widget-subarea') .appendTo(widget_area); this.widget_subarea = widget_subarea; var widget_clear_buton = $('<button />') .addClass('close') .html('×') .click(function() { widget_area.slideUp('', function(){ widget_subarea.html(''); }); }) .appendTo(widget_prompt); var output = $('<div></div>'); cell.append(input).append(widget_area).append(output); this.element = cell; this.output_area = new outputarea.OutputArea({ selector: output, prompt_area: true, events: this.events, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager}); this.completer = new completer.Completer(this, this.events); }; /** @method bind_events */ CodeCell.prototype.bind_events = function () { Cell.prototype.bind_events.apply(this); var that = this; this.element.focusout( function() { that.auto_highlight(); } ); }; /** * This method gets called in CodeMirror's onKeyDown/onKeyPress * handlers and is used to provide custom key handling. Its return * value is used to determine if CodeMirror should ignore the event: * true = ignore, false = don't ignore. * @method handle_codemirror_keyevent */ CodeCell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent = function (editor, event) { var that = this; // whatever key is pressed, first, cancel the tooltip request before // they are sent, and remove tooltip if any, except for tab again var tooltip_closed = null; if (event.type === 'keydown' && event.which != keycodes.tab ) { tooltip_closed = this.tooltip.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(); } var cur = editor.getCursor(); if (event.keyCode === keycodes.enter){ this.auto_highlight(); } if (event.which === keycodes.down && event.type === 'keypress' && this.tooltip.time_before_tooltip >= 0) { // triger on keypress (!) otherwise inconsistent event.which depending on plateform // browser and keyboard layout ! // Pressing '(' , request tooltip, don't forget to reappend it // The second argument says to hide the tooltip if the docstring // is actually empty this.tooltip.pending(that, true); } else if ( tooltip_closed && event.which === keycodes.esc && event.type === 'keydown') { // If tooltip is active, cancel it. The call to // remove_and_cancel_tooltip above doesn't pass, force=true. // Because of this it won't actually close the tooltip // if it is in sticky mode. Thus, we have to check again if it is open // and close it with force=true. if (!this.tooltip._hidden) { this.tooltip.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(true); } // If we closed the tooltip, don't let CM or the global handlers // handle this event. event.codemirrorIgnore = true; event.preventDefault(); return true; } else if (event.keyCode === keycodes.tab && event.type === 'keydown' && event.shiftKey) { if (editor.somethingSelected() || editor.getSelections().length !== 1){ var anchor = editor.getCursor("anchor"); var head = editor.getCursor("head"); if( anchor.line != head.line){ return false; } } this.tooltip.request(that); event.codemirrorIgnore = true; event.preventDefault(); return true; } else if (event.keyCode === keycodes.tab && event.type == 'keydown') { // Tab completion. this.tooltip.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(); // completion does not work on multicursor, it might be possible though in some cases if (editor.somethingSelected() || editor.getSelections().length > 1) { return false; } var pre_cursor = editor.getRange({line:cur.line,ch:0},cur); if (pre_cursor.trim() === "") { // Don't autocomplete if the part of the line before the cursor // is empty. In this case, let CodeMirror handle indentation. return false; } else { event.codemirrorIgnore = true; event.preventDefault(); this.completer.startCompletion(); return true; } } // keyboard event wasn't one of those unique to code cells, let's see // if it's one of the generic ones (i.e. check edit mode shortcuts) return Cell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent.apply(this, [editor, event]); }; // Kernel related calls. CodeCell.prototype.set_kernel = function (kernel) { this.kernel = kernel; }; /** * Execute current code cell to the kernel * @method execute */ CodeCell.prototype.execute = function () { if (!this.kernel || !this.kernel.is_connected()) { console.log("Can't execute, kernel is not connected."); return; } this.active_output_area.clear_output(); // Clear widget area this.widget_subarea.html(''); this.widget_subarea.height(''); this.widget_area.height(''); this.widget_area.hide(); this.set_input_prompt('*'); this.element.addClass("running"); if (this.last_msg_id) { this.kernel.clear_callbacks_for_msg(this.last_msg_id); } var callbacks = this.get_callbacks(); var old_msg_id = this.last_msg_id; this.last_msg_id = this.kernel.execute(this.get_text(), callbacks, {silent: false, store_history: true}); if (old_msg_id) { delete CodeCell.msg_cells[old_msg_id]; } CodeCell.msg_cells[this.last_msg_id] = this; this.render(); this.events.trigger('execute.CodeCell', {cell: this}); }; /** * Construct the default callbacks for * @method get_callbacks */ CodeCell.prototype.get_callbacks = function () { var that = this; return { shell : { reply : $.proxy(this._handle_execute_reply, this), payload : { set_next_input : $.proxy(this._handle_set_next_input, this), page : $.proxy(this._open_with_pager, this) } }, iopub : { output : function() { that.active_output_area.handle_output.apply(that.active_output_area, arguments); }, clear_output : function() { that.active_output_area.handle_clear_output.apply(that.active_output_area, arguments); }, }, input : $.proxy(this._handle_input_request, this) }; }; CodeCell.prototype._open_with_pager = function (payload) { this.events.trigger('open_with_text.Pager', payload); }; /** * @method _handle_execute_reply * @private */ CodeCell.prototype._handle_execute_reply = function (msg) { this.set_input_prompt(msg.content.execution_count); this.element.removeClass("running"); this.events.trigger('set_dirty.Notebook', {value: true}); }; /** * @method _handle_set_next_input * @private */ CodeCell.prototype._handle_set_next_input = function (payload) { var data = {'cell': this, 'text': payload.text, replace: payload.replace}; this.events.trigger('set_next_input.Notebook', data); }; /** * @method _handle_input_request * @private */ CodeCell.prototype._handle_input_request = function (msg) { this.active_output_area.append_raw_input(msg); }; // Basic cell manipulation. CodeCell.prototype.select = function () { var cont = Cell.prototype.select.apply(this); if (cont) { this.code_mirror.refresh(); this.auto_highlight(); } return cont; }; CodeCell.prototype.render = function () { var cont = Cell.prototype.render.apply(this); // Always execute, even if we are already in the rendered state return cont; }; CodeCell.prototype.select_all = function () { var start = {line: 0, ch: 0}; var nlines = this.code_mirror.lineCount(); var last_line = this.code_mirror.getLine(nlines-1); var end = {line: nlines-1, ch: last_line.length}; this.code_mirror.setSelection(start, end); }; CodeCell.prototype.collapse_output = function () { this.output_area.collapse(); }; CodeCell.prototype.expand_output = function () { this.output_area.expand(); this.output_area.unscroll_area(); }; CodeCell.prototype.scroll_output = function () { this.output_area.expand(); this.output_area.scroll_if_long(); }; CodeCell.prototype.toggle_output = function () { this.output_area.toggle_output(); }; CodeCell.prototype.toggle_output_scroll = function () { this.output_area.toggle_scroll(); }; CodeCell.input_prompt_classical = function (prompt_value, lines_number) { var ns; if (prompt_value === undefined || prompt_value === null) { ns = " "; } else { ns = encodeURIComponent(prompt_value); } return 'In [' + ns + ']:'; }; CodeCell.input_prompt_continuation = function (prompt_value, lines_number) { var html = [CodeCell.input_prompt_classical(prompt_value, lines_number)]; for(var i=1; i < lines_number; i++) { html.push(['...:']); } return html.join('<br/>'); }; CodeCell.input_prompt_function = CodeCell.input_prompt_classical; CodeCell.prototype.set_input_prompt = function (number) { var nline = 1; if (this.code_mirror !== undefined) { nline = this.code_mirror.lineCount(); } this.input_prompt_number = number; var prompt_html = CodeCell.input_prompt_function(this.input_prompt_number, nline); // This HTML call is okay because the user contents are escaped. this.element.find('div.input_prompt').html(prompt_html); }; CodeCell.prototype.clear_input = function () { this.code_mirror.setValue(''); }; CodeCell.prototype.get_text = function () { return this.code_mirror.getValue(); }; CodeCell.prototype.set_text = function (code) { return this.code_mirror.setValue(code); }; CodeCell.prototype.clear_output = function (wait) { this.active_output_area.clear_output(wait); this.set_input_prompt(); }; // JSON serialization CodeCell.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) { Cell.prototype.fromJSON.apply(this, arguments); if (data.cell_type === 'code') { if (data.source !== undefined) { this.set_text(data.source); // make this value the starting point, so that we can only undo // to this state, instead of a blank cell this.code_mirror.clearHistory(); this.auto_highlight(); } this.set_input_prompt(data.execution_count); this.output_area.trusted = data.metadata.trusted || false; this.output_area.fromJSON(data.outputs); if (data.metadata.collapsed !== undefined) { if (data.metadata.collapsed) { this.collapse_output(); } else { this.expand_output(); } } } }; CodeCell.prototype.toJSON = function () { var data = Cell.prototype.toJSON.apply(this); data.source = this.get_text(); // is finite protect against undefined and '*' value if (isFinite(this.input_prompt_number)) { data.execution_count = this.input_prompt_number; } else { data.execution_count = null; } var outputs = this.output_area.toJSON(); data.outputs = outputs; data.metadata.trusted = this.output_area.trusted; data.metadata.collapsed = this.output_area.collapsed; return data; }; /** * handle cell level logic when a cell is unselected * @method unselect * @return is the action being taken */ CodeCell.prototype.unselect = function () { var cont = Cell.prototype.unselect.apply(this); if (cont) { // When a code cell is usnelected, make sure that the corresponding // tooltip and completer to that cell is closed. this.tooltip.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(true); if (this.completer !== null) { this.completer.close(); } } return cont; }; // Backwards compatability. IPython.CodeCell = CodeCell; return {'CodeCell': CodeCell}; });