// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jqueryui', 'base/js/utils', ], function(IPython, $, utils) { "use strict"; var Pager = function (pager_selector, pager_splitter_selector, options) { // Constructor // // Parameters: // pager_selector: string // pager_splitter_selector: string // options: dictionary // Dictionary of keyword arguments. // events: $(Events) instance // layout_manager: LayoutManager instance this.events = options.events; this.pager_element = $(pager_selector); this.pager_button_area = $('#pager_button_area'); var that = this; this.percentage_height = 0.40; options.layout_manager.pager = this; this.pager_splitter_element = $(pager_splitter_selector) .draggable({ containment: 'window', axis:'y', helper: null , drag: function(event, ui) { // recalculate the amount of space the pager should take var pheight = ($(document.body).height()-event.clientY-4); var downprct = pheight/options.layout_manager.app_height(); downprct = Math.min(0.9, downprct); if (downprct < 0.1) { that.percentage_height = 0.1; that.collapse({'duration':0}); } else if (downprct > 0.2) { that.percentage_height = downprct; that.expand({'duration':0}); } options.layout_manager.do_resize(); } }); this.expanded = false; this.style(); this.create_button_area(); this.bind_events(); }; Pager.prototype.create_button_area = function(){ var that = this; this.pager_button_area.append( $('<a>').attr('role', "button") .attr('title',"Open the pager in an external window") .addClass('ui-button') .click(function(){that.detach();}) .attr('style','position: absolute; right: 20px;') .append( $('<span>').addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-extlink") ) ); this.pager_button_area.append( $('<a>').attr('role', "button") .attr('title',"Close the pager") .addClass('ui-button') .click(function(){that.collapse();}) .attr('style','position: absolute; right: 5px;') .append( $('<span>').addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-close") ) ); }; Pager.prototype.style = function () { this.pager_splitter_element.addClass('ui-widget ui-state-default'); this.pager_splitter_element.attr('title', 'Click to Show/Hide pager area, drag to Resize'); }; Pager.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.pager_element.bind('collapse_pager', function (event, extrap) { var time = 'fast'; if (extrap && extrap.duration) { time = extrap.duration; } that.pager_element.hide(time); }); this.pager_element.bind('expand_pager', function (event, extrap) { var time = 'fast'; if (extrap && extrap.duration) { time = extrap.duration; } that.pager_element.show(time); }); this.pager_splitter_element.hover( function () { that.pager_splitter_element.addClass('ui-state-hover'); }, function () { that.pager_splitter_element.removeClass('ui-state-hover'); } ); this.pager_splitter_element.click(function () { that.toggle(); }); this.events.on('open_with_text.Pager', function (event, payload) { // FIXME: support other mime types if (payload.data['text/plain'] && payload.data['text/plain'] !== "") { that.clear(); that.expand(); that.append_text(payload.data['text/plain']); } }); }; Pager.prototype.collapse = function (extrap) { if (this.expanded === true) { this.expanded = false; this.pager_element.add($('div#notebook')).trigger('collapse_pager', extrap); } }; Pager.prototype.expand = function (extrap) { if (this.expanded !== true) { this.expanded = true; this.pager_element.add($('div#notebook')).trigger('expand_pager', extrap); } }; Pager.prototype.toggle = function () { if (this.expanded === true) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); } }; Pager.prototype.clear = function (text) { this.pager_element.find(".container").empty(); }; Pager.prototype.detach = function(){ var w = window.open("","_blank"); $(w.document.head) .append( $('<link>') .attr('rel',"stylesheet") .attr('href',"/static/css/notebook.css") .attr('type',"text/css") ) .append( $('<title>').text("IPython Pager") ); var pager_body = $(w.document.body); pager_body.css('overflow','scroll'); pager_body.append(this.pager_element.clone().children()); w.document.close(); this.collapse(); }; Pager.prototype.append_text = function (text) { // The only user content injected with this HTML call is escaped by // the fixConsole() method. this.pager_element.find(".container").append($('<pre/>').html(utils.fixCarriageReturn(utils.fixConsole(text)))); }; // Backwards compatability. IPython.Pager = Pager; return {'Pager': Pager}; });