#!/usr/bin/env python """Simple Gtk example to manually test event loop integration. This is meant to run tests manually in ipython as: In [1]: %gui gtk3 In [2]: %run gui-gtk3.py """ from gi.repository import Gtk def hello_world(widget, data=None): print("Hello World") def delete_event(widget, event, data=None): return False def destroy(widget, data=None): Gtk.main_quit() window = Gtk.Window(type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) window.connect("delete_event", delete_event) window.connect("destroy", destroy) button = Gtk.Button(label="Hello World") button.connect("clicked", hello_world, None) window.add(button) button.show() window.show() try: from IPython.lib.inputhook import enable_gui enable_gui('gtk3') except ImportError: Gtk.main()