# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Top-level display functions for displaying object in different formats."""

# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

from __future__ import print_function

import json
import mimetypes
import os
import struct
import warnings

from IPython.core.formatters import _safe_get_formatter_method
from IPython.utils.py3compat import (string_types, cast_bytes_py2, cast_unicode,
from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest

__all__ = ['display', 'display_pretty', 'display_html', 'display_markdown',
'display_svg', 'display_png', 'display_jpeg', 'display_latex', 'display_json',
'display_javascript', 'display_pdf', 'DisplayObject', 'TextDisplayObject',
'Pretty', 'HTML', 'Markdown', 'Math', 'Latex', 'SVG', 'JSON', 'Javascript',
'Image', 'clear_output', 'set_matplotlib_formats', 'set_matplotlib_close',

# utility functions

def _safe_exists(path):
    """Check path, but don't let exceptions raise"""
        return os.path.exists(path)
    except Exception:
        return False

def _merge(d1, d2):
    """Like update, but merges sub-dicts instead of clobbering at the top level.

    Updates d1 in-place

    if not isinstance(d2, dict) or not isinstance(d1, dict):
        return d2
    for key, value in d2.items():
        d1[key] = _merge(d1.get(key), value)
    return d1

def _display_mimetype(mimetype, objs, raw=False, metadata=None):
    """internal implementation of all display_foo methods

    mimetype : str
        The mimetype to be published (e.g. 'image/png')
    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw text data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    if metadata:
        metadata = {mimetype: metadata}
    if raw:
        # turn list of pngdata into list of { 'image/png': pngdata }
        objs = [ {mimetype: obj} for obj in objs ]
    display(*objs, raw=raw, metadata=metadata, include=[mimetype])

# Main functions

def publish_display_data(data, metadata=None, source=None):
    """Publish data and metadata to all frontends.

    See the ``display_data`` message in the messaging documentation for
    more details about this message type.

    The following MIME types are currently implemented:

    * text/plain
    * text/html
    * text/markdown
    * text/latex
    * application/json
    * application/javascript
    * image/png
    * image/jpeg
    * image/svg+xml

    data : dict
        A dictionary having keys that are valid MIME types (like
        'text/plain' or 'image/svg+xml') and values that are the data for
        that MIME type. The data itself must be a JSON'able data
        structure. Minimally all data should have the 'text/plain' data,
        which can be displayed by all frontends. If more than the plain
        text is given, it is up to the frontend to decide which
        representation to use.
    metadata : dict
        A dictionary for metadata related to the data. This can contain
        arbitrary key, value pairs that frontends can use to interpret
        the data. mime-type keys matching those in data can be used
        to specify metadata about particular representations.
    source : str, deprecated
    from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell

def display(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display a Python object in all frontends.

    By default all representations will be computed and sent to the frontends.
    Frontends can decide which representation is used and how.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display.
    raw : bool, optional
        Are the objects to be displayed already mimetype-keyed dicts of raw display data,
        or Python objects that need to be formatted before display? [default: False]
    include : list or tuple, optional
        A list of format type strings (MIME types) to include in the
        format data dict. If this is set *only* the format types included
        in this list will be computed.
    exclude : list or tuple, optional
        A list of format type strings (MIME types) to exclude in the format
        data dict. If this is set all format types will be computed,
        except for those included in this argument.
    metadata : dict, optional
        A dictionary of metadata to associate with the output.
        mime-type keys in this dictionary will be associated with the individual
        representation formats, if they exist.
    raw = kwargs.get('raw', False)
    include = kwargs.get('include')
    exclude = kwargs.get('exclude')
    metadata = kwargs.get('metadata')

    from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell

    if not raw:
        format = InteractiveShell.instance().display_formatter.format

    for obj in objs:
        if raw:
            publish_display_data(data=obj, metadata=metadata)
            format_dict, md_dict = format(obj, include=include, exclude=exclude)
            if not format_dict:
                # nothing to display (e.g. _ipython_display_ took over)
            if metadata:
                # kwarg-specified metadata gets precedence
                _merge(md_dict, metadata)
            publish_display_data(data=format_dict, metadata=md_dict)

def display_pretty(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the pretty (default) representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw text data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('text/plain', objs, **kwargs)

def display_html(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the HTML representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw HTML data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('text/html', objs, **kwargs)

def display_markdown(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Displays the Markdown representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw markdown data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.

    _display_mimetype('text/markdown', objs, **kwargs)

def display_svg(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the SVG representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw svg data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('image/svg+xml', objs, **kwargs)

def display_png(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the PNG representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw png data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('image/png', objs, **kwargs)

def display_jpeg(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the JPEG representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw JPEG data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('image/jpeg', objs, **kwargs)

def display_latex(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the LaTeX representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw latex data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('text/latex', objs, **kwargs)

def display_json(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the JSON representation of an object.

    Note that not many frontends support displaying JSON.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw json data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('application/json', objs, **kwargs)

def display_javascript(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the Javascript representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw javascript data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('application/javascript', objs, **kwargs)

def display_pdf(*objs, **kwargs):
    """Display the PDF representation of an object.

    objs : tuple of objects
        The Python objects to display, or if raw=True raw javascript data to
    raw : bool
        Are the data objects raw data or Python objects that need to be
        formatted before display? [default: False]
    metadata : dict (optional)
        Metadata to be associated with the specific mimetype output.
    _display_mimetype('application/pdf', objs, **kwargs)

# Smart classes

class DisplayObject(object):
    """An object that wraps data to be displayed."""

    _read_flags = 'r'
    _show_mem_addr = False

    def __init__(self, data=None, url=None, filename=None):
        """Create a display object given raw data.

        When this object is returned by an expression or passed to the
        display function, it will result in the data being displayed
        in the frontend. The MIME type of the data should match the
        subclasses used, so the Png subclass should be used for 'image/png'
        data. If the data is a URL, the data will first be downloaded
        and then displayed. If

        data : unicode, str or bytes
            The raw data or a URL or file to load the data from
        url : unicode
            A URL to download the data from.
        filename : unicode
            Path to a local file to load the data from.
        if data is not None and isinstance(data, string_types):
            if data.startswith('http') and url is None:
                url = data
                filename = None
                data = None
            elif _safe_exists(data) and filename is None:
                url = None
                filename = data
                data = None

        self.data = data
        self.url = url
        self.filename = None if filename is None else unicode_type(filename)


    def __repr__(self):
        if not self._show_mem_addr:
            cls = self.__class__
            r = "<%s.%s object>" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
            r = super(DisplayObject, self).__repr__()
        return r

    def _check_data(self):
        """Override in subclasses if there's something to check."""

    def reload(self):
        """Reload the raw data from file or URL."""
        if self.filename is not None:
            with open(self.filename, self._read_flags) as f:
                self.data = f.read()
        elif self.url is not None:
                    from urllib.request import urlopen  # Py3
                except ImportError:
                    from urllib2 import urlopen
                response = urlopen(self.url)
                self.data = response.read()
                # extract encoding from header, if there is one:
                encoding = None
                for sub in response.headers['content-type'].split(';'):
                    sub = sub.strip()
                    if sub.startswith('charset'):
                        encoding = sub.split('=')[-1].strip()
                # decode data, if an encoding was specified
                if encoding:
                    self.data = self.data.decode(encoding, 'replace')
                self.data = None

class TextDisplayObject(DisplayObject):
    """Validate that display data is text"""
    def _check_data(self):
        if self.data is not None and not isinstance(self.data, string_types):
            raise TypeError("%s expects text, not %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.data))

class Pretty(TextDisplayObject):

    def _repr_pretty_(self):
        return self.data

class HTML(TextDisplayObject):

    def _repr_html_(self):
        return self.data

    def __html__(self):
        This method exists to inform other HTML-using modules (e.g. Markupsafe,
        htmltag, etc) that this object is HTML and does not need things like
        special characters (<>&) escaped.
        return self._repr_html_()

class Markdown(TextDisplayObject):

    def _repr_markdown_(self):
        return self.data

class Math(TextDisplayObject):

    def _repr_latex_(self):
        s = self.data.strip('$')
        return "$$%s$$" % s

class Latex(TextDisplayObject):

    def _repr_latex_(self):
        return self.data

class SVG(DisplayObject):

    # wrap data in a property, which extracts the <svg> tag, discarding
    # document headers
    _data = None

    def data(self):
        return self._data

    def data(self, svg):
        if svg is None:
            self._data = None
        # parse into dom object
        from xml.dom import minidom
        svg = cast_bytes_py2(svg)
        x = minidom.parseString(svg)
        # get svg tag (should be 1)
        found_svg = x.getElementsByTagName('svg')
        if found_svg:
            svg = found_svg[0].toxml()
            # fallback on the input, trust the user
            # but this is probably an error.
        svg = cast_unicode(svg)
        self._data = svg

    def _repr_svg_(self):
        return self.data

class JSON(DisplayObject):
    """JSON expects a JSON-able dict or list
    not an already-serialized JSON string.
    Scalar types (None, number, string) are not allowed, only dict or list containers.
    # wrap data in a property, which warns about passing already-serialized JSON
    _data = None
    def _check_data(self):
        if self.data is not None and not isinstance(self.data, (dict, list)):
            raise TypeError("%s expects JSONable dict or list, not %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.data))

    def data(self):
        return self._data
    def data(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, string_types):
            warnings.warn("JSON expects JSONable dict or list, not JSON strings")
            data = json.loads(data)
        self._data = data

    def _repr_json_(self):
        return self.data

css_t = """$("head").append($("<link/>").attr({
  rel:  "stylesheet",
  type: "text/css",
  href: "%s"

lib_t1 = """$.getScript("%s", function () {
lib_t2 = """});

class Javascript(TextDisplayObject):

    def __init__(self, data=None, url=None, filename=None, lib=None, css=None):
        """Create a Javascript display object given raw data.

        When this object is returned by an expression or passed to the
        display function, it will result in the data being displayed
        in the frontend. If the data is a URL, the data will first be
        downloaded and then displayed.

        In the Notebook, the containing element will be available as `element`,
        and jQuery will be available.  Content appended to `element` will be
        visible in the output area. 

        data : unicode, str or bytes
            The Javascript source code or a URL to download it from.
        url : unicode
            A URL to download the data from.
        filename : unicode
            Path to a local file to load the data from.
        lib : list or str
            A sequence of Javascript library URLs to load asynchronously before
            running the source code. The full URLs of the libraries should
            be given. A single Javascript library URL can also be given as a
        css: : list or str
            A sequence of css files to load before running the source code.
            The full URLs of the css files should be given. A single css URL
            can also be given as a string.
        if isinstance(lib, string_types):
            lib = [lib]
        elif lib is None:
            lib = []
        if isinstance(css, string_types):
            css = [css]
        elif css is None:
            css = []
        if not isinstance(lib, (list,tuple)):
            raise TypeError('expected sequence, got: %r' % lib)
        if not isinstance(css, (list,tuple)):
            raise TypeError('expected sequence, got: %r' % css)
        self.lib = lib
        self.css = css
        super(Javascript, self).__init__(data=data, url=url, filename=filename)

    def _repr_javascript_(self):
        r = ''
        for c in self.css:
            r += css_t % c
        for l in self.lib:
            r += lib_t1 % l
        r += self.data
        r += lib_t2*len(self.lib)
        return r

# constants for identifying png/jpeg data
_PNG = b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'
_JPEG = b'\xff\xd8'

def _pngxy(data):
    """read the (width, height) from a PNG header"""
    ihdr = data.index(b'IHDR')
    # next 8 bytes are width/height
    w4h4 = data[ihdr+4:ihdr+12]
    return struct.unpack('>ii', w4h4)

def _jpegxy(data):
    """read the (width, height) from a JPEG header"""
    # adapted from http://www.64lines.com/jpeg-width-height
    idx = 4
    while True:
        block_size = struct.unpack('>H', data[idx:idx+2])[0]
        idx = idx + block_size
        if data[idx:idx+2] == b'\xFF\xC0':
            # found Start of Frame
            iSOF = idx
            # read another block
            idx += 2

    h, w = struct.unpack('>HH', data[iSOF+5:iSOF+9])
    return w, h

class Image(DisplayObject):

    _read_flags = 'rb'
    _FMT_JPEG = u'jpeg'
    _FMT_PNG = u'png'

    def __init__(self, data=None, url=None, filename=None, format=u'png', embed=None, width=None, height=None, retina=False):
        """Create a PNG/JPEG image object given raw data.

        When this object is returned by an input cell or passed to the
        display function, it will result in the image being displayed
        in the frontend.

        data : unicode, str or bytes
            The raw image data or a URL or filename to load the data from.
            This always results in embedded image data.
        url : unicode
            A URL to download the data from. If you specify `url=`,
            the image data will not be embedded unless you also specify `embed=True`.
        filename : unicode
            Path to a local file to load the data from.
            Images from a file are always embedded.
        format : unicode
            The format of the image data (png/jpeg/jpg). If a filename or URL is given
            for format will be inferred from the filename extension.
        embed : bool
            Should the image data be embedded using a data URI (True) or be
            loaded using an <img> tag. Set this to True if you want the image
            to be viewable later with no internet connection in the notebook.

            Default is `True`, unless the keyword argument `url` is set, then
            default value is `False`.

            Note that QtConsole is not able to display images if `embed` is set to `False`
        width : int
            Width to which to constrain the image in html
        height : int
            Height to which to constrain the image in html
        retina : bool
            Automatically set the width and height to half of the measured
            width and height.
            This only works for embedded images because it reads the width/height
            from image data.
            For non-embedded images, you can just set the desired display width
            and height directly.

        # embedded image data, works in qtconsole and notebook
        # when passed positionally, the first arg can be any of raw image data,
        # a URL, or a filename from which to load image data.
        # The result is always embedding image data for inline images.

        # Specifying Image(url=...) does not embed the image data,
        # it only generates `<img>` tag with a link to the source.
        # This will not work in the qtconsole or offline.

        if filename is not None:
            ext = self._find_ext(filename)
        elif url is not None:
            ext = self._find_ext(url)
        elif data is None:
            raise ValueError("No image data found. Expecting filename, url, or data.")
        elif isinstance(data, string_types) and (
            data.startswith('http') or _safe_exists(data)
            ext = self._find_ext(data)
            ext = None

        if ext is not None:
            format = ext.lower()
            if ext == u'jpg' or ext == u'jpeg':
                format = self._FMT_JPEG
            if ext == u'png':
                format = self._FMT_PNG
        elif isinstance(data, bytes) and format == 'png':
            # infer image type from image data header,
            # only if format might not have been specified.
            if data[:2] == _JPEG:
                format = 'jpeg'

        self.format = unicode_type(format).lower()
        self.embed = embed if embed is not None else (url is None)

        if self.embed and self.format not in self._ACCEPTABLE_EMBEDDINGS:
            raise ValueError("Cannot embed the '%s' image format" % (self.format))
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.retina = retina
        super(Image, self).__init__(data=data, url=url, filename=filename)
        if retina:
    def _retina_shape(self):
        """load pixel-doubled width and height from image data"""
        if not self.embed:
        if self.format == 'png':
            w, h = _pngxy(self.data)
        elif self.format == 'jpeg':
            w, h = _jpegxy(self.data)
            # retina only supports png
        self.width = w // 2
        self.height = h // 2

    def reload(self):
        """Reload the raw data from file or URL."""
        if self.embed:
            if self.retina:

    def _repr_html_(self):
        if not self.embed:
            width = height = ''
            if self.width:
                width = ' width="%d"' % self.width
            if self.height:
                height = ' height="%d"' % self.height
            return u'<img src="%s"%s%s/>' % (self.url, width, height)

    def _data_and_metadata(self):
        """shortcut for returning metadata with shape information, if defined"""
        md = {}
        if self.width:
            md['width'] = self.width
        if self.height:
            md['height'] = self.height
        if md:
            return self.data, md
            return self.data

    def _repr_png_(self):
        if self.embed and self.format == u'png':
            return self._data_and_metadata()

    def _repr_jpeg_(self):
        if self.embed and (self.format == u'jpeg' or self.format == u'jpg'):
            return self._data_and_metadata()

    def _find_ext(self, s):
        return unicode_type(s.split('.')[-1].lower())

class Video(DisplayObject):

    def __init__(self, data=None, url=None, filename=None, embed=None, mimetype=None):
        """Create a video object given raw data or an URL.

        When this object is returned by an input cell or passed to the
        display function, it will result in the video being displayed
        in the frontend.

        data : unicode, str or bytes
            The raw image data or a URL or filename to load the data from.
            This always results in embedded image data.
        url : unicode
            A URL to download the data from. If you specify `url=`,
            the image data will not be embedded unless you also specify `embed=True`.
        filename : unicode
            Path to a local file to load the data from.
            Videos from a file are always embedded.
        embed : bool
            Should the image data be embedded using a data URI (True) or be
            loaded using an <img> tag. Set this to True if you want the image
            to be viewable later with no internet connection in the notebook.

            Default is `True`, unless the keyword argument `url` is set, then
            default value is `False`.

            Note that QtConsole is not able to display images if `embed` is set to `False`
        mimetype: unicode
            Specify the mimetype in case you load in a encoded video.
        Video('path/to/video.mp4', embed=False)
        if url is None and (data.startswith('http') or data.startswith('https')):
            url = data
            data = None
            embed = False
        elif os.path.exists(data):
            filename = data
            data = None

        self.mimetype = mimetype
        self.embed = embed if embed is not None else (filename is not None)
        super(Video, self).__init__(data=data, url=url, filename=filename)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        # External URLs and potentially local files are not embedded into the
        # notebook output.
        if not self.embed:
            url = self.url if self.url is not None else self.filename
            output = """<video src="{0}" controls>
      Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
            return output
        # Embedded videos uses base64 encoded videos.
        if self.filename is not None:
            mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.filename)

            video = open(self.filename, 'rb').read()
            video_encoded = video.encode('base64')
            video_encoded = self.data
            mimetype = self.mimetype
        output = """<video controls>
 <source src="data:{0};base64,{1}" type="{0}">
 Your browser does not support the video tag.
 </video>""".format(mimetype, video_encoded)
        return output

    def reload(self):
        # TODO

    def _repr_png_(self):
        # TODO
    def _repr_jpeg_(self):
        # TODO

def clear_output(wait=False):
    """Clear the output of the current cell receiving output.

    wait : bool [default: false]
        Wait to clear the output until new output is available to replace it."""
    from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
    if InteractiveShell.initialized():
        from IPython.utils import io
        print('\033[2K\r', file=io.stdout, end='')
        print('\033[2K\r', file=io.stderr, end='')

def set_matplotlib_formats(*formats, **kwargs):
    """Select figure formats for the inline backend. Optionally pass quality for JPEG.

    For example, this enables PNG and JPEG output with a JPEG quality of 90%::

        In [1]: set_matplotlib_formats('png', 'jpeg', quality=90)

    To set this in your config files use the following::
        c.InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'jpeg'}
        c.InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs.update({'quality' : 90})

    *formats : strs
        One or more figure formats to enable: 'png', 'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.
    **kwargs :
        Keyword args will be relayed to ``figure.canvas.print_figure``.
    from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
    from IPython.core.pylabtools import select_figure_formats
    from IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.config import InlineBackend
    # build kwargs, starting with InlineBackend config
    kw = {}
    cfg = InlineBackend.instance()
    shell = InteractiveShell.instance()
    select_figure_formats(shell, formats, **kw)

def set_matplotlib_close(close=True):
    """Set whether the inline backend closes all figures automatically or not.
    By default, the inline backend used in the IPython Notebook will close all
    matplotlib figures automatically after each cell is run. This means that
    plots in different cells won't interfere. Sometimes, you may want to make
    a plot in one cell and then refine it in later cells. This can be accomplished
        In [1]: set_matplotlib_close(False)
    To set this in your config files use the following::
        c.InlineBackend.close_figures = False
    close : bool
        Should all matplotlib figures be automatically closed after each cell is
    from IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.config import InlineBackend
    cfg = InlineBackend.instance()
    cfg.close_figures = close