#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Job and task components for writing .xml files that the Windows HPC Server 2008 can use to start jobs. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import uuid from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Str, Int, List, Instance, Enum, Bool, CStr ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Job and Task classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def as_str(value): if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, bool): if value: return 'true' else: return 'false' elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): return repr(value) else: return value def indent(elem, level=0): i = "\n" + level*" " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent(elem, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def find_username(): domain = os.environ.get('USERDOMAIN') username = os.environ.get('USERNAME','') if domain is None: return username else: return '%s\\%s' % (domain, username) class WinHPCJob(Configurable): job_id = Str('') job_name = Str('MyJob', config=True) min_cores = Int(1, config=True) max_cores = Int(1, config=True) min_sockets = Int(1, config=True) max_sockets = Int(1, config=True) min_nodes = Int(1, config=True) max_nodes = Int(1, config=True) unit_type = Str("Core", config=True) auto_calculate_min = Bool(True, config=True) auto_calculate_max = Bool(True, config=True) run_until_canceled = Bool(False, config=True) is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True) username = Str(find_username(), config=True) job_type = Str('Batch', config=True) priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'), default_value='Highest', config=True) requested_nodes = Str('', config=True) project = Str('IPython', config=True) xmlns = Str('http://schemas.microsoft.com/HPCS2008/scheduler/') version = Str("2.000") tasks = List([]) @property def owner(self): return self.username def _write_attr(self, root, attr, key): s = as_str(getattr(self, attr, '')) if s: root.set(key, s) def as_element(self): # We have to add _A_ type things to get the right order than # the MSFT XML parser expects. root = ET.Element('Job') self._write_attr(root, 'version', '_A_Version') self._write_attr(root, 'job_name', '_B_Name') self._write_attr(root, 'unit_type', '_C_UnitType') self._write_attr(root, 'min_cores', '_D_MinCores') self._write_attr(root, 'max_cores', '_E_MaxCores') self._write_attr(root, 'min_sockets', '_F_MinSockets') self._write_attr(root, 'max_sockets', '_G_MaxSockets') self._write_attr(root, 'min_nodes', '_H_MinNodes') self._write_attr(root, 'max_nodes', '_I_MaxNodes') self._write_attr(root, 'run_until_canceled', '_J_RunUntilCanceled') self._write_attr(root, 'is_exclusive', '_K_IsExclusive') self._write_attr(root, 'username', '_L_UserName') self._write_attr(root, 'job_type', '_M_JobType') self._write_attr(root, 'priority', '_N_Priority') self._write_attr(root, 'requested_nodes', '_O_RequestedNodes') self._write_attr(root, 'auto_calculate_max', '_P_AutoCalculateMax') self._write_attr(root, 'auto_calculate_min', '_Q_AutoCalculateMin') self._write_attr(root, 'project', '_R_Project') self._write_attr(root, 'owner', '_S_Owner') self._write_attr(root, 'xmlns', '_T_xmlns') dependencies = ET.SubElement(root, "Dependencies") etasks = ET.SubElement(root, "Tasks") for t in self.tasks: etasks.append(t.as_element()) return root def tostring(self): """Return the string representation of the job description XML.""" root = self.as_element() indent(root) txt = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8") # Now remove the tokens used to order the attributes. txt = re.sub(r'_[A-Z]_','',txt) txt = '\n' + txt return txt def write(self, filename): """Write the XML job description to a file.""" txt = self.tostring() with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(txt) def add_task(self, task): """Add a task to the job. Parameters ---------- task : :class:`WinHPCTask` The task object to add. """ self.tasks.append(task) class WinHPCTask(Configurable): task_id = Str('') task_name = Str('') version = Str("2.000") min_cores = Int(1, config=True) max_cores = Int(1, config=True) min_sockets = Int(1, config=True) max_sockets = Int(1, config=True) min_nodes = Int(1, config=True) max_nodes = Int(1, config=True) unit_type = Str("Core", config=True) command_line = CStr('', config=True) work_directory = CStr('', config=True) is_rerunnaable = Bool(True, config=True) std_out_file_path = CStr('', config=True) std_err_file_path = CStr('', config=True) is_parametric = Bool(False, config=True) environment_variables = Instance(dict, args=(), config=True) def _write_attr(self, root, attr, key): s = as_str(getattr(self, attr, '')) if s: root.set(key, s) def as_element(self): root = ET.Element('Task') self._write_attr(root, 'version', '_A_Version') self._write_attr(root, 'task_name', '_B_Name') self._write_attr(root, 'min_cores', '_C_MinCores') self._write_attr(root, 'max_cores', '_D_MaxCores') self._write_attr(root, 'min_sockets', '_E_MinSockets') self._write_attr(root, 'max_sockets', '_F_MaxSockets') self._write_attr(root, 'min_nodes', '_G_MinNodes') self._write_attr(root, 'max_nodes', '_H_MaxNodes') self._write_attr(root, 'command_line', '_I_CommandLine') self._write_attr(root, 'work_directory', '_J_WorkDirectory') self._write_attr(root, 'is_rerunnaable', '_K_IsRerunnable') self._write_attr(root, 'std_out_file_path', '_L_StdOutFilePath') self._write_attr(root, 'std_err_file_path', '_M_StdErrFilePath') self._write_attr(root, 'is_parametric', '_N_IsParametric') self._write_attr(root, 'unit_type', '_O_UnitType') root.append(self.get_env_vars()) return root def get_env_vars(self): env_vars = ET.Element('EnvironmentVariables') for k, v in self.environment_variables.iteritems(): variable = ET.SubElement(env_vars, "Variable") name = ET.SubElement(variable, "Name") name.text = k value = ET.SubElement(variable, "Value") value.text = v return env_vars # By declaring these, we can configure the controller and engine separately! class IPControllerJob(WinHPCJob): job_name = Str('IPController', config=False) is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True) username = Str(find_username(), config=True) priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'), default_value='Highest', config=True) requested_nodes = Str('', config=True) project = Str('IPython', config=True) class IPEngineSetJob(WinHPCJob): job_name = Str('IPEngineSet', config=False) is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True) username = Str(find_username(), config=True) priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'), default_value='Highest', config=True) requested_nodes = Str('', config=True) project = Str('IPython', config=True) class IPControllerTask(WinHPCTask): task_name = Str('IPController', config=True) controller_cmd = List(['ipcontroller.exe'], config=True) controller_args = List(['--log-to-file', '--log-level', '40'], config=True) # I don't want these to be configurable std_out_file_path = CStr('', config=False) std_err_file_path = CStr('', config=False) min_cores = Int(1, config=False) max_cores = Int(1, config=False) min_sockets = Int(1, config=False) max_sockets = Int(1, config=False) min_nodes = Int(1, config=False) max_nodes = Int(1, config=False) unit_type = Str("Core", config=False) work_directory = CStr('', config=False) def __init__(self, config=None): super(IPControllerTask, self).__init__(config=config) the_uuid = uuid.uuid1() self.std_out_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipcontroller-%s.out' % the_uuid) self.std_err_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipcontroller-%s.err' % the_uuid) @property def command_line(self): return ' '.join(self.controller_cmd + self.controller_args) class IPEngineTask(WinHPCTask): task_name = Str('IPEngine', config=True) engine_cmd = List(['ipengine.exe'], config=True) engine_args = List(['--log-to-file', '--log-level', '40'], config=True) # I don't want these to be configurable std_out_file_path = CStr('', config=False) std_err_file_path = CStr('', config=False) min_cores = Int(1, config=False) max_cores = Int(1, config=False) min_sockets = Int(1, config=False) max_sockets = Int(1, config=False) min_nodes = Int(1, config=False) max_nodes = Int(1, config=False) unit_type = Str("Core", config=False) work_directory = CStr('', config=False) def __init__(self, config=None): super(IPEngineTask,self).__init__(config=config) the_uuid = uuid.uuid1() self.std_out_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipengine-%s.out' % the_uuid) self.std_err_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipengine-%s.err' % the_uuid) @property def command_line(self): return ' '.join(self.engine_cmd + self.engine_args) # j = WinHPCJob(None) # j.job_name = 'IPCluster' # j.username = 'GNET\\bgranger' # j.requested_nodes = 'GREEN' # # t = WinHPCTask(None) # t.task_name = 'Controller' # t.command_line = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\Python\Python25\Scripts\ipcontroller.exe --log-to-file -p default --log-level 10" # t.work_directory = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\.ipython\cluster_default" # t.std_out_file_path = 'controller-out.txt' # t.std_err_file_path = 'controller-err.txt' # t.environment_variables['PYTHONPATH'] = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages" # j.add_task(t)