//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // Cell //============================================================================ /** * An extendable module that provide base functionnality to create cell for notebook. * @module IPython * @namespace IPython * @submodule Cell */ var IPython = (function (IPython) { var utils = IPython.utils; /** * The Base `Cell` class from which to inherit * @class Cell **/ /* * @constructor * * @param {object|undefined} [options] * @param [options.cm_config] {object} config to pass to CodeMirror, will extend default parameters */ var Cell = function (options) { options = this.mergeopt(Cell, options) // superclass default overwrite our default this.placeholder = options.placeholder || ''; this.read_only = options.cm_config.readOnly; this.selected = false; this.element = null; this.metadata = {}; // load this from metadata later ? this.user_highlight = 'auto'; this.cm_config = options.cm_config; this.create_element(); if (this.element !== null) { this.element.data("cell", this); this.bind_events(); } this.cell_id = utils.uuid(); this._options = options; }; Cell.options_default = { cm_config : { indentUnit : 4, readOnly: false, theme: "default" } }; Cell.prototype.mergeopt = function(_class, options, overwrite){ overwrite = overwrite || {}; return $.extend(true, {}, _class.options_default, options, overwrite) } /** * Empty. Subclasses must implement create_element. * This should contain all the code to create the DOM element in notebook * and will be called by Base Class constructor. * @method create_element */ Cell.prototype.create_element = function () { }; /** * Subclasses can implement override bind_events. * Be carefull to call the parent method when overwriting as it fires event. * this will be triggerd after create_element in constructor. * @method bind_events */ Cell.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; // We trigger events so that Cell doesn't have to depend on Notebook. that.element.click(function (event) { if (that.selected === false) { $([IPython.events]).trigger('select.Cell', {'cell':that}); } }); that.element.focusin(function (event) { if (that.selected === false) { $([IPython.events]).trigger('select.Cell', {'cell':that}); } }); }; /** * Triger typsetting of math by mathjax on current cell element * @method typeset */ Cell.prototype.typeset = function () { if (window.MathJax){ var cell_math = this.element.get(0); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, cell_math]); } }; /** * should be triggerd when cell is selected * @method select */ Cell.prototype.select = function () { this.element.addClass('selected'); this.selected = true; }; /** * should be triggerd when cell is unselected * @method unselect */ Cell.prototype.unselect = function () { this.element.removeClass('selected'); this.selected = false; }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * @method get_text */ Cell.prototype.get_text = function () { }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * @method set_text * @param {string} text */ Cell.prototype.set_text = function (text) { }; /** * Refresh codemirror instance * @method refresh */ Cell.prototype.refresh = function () { this.code_mirror.refresh(); }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * @method edit **/ Cell.prototype.edit = function () { }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * @method render **/ Cell.prototype.render = function () { }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * serialise cell to json. * @method toJSON **/ Cell.prototype.toJSON = function () { var data = {}; data.metadata = this.metadata; return data; }; /** * should be overritten by subclass * @method fromJSON **/ Cell.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) { if (data.metadata !== undefined) { this.metadata = data.metadata; } this.celltoolbar.rebuild(); }; /** * can the cell be splitted in 2 cells. * @method is_splittable **/ Cell.prototype.is_splittable = function () { return true; }; /** * @return {String} - the text before the cursor * @method get_pre_cursor **/ Cell.prototype.get_pre_cursor = function () { var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor(); var text = this.code_mirror.getRange({line:0, ch:0}, cursor); text = text.replace(/^\n+/, '').replace(/\n+$/, ''); return text; } /** * @return {String} - the text after the cursor * @method get_post_cursor **/ Cell.prototype.get_post_cursor = function () { var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor(); var last_line_num = this.code_mirror.lineCount()-1; var last_line_len = this.code_mirror.getLine(last_line_num).length; var end = {line:last_line_num, ch:last_line_len} var text = this.code_mirror.getRange(cursor, end); text = text.replace(/^\n+/, '').replace(/\n+$/, ''); return text; }; /** * Show/Hide CodeMirror LineNumber * @method show_line_numbers * * @param value {Bool} show (true), or hide (false) the line number in CodeMirror **/ Cell.prototype.show_line_numbers = function (value) { this.code_mirror.setOption('lineNumbers', value); this.code_mirror.refresh(); }; /** * Toggle CodeMirror LineNumber * @method toggle_line_numbers **/ Cell.prototype.toggle_line_numbers = function () { var val = this.code_mirror.getOption('lineNumbers'); this.show_line_numbers(!val); }; /** * Force codemirror highlight mode * @method force_highlight * @param {object} - CodeMirror mode **/ Cell.prototype.force_highlight = function(mode) { this.user_highlight = mode; this.auto_highlight(); }; /** * Try to autodetect cell highlight mode, or use selected mode * @methods _auto_highlight * @private * @param {String|object|undefined} - CodeMirror mode | 'auto' **/ Cell.prototype._auto_highlight = function (modes) { //Here we handle manually selected modes if( this.user_highlight != undefined && this.user_highlight != 'auto' ) { var mode = this.user_highlight; CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(this.code_mirror, mode); this.code_mirror.setOption('mode', mode); return; } var first_line = this.code_mirror.getLine(0); // loop on every pairs for( var mode in modes) { var regs = modes[mode]['reg']; // only one key every time but regexp can't be keys... for(var reg in regs ) { // here we handle non magic_modes if(first_line.match(regs[reg]) != null) { if (mode.search('magic_') != 0) { this.code_mirror.setOption('mode', mode); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(this.code_mirror, mode); return; } var open = modes[mode]['open']|| "%%"; var close = modes[mode]['close']|| "%%end"; var mmode = mode; mode = mmode.substr(6); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(this.code_mirror, mode); // create on the fly a mode that swhitch between // plain/text and smth else otherwise `%%` is // source of some highlight issues. // we use patchedGetMode to circumvent a bug in CM CodeMirror.defineMode(mmode , function(config) { return CodeMirror.multiplexingMode( CodeMirror.patchedGetMode(config, 'text/plain'), // always set someting on close {open: open, close: close, mode: CodeMirror.patchedGetMode(config, mode), delimStyle: "delimit" } ); }); this.code_mirror.setOption('mode', mmode); return; } } } // fallback on default (python) var default_mode = this.default_mode || 'text/plain'; this.code_mirror.setOption('mode', default_mode); }; IPython.Cell = Cell; return IPython; }(IPython));