#!/usr/bin/env python """A simple Communicator class that has N,E,S,W neighbors connected via 0MQ PEER sockets""" import socket import zmq from IPython.zmq.parallel.util import disambiguate_url class EngineCommunicator(object): """An object that connects Engines to each other. north and west sockets listen, while south and east sockets connect. This class is useful in cases where there is a set of nodes that must communicate only with their nearest neighbors. """ def __init__(self, interface='tcp://*', identity=None): self._ctx = zmq.Context() self.north = self._ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.west = self._ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.south = self._ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.east = self._ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) # bind to ports northport = self.north.bind_to_random_port(interface) eastport = self.east.bind_to_random_port(interface) self.north_url = interface+":%i"%northport self.east_url = interface+":%i"%eastport # guess first public IP from socket self.location = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[-1][0] def __del__(self): self.north.close() self.south.close() self.east.close() self.west.close() self._ctx.term() @property def info(self): """return the connection info for this object's sockets.""" return (self.location, self.north_url, self.east_url) def connect(self, south_peer=None, west_peer=None): """connect to peers. `peers` will be a 3-tuples, of the form: (location, north_addr, east_addr) as produced by """ if south_peer is not None: location, url, _ = south_peer self.south.connect(disambiguate_url(url, location)) if west_peer is not None: location, _, url = west_peer self.west.connect(disambiguate_url(url, location))