name: Run tests on: push: pull_request: # Run weekly on Monday at 1:23 UTC schedule: - cron: '23 1 * * 1' workflow_dispatch: jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] python-version: ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9"] # Test all on ubuntu, test ends on macos include: - os: macos-latest python-version: "3.7" - os: macos-latest python-version: "3.9" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install and update Python dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel python -m pip install --upgrade -e file://$PWD#egg=ipython[test] python -m pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager trio curio python -m pip install --upgrade pytest pytest-trio 'matplotlib!=3.2.0' python -m pip install --upgrade check-manifest pytest-cov anyio - name: Check manifest run: check-manifest - name: iptest run: | cd /tmp && iptest --coverage xml && cd - cp /tmp/ipy_coverage.xml ./ cp /tmp/.coverage ./ - name: pytest run: | pytest - name: Upload coverage to Codecov uses: codecov/codecov-action@v2