// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'jquery', 'base/js/namespace', 'base/js/dialog', 'base/js/utils', ], function($, IPython, dialog, utils) { "use strict"; var KernelSelector = function(selector, notebook) { var that = this; this.selector = selector; this.notebook = notebook; this.notebook.set_kernelselector(this); this.events = notebook.events; this.current_selection = null; this.kernelspecs = {}; if (this.selector !== undefined) { this.element = $(selector); this.request_kernelspecs(); } this.bind_events(); // Make the object globally available for user convenience & inspection IPython.kernelselector = this; this._finish_load = null; this._loaded = false; this.loaded = new Promise(function(resolve) { that._finish_load = resolve; }); Object.seal(this); }; KernelSelector.prototype.request_kernelspecs = function() { var url = utils.url_join_encode(this.notebook.base_url, 'api/kernelspecs'); utils.promising_ajax(url).then($.proxy(this._got_kernelspecs, this)); }; var _sorted_names = function(kernelspecs) { // sort kernel names return Object.keys(kernelspecs).sort(function (a, b) { // sort by display_name var da = kernelspecs[a].spec.display_name; var db = kernelspecs[b].spec.display_name; if (da === db) { return 0; } else if (da > db) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }); }; KernelSelector.prototype._got_kernelspecs = function(data) { var that = this; this.kernelspecs = data.kernelspecs; var change_kernel_submenu = $("#menu-change-kernel-submenu"); var new_notebook_submenu = $("#menu-new-notebook-submenu"); var keys = _sorted_names(data.kernelspecs); keys.map(function (key) { // Create the Kernel > Change kernel submenu var ks = data.kernelspecs[key]; change_kernel_submenu.append( $("<li>").attr("id", "kernel-submenu-"+ks.name).append( $('<a>') .attr('href', '#') .click( function () { that.set_kernel(ks.name); }) .text(ks.spec.display_name) ) ); // Create the File > New Notebook submenu new_notebook_submenu.append( $("<li>").attr("id", "new-notebook-submenu-"+ks.name).append( $('<a>') .attr('href', '#') .click( function () { that.new_notebook(ks.name); }) .text(ks.spec.display_name) ) ); }); // trigger loaded promise this._loaded = true; this._finish_load(); }; KernelSelector.prototype._spec_changed = function (event, ks) { /** event handler for spec_changed */ // update selection this.current_selection = ks.name; // put the current kernel at the top of File > New Notebook var cur_kernel_entry = $("#new-notebook-submenu-" + ks.name); var parent = cur_kernel_entry.parent(); // do something only if there is more than one kernel if (parent.children().length > 1) { // first, sort back the submenu parent.append( parent.children("li[class!='divider']").sort( function (a,b) { var da = $("a",a).text(); var db = $("a",b).text(); if (da === db) { return 0; } else if (da > db) { return 1; } else { return -1; }})); // then, if there is no divider yet, add one if (!parent.children("li[class='divider']").length) { parent.prepend($("<li>").attr("class","divider")); } // finally, put the current kernel at the top parent.prepend(cur_kernel_entry); } // load logo var logo_img = this.element.find("img.current_kernel_logo"); $("#kernel_indicator").find('.kernel_indicator_name').text(ks.spec.display_name); if (ks.resources['logo-64x64']) { logo_img.attr("src", ks.resources['logo-64x64']); logo_img.show(); } else { logo_img.hide(); } // load kernel css var css_url = ks.resources['kernel.css']; if (css_url) { $('#kernel-css').attr('href', css_url); } else { $('#kernel-css').attr('href', ''); } // load kernel js if (ks.resources['kernel.js']) { require([ks.resources['kernel.js']], function (kernel_mod) { if (kernel_mod && kernel_mod.onload) { kernel_mod.onload(); } else { console.warn("Kernel " + ks.name + " has a kernel.js file that does not contain "+ "any asynchronous module definition. This is undefined behavior "+ "and not recommended."); } }, function (err) { console.warn("Failed to load kernel.js from ", ks.resources['kernel.js'], err); } ); } }; KernelSelector.prototype.set_kernel = function (selected) { /** set the kernel by name, ensuring kernelspecs have been loaded, first kernel can be just a kernel name, or a notebook kernelspec metadata (name, language, display_name). */ var that = this; if (typeof selected === 'string') { selected = { name: selected }; } if (this._loaded) { this._set_kernel(selected); } else { return this.loaded.then(function () { that._set_kernel(selected); }); } }; KernelSelector.prototype._set_kernel = function (selected) { /** Actually set the kernel (kernelspecs have been loaded) */ if (selected.name === this.current_selection) { // only trigger event if value changed return; } var kernelspecs = this.kernelspecs; var ks = kernelspecs[selected.name]; if (ks === undefined) { var available = _sorted_names(kernelspecs); var matches = []; if (selected.language && selected.language.length > 0) { available.map(function (name) { if (kernelspecs[name].spec.language.toLowerCase() === selected.language.toLowerCase()) { matches.push(name); } }); } if (matches.length === 1) { ks = kernelspecs[matches[0]]; console.log("No exact match found for " + selected.name + ", using only kernel that matches language=" + selected.language, ks); this.events.trigger("spec_match_found.Kernel", { selected: selected, found: ks, }); } // if still undefined, trigger failure event if (ks === undefined) { this.events.trigger("spec_not_found.Kernel", { selected: selected, matches: matches, available: available, }); return; } } if (this.notebook._session_starting && this.notebook.session.kernel.name !== ks.name) { console.error("Cannot change kernel while waiting for pending session start."); return; } this.current_selection = ks.name; this.events.trigger('spec_changed.Kernel', ks); }; KernelSelector.prototype._spec_not_found = function (event, data) { var that = this; var select = $("<select>").addClass('form-control'); console.warn("Kernelspec not found:", data); var names; if (data.matches.length > 1) { names = data.matches; } else { names = data.available; } names.map(function (name) { var ks = that.kernelspecs[name]; select.append( $('<option/>').attr('value', ks.name).text(ks.spec.display_name || ks.name) ); }); var body = $("<form>").addClass("form-inline").append( $("<span>").text( "I couldn't find a kernel matching " + (data.selected.display_name || data.selected.name) + "." + " Please select a kernel:" ) ).append(select); dialog.modal({ title : 'Kernel not found', body : body, buttons : { 'Continue without kernel' : { class : 'btn-danger', click : function () { that.events.trigger('no_kernel.Kernel'); } }, OK : { class : 'btn-primary', click : function () { that.set_kernel(select.val()); } } } }); }; KernelSelector.prototype.new_notebook = function (kernel_name) { var w = window.open('', IPython._target); // Create a new notebook in the same path as the current // notebook's path. var that = this; var parent = utils.url_path_split(that.notebook.notebook_path)[0]; that.notebook.contents.new_untitled(parent, {type: "notebook"}).then( function (data) { var url = utils.url_join_encode( that.notebook.base_url, 'notebooks', data.path ); url += "?kernel_name=" + kernel_name; w.location = url; }, function(error) { w.close(); dialog.modal({ title : 'Creating Notebook Failed', body : "The error was: " + error.message, buttons : {'OK' : {'class' : 'btn-primary'}} }); } ); }; KernelSelector.prototype.lock_switch = function() { // should set a flag and display warning+reload if user want to // re-change kernel. As UI discussion never finish // making that a separate PR. console.warn('switching kernel is not guaranteed to work !'); }; KernelSelector.prototype.bind_events = function() { var that = this; this.events.on('spec_changed.Kernel', $.proxy(this._spec_changed, this)); this.events.on('spec_not_found.Kernel', $.proxy(this._spec_not_found, this)); this.events.on('kernel_created.Session', function (event, data) { that.set_kernel(data.kernel.name); }); var logo_img = this.element.find("img.current_kernel_logo"); logo_img.on("load", function() { logo_img.show(); }); logo_img.on("error", function() { logo_img.hide(); }); }; return {'KernelSelector': KernelSelector}; });