// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'base/js/dialog', 'base/js/keyboard', 'dateformat', ], function(IPython, $, utils, dialog, keyboard, dateformat) { "use strict"; var SaveWidget = function (selector, options) { // TODO: Remove circular ref. this.notebook = undefined; this.selector = selector; this.events = options.events; this.keyboard_manager = options.keyboard_manager; if (this.selector !== undefined) { this.element = $(selector); this.bind_events(); } }; SaveWidget.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.element.find('span#notebook_name').click(function () { that.rename_notebook(); }); this.element.find('span#notebook_name').hover(function () { $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }); this.events.on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function () { that.update_notebook_name(); that.update_document_title(); }); this.events.on('notebook_saved.Notebook', function () { that.update_notebook_name(); that.update_document_title(); }); this.events.on('notebook_renamed.Notebook', function () { that.update_notebook_name(); that.update_document_title(); that.update_address_bar(); }); this.events.on('notebook_save_failed.Notebook', function () { that.set_save_status('Autosave Failed!'); }); this.events.on('checkpoints_listed.Notebook', function (event, data) { that.set_last_checkpoint(data[0]); }); this.events.on('checkpoint_created.Notebook', function (event, data) { that.set_last_checkpoint(data); }); this.events.on('set_dirty.Notebook', function (event, data) { that.set_autosaved(data.value); }); }; SaveWidget.prototype.rename_notebook = function (options) { options = options || {}; var that = this; var dialog_body = $('
').append( $("

").addClass("rename-message") .text('Enter a new notebook name:') ).append( $("
") ).append( $('').attr('type','text').attr('size','25').addClass('form-control') .val(that.notebook.get_notebook_name()) ); dialog.modal({ title: "Rename Notebook", body: dialog_body, notebook: options.notebook, keyboard_manager: this.keyboard_manager, buttons : { "Cancel": {}, "OK": { class: "btn-primary", click: function () { var new_name = $(this).find('input').val(); if (!that.notebook.test_notebook_name(new_name)) { $(this).find('.rename-message').text( "Invalid notebook name. Notebook names must "+ "have 1 or more characters and can contain any characters " + "except :/\\. Please enter a new notebook name:" ); return false; } else { that.notebook.rename(new_name); } }} }, open : function (event, ui) { var that = $(this); // Upon ENTER, click the OK button. that.find('input[type="text"]').keydown(function (event, ui) { if (event.which === keyboard.keycodes.enter) { that.find('.btn-primary').first().click(); return false; } }); that.find('input[type="text"]').focus().select(); } }); }; SaveWidget.prototype.update_notebook_name = function () { var nbname = this.notebook.get_notebook_name(); this.element.find('span#notebook_name').text(nbname); }; SaveWidget.prototype.update_document_title = function () { var nbname = this.notebook.get_notebook_name(); document.title = nbname; }; SaveWidget.prototype.update_address_bar = function(){ var base_url = this.notebook.base_url; var nbname = this.notebook.notebook_name; var path = this.notebook.notebook_path; var state = {path : path, name: nbname}; window.history.replaceState(state, "", utils.url_join_encode( base_url, "notebooks", path, nbname) ); }; SaveWidget.prototype.set_save_status = function (msg) { this.element.find('span#autosave_status').text(msg); }; SaveWidget.prototype.set_checkpoint_status = function (msg) { this.element.find('span#checkpoint_status').text(msg); }; SaveWidget.prototype.set_last_checkpoint = function (checkpoint) { if (!checkpoint) { this.set_checkpoint_status(""); return; } var d = new Date(checkpoint.last_modified); this.set_checkpoint_status( "Last Checkpoint: " + dateformat(d,'mmm dd HH:MM') ); }; SaveWidget.prototype.set_autosaved = function (dirty) { if (dirty) { this.set_save_status("(unsaved changes)"); } else { this.set_save_status("(autosaved)"); } }; // Backwards compatibility. IPython.SaveWidget = SaveWidget; return {'SaveWidget': SaveWidget}; });