// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. // Example Use for the CellToolbar library // add the following to your custom.js to load // Celltoolbar UI for slideshow // ``` // $.getScript('/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/example.js'); // ``` define([ 'jquery', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', ], function($, celltoolbar) { "use strict"; var CellToolbar = celltoolbar.CellToolbar; var example_preset = []; var simple_button = function(div, cell) { var button_container = $(div); var button = $('<div/>').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon-locked'}}); var fun = function(value){ try{ if(value){ cell.code_mirror.setOption('readOnly','nocursor'); button.button('option','icons',{primary:'ui-icon-locked'}); } else { cell.code_mirror.setOption('readOnly',false); button.button('option','icons',{primary:'ui-icon-unlocked'}); } } catch(e){} }; fun(cell.metadata.ro); button.click(function(){ var v = cell.metadata.ro; var locked = !v; cell.metadata.ro = locked; fun(locked); }) .css('height','16px') .css('width','35px'); button_container.append(button); }; CellToolbar.register_callback('example.lock',simple_button); example_preset.push('example.lock'); var toggle_test = function(div, cell) { var button_container = $(div); var button = $('<div/>') .button({label:String(cell.metadata.foo)}). css('width','65px'); button.click(function(){ var v = cell.metadata.foo; cell.metadata.foo = !v; button.button("option","label",String(!v)); }); button_container.append(button); }; CellToolbar.register_callback('example.toggle',toggle_test); example_preset.push('example.toggle'); var checkbox_test = CellToolbar.utils.checkbox_ui_generator('Yes/No', // setter function(cell, value){ // we check that the slideshow namespace exist and create it if needed if (cell.metadata.yn_test === undefined){cell.metadata.yn_test = {};} // set the value cell.metadata.yn_test.value = value; }, //geter function(cell){ var ns = cell.metadata.yn_test; // if the slideshow namespace does not exist return `undefined` // (will be interpreted as `false` by checkbox) otherwise // return the value return (ns === undefined)? undefined: ns.value; } ); CellToolbar.register_callback('example.checkbox',checkbox_test); example_preset.push('example.checkbox'); var select_test = CellToolbar.utils.select_ui_generator([ ["-" ,undefined ], ["Header Slide" ,"header_slide" ], ["Slide" ,"slide" ], ["Fragment" ,"fragment" ], ["Skip" ,"skip" ], ], // setter function(cell,value){ // we check that the slideshow namespace exist and create it if needed if (cell.metadata.test === undefined){cell.metadata.test = {};} // set the value cell.metadata.test.slide_type = value; }, //geter function(cell){ var ns = cell.metadata.test; // if the slideshow namespace does not exist return `undefined` // (will be interpreted as `false` by checkbox) otherwise // return the value return (ns === undefined)? undefined: ns.slide_type; }); CellToolbar.register_callback('example.select',select_test); example_preset.push('example.select'); var simple_dialog = function(title,text){ var dlg = $('<div/>').attr('title',title) .append($('<p/>').text(text)); $(dlg).dialog({ autoOpen: true, height: 300, width: 650, modal: true, close: function() { /** *cleanup on close */ $(this).remove(); } }); }; var add_simple_dialog_button = function(div, cell) { var help_text = ["This is the Metadata editting UI.", "It heavily rely on plugin to work ", "and is still under developpement. You shouldn't wait too long before", " seeing some customisable buttons in those toolbar." ].join('\n'); var button_container = $(div); var button = $('<div/>').button({label:'?'}) .click(function(){simple_dialog('help',help_text); return false;}); button_container.append(button); }; var register = function (notebook) { CellToolbar.register_callback('example.help',add_simple_dialog_button); example_preset.push('example.help'); CellToolbar.register_preset('Example',example_preset, notebook); console.log('Example extension for metadata editing loaded.'); }; return {'register': register}; });