# encoding: utf-8 """ An application for IPython. All top-level applications should use the classes in this module for handling configuration and creating configurables. The job of an :class:`Application` is to create the master configuration object and then create the configurable objects, passing the config to them. """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import atexit import glob import logging import os import shutil import sys from traitlets.config.application import Application, catch_config_error from traitlets.config.loader import ConfigFileNotFound, PyFileConfigLoader from IPython.core import release, crashhandler from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir, ProfileDirError from IPython.paths import get_ipython_dir, get_ipython_package_dir from IPython.utils.path import ensure_dir_exists from IPython.utils import py3compat from traitlets import List, Unicode, Type, Bool, Dict, Set, Instance, Undefined if os.name == 'nt': programdata = os.environ.get('PROGRAMDATA', None) if programdata: SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRS = [os.path.join(programdata, 'ipython')] else: # PROGRAMDATA is not defined by default on XP. SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRS = [] else: SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRS = [ "/usr/local/etc/ipython", "/etc/ipython", ] # aliases and flags base_aliases = { 'profile-dir' : 'ProfileDir.location', 'profile' : 'BaseIPythonApplication.profile', 'ipython-dir' : 'BaseIPythonApplication.ipython_dir', 'log-level' : 'Application.log_level', 'config' : 'BaseIPythonApplication.extra_config_file', } base_flags = dict( debug = ({'Application' : {'log_level' : logging.DEBUG}}, "set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)"), quiet = ({'Application' : {'log_level' : logging.CRITICAL}}, "set log level to logging.CRITICAL (minimize logging output)"), init = ({'BaseIPythonApplication' : { 'copy_config_files' : True, 'auto_create' : True} }, """Initialize profile with default config files. This is equivalent to running `ipython profile create ` prior to startup. """) ) class ProfileAwareConfigLoader(PyFileConfigLoader): """A Python file config loader that is aware of IPython profiles.""" def load_subconfig(self, fname, path=None, profile=None): if profile is not None: try: profile_dir = ProfileDir.find_profile_dir_by_name( get_ipython_dir(), profile, ) except ProfileDirError: return path = profile_dir.location return super(ProfileAwareConfigLoader, self).load_subconfig(fname, path=path) class BaseIPythonApplication(Application): name = Unicode(u'ipython') description = Unicode(u'IPython: an enhanced interactive Python shell.') version = Unicode(release.version) aliases = Dict(base_aliases) flags = Dict(base_flags) classes = List([ProfileDir]) # enable `load_subconfig('cfg.py', profile='name')` python_config_loader_class = ProfileAwareConfigLoader # Track whether the config_file has changed, # because some logic happens only if we aren't using the default. config_file_specified = Set() config_file_name = Unicode() def _config_file_name_default(self): return self.name.replace('-','_') + u'_config.py' def _config_file_name_changed(self, name, old, new): if new != old: self.config_file_specified.add(new) # The directory that contains IPython's builtin profiles. builtin_profile_dir = Unicode( os.path.join(get_ipython_package_dir(), u'config', u'profile', u'default') ) config_file_paths = List(Unicode) def _config_file_paths_default(self): return [py3compat.getcwd()] extra_config_file = Unicode(config=True, help="""Path to an extra config file to load. If specified, load this config file in addition to any other IPython config. """) def _extra_config_file_changed(self, name, old, new): try: self.config_files.remove(old) except ValueError: pass self.config_file_specified.add(new) self.config_files.append(new) profile = Unicode(u'default', config=True, help="""The IPython profile to use.""" ) def _profile_changed(self, name, old, new): self.builtin_profile_dir = os.path.join( get_ipython_package_dir(), u'config', u'profile', new ) ipython_dir = Unicode(config=True, help=""" The name of the IPython directory. This directory is used for logging configuration (through profiles), history storage, etc. The default is usually $HOME/.ipython. This option can also be specified through the environment variable IPYTHONDIR. """ ) def _ipython_dir_default(self): d = get_ipython_dir() self._ipython_dir_changed('ipython_dir', d, d) return d _in_init_profile_dir = False profile_dir = Instance(ProfileDir, allow_none=True) def _profile_dir_default(self): # avoid recursion if self._in_init_profile_dir: return # profile_dir requested early, force initialization self.init_profile_dir() return self.profile_dir overwrite = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Whether to overwrite existing config files when copying""") auto_create = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Whether to create profile dir if it doesn't exist""") config_files = List(Unicode) def _config_files_default(self): return [self.config_file_name] copy_config_files = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Whether to install the default config files into the profile dir. If a new profile is being created, and IPython contains config files for that profile, then they will be staged into the new directory. Otherwise, default config files will be automatically generated. """) verbose_crash = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Create a massive crash report when IPython encounters what may be an internal error. The default is to append a short message to the usual traceback""") # The class to use as the crash handler. crash_handler_class = Type(crashhandler.CrashHandler) @catch_config_error def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BaseIPythonApplication, self).__init__(**kwargs) # ensure current working directory exists try: directory = py3compat.getcwd() except: # exit if cwd doesn't exist self.log.error("Current working directory doesn't exist.") self.exit(1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Various stages of Application creation #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_crash_handler(self): """Create a crash handler, typically setting sys.excepthook to it.""" self.crash_handler = self.crash_handler_class(self) sys.excepthook = self.excepthook def unset_crashhandler(): sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ atexit.register(unset_crashhandler) def excepthook(self, etype, evalue, tb): """this is sys.excepthook after init_crashhandler set self.verbose_crash=True to use our full crashhandler, instead of a regular traceback with a short message (crash_handler_lite) """ if self.verbose_crash: return self.crash_handler(etype, evalue, tb) else: return crashhandler.crash_handler_lite(etype, evalue, tb) def _ipython_dir_changed(self, name, old, new): if old is not Undefined: str_old = py3compat.cast_bytes_py2(os.path.abspath(old), sys.getfilesystemencoding() ) if str_old in sys.path: sys.path.remove(str_old) str_path = py3compat.cast_bytes_py2(os.path.abspath(new), sys.getfilesystemencoding() ) sys.path.append(str_path) ensure_dir_exists(new) readme = os.path.join(new, 'README') readme_src = os.path.join(get_ipython_package_dir(), u'config', u'profile', 'README') if not os.path.exists(readme) and os.path.exists(readme_src): shutil.copy(readme_src, readme) for d in ('extensions', 'nbextensions'): path = os.path.join(new, d) try: ensure_dir_exists(path) except OSError: # this will not be EEXIST self.log.error("couldn't create path %s: %s", path, e) self.log.debug("IPYTHONDIR set to: %s" % new) def load_config_file(self, suppress_errors=True): """Load the config file. By default, errors in loading config are handled, and a warning printed on screen. For testing, the suppress_errors option is set to False, so errors will make tests fail. """ self.log.debug("Searching path %s for config files", self.config_file_paths) base_config = 'ipython_config.py' self.log.debug("Attempting to load config file: %s" % base_config) try: Application.load_config_file( self, base_config, path=self.config_file_paths ) except ConfigFileNotFound: # ignore errors loading parent self.log.debug("Config file %s not found", base_config) pass for config_file_name in self.config_files: if not config_file_name or config_file_name == base_config: continue self.log.debug("Attempting to load config file: %s" % self.config_file_name) try: Application.load_config_file( self, config_file_name, path=self.config_file_paths ) except ConfigFileNotFound: # Only warn if the default config file was NOT being used. if config_file_name in self.config_file_specified: msg = self.log.warn else: msg = self.log.debug msg("Config file not found, skipping: %s", config_file_name) except Exception: # For testing purposes. if not suppress_errors: raise self.log.warn("Error loading config file: %s" % self.config_file_name, exc_info=True) def init_profile_dir(self): """initialize the profile dir""" self._in_init_profile_dir = True if self.profile_dir is not None: # already ran return if 'ProfileDir.location' not in self.config: # location not specified, find by profile name try: p = ProfileDir.find_profile_dir_by_name(self.ipython_dir, self.profile, self.config) except ProfileDirError: # not found, maybe create it (always create default profile) if self.auto_create or self.profile == 'default': try: p = ProfileDir.create_profile_dir_by_name(self.ipython_dir, self.profile, self.config) except ProfileDirError: self.log.fatal("Could not create profile: %r"%self.profile) self.exit(1) else: self.log.info("Created profile dir: %r"%p.location) else: self.log.fatal("Profile %r not found."%self.profile) self.exit(1) else: self.log.debug("Using existing profile dir: %r"%p.location) else: location = self.config.ProfileDir.location # location is fully specified try: p = ProfileDir.find_profile_dir(location, self.config) except ProfileDirError: # not found, maybe create it if self.auto_create: try: p = ProfileDir.create_profile_dir(location, self.config) except ProfileDirError: self.log.fatal("Could not create profile directory: %r"%location) self.exit(1) else: self.log.debug("Creating new profile dir: %r"%location) else: self.log.fatal("Profile directory %r not found."%location) self.exit(1) else: self.log.info("Using existing profile dir: %r"%location) # if profile_dir is specified explicitly, set profile name dir_name = os.path.basename(p.location) if dir_name.startswith('profile_'): self.profile = dir_name[8:] self.profile_dir = p self.config_file_paths.append(p.location) self._in_init_profile_dir = False def init_config_files(self): """[optionally] copy default config files into profile dir.""" self.config_file_paths.extend(SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRS) # copy config files path = self.builtin_profile_dir if self.copy_config_files: src = self.profile cfg = self.config_file_name if path and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, cfg)): self.log.warn("Staging %r from %s into %r [overwrite=%s]"%( cfg, src, self.profile_dir.location, self.overwrite) ) self.profile_dir.copy_config_file(cfg, path=path, overwrite=self.overwrite) else: self.stage_default_config_file() else: # Still stage *bundled* config files, but not generated ones # This is necessary for `ipython profile=sympy` to load the profile # on the first go files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.py')) for fullpath in files: cfg = os.path.basename(fullpath) if self.profile_dir.copy_config_file(cfg, path=path, overwrite=False): # file was copied self.log.warn("Staging bundled %s from %s into %r"%( cfg, self.profile, self.profile_dir.location) ) def stage_default_config_file(self): """auto generate default config file, and stage it into the profile.""" s = self.generate_config_file() fname = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.location, self.config_file_name) if self.overwrite or not os.path.exists(fname): self.log.warn("Generating default config file: %r"%(fname)) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(s) @catch_config_error def initialize(self, argv=None): # don't hook up crash handler before parsing command-line self.parse_command_line(argv) self.init_crash_handler() if self.subapp is not None: # stop here if subapp is taking over return cl_config = self.config self.init_profile_dir() self.init_config_files() self.load_config_file() # enforce cl-opts override configfile opts: self.update_config(cl_config)