""" Base front end class for all async frontends. """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import uuid try: from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implements, classProvides except ImportError, e: e.message = """%s ________________________________________________________________________________ zope.interface is required to run asynchronous frontends.""" % e.message e.args = (e.message, ) + e.args[1:] from frontendbase import FrontEndBase, IFrontEnd, IFrontEndFactory from IPython.kernel.engineservice import IEngineCore from IPython.kernel.core.history import FrontEndHistory try: from twisted.python.failure import Failure except ImportError, e: e.message = """%s ________________________________________________________________________________ twisted is required to run asynchronous frontends.""" % e.message e.args = (e.message, ) + e.args[1:] class AsyncFrontEndBase(FrontEndBase): """ Overrides FrontEndBase to wrap execute in a deferred result. All callbacks are made as callbacks on the deferred result. """ implements(IFrontEnd) classProvides(IFrontEndFactory) def __init__(self, engine=None, history=None): assert(engine==None or IEngineCore.providedBy(engine)) self.engine = IEngineCore(engine) if history is None: self.history = FrontEndHistory(input_cache=['']) else: self.history = history def execute(self, block, blockID=None): """Execute the block and return the deferred result. Parameters: block : {str, AST} blockID : any Caller may provide an ID to identify this block. result['blockID'] := blockID Result: Deferred result of self.interpreter.execute """ if(not self.is_complete(block)): return Failure(Exception("Block is not compilable")) if(blockID == None): blockID = uuid.uuid4() #random UUID d = self.engine.execute(block) d.addCallback(self._add_history, block=block) d.addCallbacks(self._add_block_id_for_result, errback=self._add_block_id_for_failure, callbackArgs=(blockID,), errbackArgs=(blockID,)) d.addBoth(self.update_cell_prompt, blockID=blockID) d.addCallbacks(self.render_result, errback=self.render_error) return d