from IPython.core import ipapi ip = ipapi.get() def clip_f( self, parameter_s = '' ): """Save a set of lines to the clipboard. Usage:\\ %clip n1-n2 n3-n4 ... n5 .. n6 ... This function uses the same syntax as %macro for line extraction, but instead of creating a macro it saves the resulting string to the clipboard. When used without arguments, this returns the text contents of the clipboard. E.g. mytext = %clip """ import win32clipboard as cl import win32con args = parameter_s.split() cl.OpenClipboard() if len( args ) == 0: data = cl.GetClipboardData( win32con.CF_TEXT ) cl.CloseClipboard() return data api = self.getapi() if parameter_s.lstrip().startswith('='): rest = parameter_s[parameter_s.index('=')+1:].strip() val = str(api.ev(rest)) else: ranges = args[0:] val = ''.join( self.extract_input_slices( ranges ) ) cl.EmptyClipboard() cl.SetClipboardText( val ) cl.CloseClipboard() print 'The following text was written to the clipboard' print val ip.expose_magic( "clip", clip_f )