""" Module containing single call export functions. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from functools import wraps from IPython.nbformat.v3.nbbase import NotebookNode from IPython.config import Config from .exporter import Exporter from .html import HTMLExporter from .latex import LatexExporter from .markdown import MarkdownExporter from .python import PythonExporter from .rst import RSTExporter #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def DocDecorator(f): #Set docstring of function f.__doc__ = f.__doc__ + """ nb : Notebook node config : config (optional, keyword arg) User configuration instance. resources : dict (optional, keyword arg) Resources used in the conversion process. Returns ---------- tuple- output, resources, exporter_instance output : str Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook. resources : dictionary Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process. exporter_instance : Exporter Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a 'file_extension' property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as.""" @wraps(f) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorator #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = [ 'export', 'export_html', 'export_latex', 'export_markdown', 'export_python', 'export_rst', 'export_by_name', 'get_export_names', 'ExporterNameError' ] class ExporterNameError(NameError): pass @DocDecorator def export(exporter, nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object using specific exporter class. exporter : Exporter class type or instance Class type or instance of the exporter that should be used. If the method initializes it's own instance of the class, it is ASSUMED that the class type provided exposes a constructor (__init__) with the same signature as the base Exporter class. """ #Check arguments if exporter is None: raise TypeError("Exporter is None") elif not isinstance(exporter, Exporter) and not issubclass(exporter, Exporter): raise TypeError("exporter does not inherit from Exporter (base)") if nb is None: raise TypeError("nb is None") #Create the exporter resources = kw.pop('resources', None) if isinstance(exporter, Exporter): exporter_instance = exporter else: exporter_instance = exporter(**kw) #Try to convert the notebook using the appropriate conversion function. if isinstance(nb, NotebookNode): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_notebook_node(nb, resources) elif isinstance(nb, basestring): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_filename(nb, resources) else: output, resources = exporter_instance.from_file(nb, resources) return output, resources @DocDecorator def export_html(nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to Basic HTML """ return export(HTMLExporter, nb, **kw) @DocDecorator def export_latex(nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to LaTeX """ return export(LatexExporter, nb, **kw) @DocDecorator def export_markdown(nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to Markdown """ return export(MarkdownExporter, nb, **kw) @DocDecorator def export_python(nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to Python """ return export(PythonExporter, nb, **kw) @DocDecorator def export_rst(nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to reStructuredText """ return export(RSTExporter, nb, **kw) @DocDecorator def export_by_name(format_name, nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to a template type by its name. Reflection (Inspect) is used to find the template's corresponding explicit export method defined in this module. That method is then called directly. format_name : str Name of the template style to export to. """ function_name = "export_" + format_name.lower() if function_name in globals(): return globals()[function_name](nb, **kw) else: raise ExporterNameError("template for `%s` not found" % function_name) def get_export_names(): "Return a list of the currently supported export targets" # grab everything after 'export_' l = [x[len('export_'):] for x in __all__ if x.startswith('export_')] # filter out the one method that is not a template l = [x for x in l if 'by_name' not in x] return sorted(l)