""" Decorators for labeling and modifying behavior of test objects. Decorators that merely return a modified version of the original function object are straightforward. Decorators that return a new function object need to use :: nose.tools.make_decorator(original_function)(decorator) in returning the decorator, in order to preserve meta-data such as function name, setup and teardown functions and so on - see ``nose.tools`` for more information. """ # IPython changes: make this work if numpy not available # Original code: try: from ._numpy_testing_noseclasses import KnownFailureTest except: pass # End IPython changes def skipif(skip_condition, msg=None): """ Make function raise SkipTest exception if a given condition is true. If the condition is a callable, it is used at runtime to dynamically make the decision. This is useful for tests that may require costly imports, to delay the cost until the test suite is actually executed. Parameters ---------- skip_condition : bool or callable Flag to determine whether to skip the decorated test. msg : str, optional Message to give on raising a SkipTest exception. Default is None. Returns ------- decorator : function Decorator which, when applied to a function, causes SkipTest to be raised when `skip_condition` is True, and the function to be called normally otherwise. Notes ----- The decorator itself is decorated with the ``nose.tools.make_decorator`` function in order to transmit function name, and various other metadata. """ def skip_decorator(f): # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the # import time overhead at actual test-time. import nose # Allow for both boolean or callable skip conditions. if callable(skip_condition): skip_val = lambda : skip_condition() else: skip_val = lambda : skip_condition def get_msg(func,msg=None): """Skip message with information about function being skipped.""" if msg is None: out = 'Test skipped due to test condition' else: out = '\n'+msg return "Skipping test: %s%s" % (func.__name__,out) # We need to define *two* skippers because Python doesn't allow both # return with value and yield inside the same function. def skipper_func(*args, **kwargs): """Skipper for normal test functions.""" if skip_val(): raise nose.SkipTest(get_msg(f,msg)) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) def skipper_gen(*args, **kwargs): """Skipper for test generators.""" if skip_val(): raise nose.SkipTest(get_msg(f,msg)) else: for x in f(*args, **kwargs): yield x # Choose the right skipper to use when building the actual decorator. if nose.util.isgenerator(f): skipper = skipper_gen else: skipper = skipper_func return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(skipper) return skip_decorator def knownfailureif(fail_condition, msg=None): """ Make function raise KnownFailureTest exception if given condition is true. Parameters ---------- fail_condition : bool Flag to determine whether to mark the decorated test as a known failure (if True) or not (if False). msg : str, optional Message to give on raising a KnownFailureTest exception. Default is None. Returns ------- decorator : function Decorator, which, when applied to a function, causes KnownFailureTest to be raised when `fail_condition` is True and the test fails. Notes ----- The decorator itself is decorated with the ``nose.tools.make_decorator`` function in order to transmit function name, and various other metadata. """ if msg is None: msg = 'Test skipped due to known failure' def knownfail_decorator(f): # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the # import time overhead at actual test-time. import nose def knownfailer(*args, **kwargs): if fail_condition: raise KnownFailureTest(msg) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(knownfailer) return knownfail_decorator