"""A one-line description. A longer description that spans multiple lines. Explain the purpose of the file and provide a short list of the key classes/functions it contains. This is the docstring shown when some does 'import foo;foo?' in IPython, so it should be reasonably useful and informative. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # Stdlib imports import subprocess import copy import json import re import os import sys # IPython imports from IPython.utils.text import indent from IPython.utils import py3compat from IPython.nbformat.v3.nbjson import BytesEncoder # Our own imports from lexers import IPythonLexer #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals and constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _multiline_outputs = ['text', 'html', 'svg', 'latex', 'javascript', 'json'] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def highlight(src, lang='ipython'): """ Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source as html output. """ from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter return pygment_highlight(src, HtmlFormatter(), lang) def highlight2latex(src, lang='ipython'): """ Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source as latex output. """ from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter return pygment_highlight(src, LatexFormatter(), lang) def pygment_highlight(src, output_formatter, lang='ipython'): """ Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source """ from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name if lang == 'ipython': lexer = IPythonLexer() else: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True) return highlight(src, lexer, output_formatter) def get_lines(src, start=None,end=None): """ Split the input text into separate lines and then return the lines that the caller is interested in. """ # Split the input into lines. lines = src.split("\n") # Return the right lines. return "\n".join(lines[start:end]) #re-join def output_container(f): """add a prompt-area next to an output""" def wrapped(self, output): rendered = f(self, output) if not rendered: # empty output return [] lines = [] lines.append('
') lines.extend(self._out_prompt(output)) classes = "output_subarea output_%s" % output.output_type if 'html' in output.keys(): classes += ' output_html rendered_html' if output.output_type == 'stream': classes += " output_%s" % output.stream lines.append('
' % classes) lines.extend(rendered) lines.append('
') # subarea lines.append('
') # output_area return lines return wrapped def text_cell(f): """wrap text cells in appropriate divs""" def wrapped(self, cell): rendered = f(self, cell) classes = "text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html" lines = ['
' % classes] + rendered + ['
'] return lines return wrapped def remove_fake_files_url(cell): """Remove from the cell source the /files/ pseudo-path we use. """ src = cell.source cell.source = re.sub(r"""([\(/"'])files/""", r'\1',src) # ANSI color functions: def remove_ansi(src): """Strip all ANSI color escape sequences from input string. Parameters ---------- src : string Returns ------- string """ return re.sub(r'\033\[(0|\d;\d\d)m', '', src) def ansi2html(txt): """Render ANSI colors as HTML colors This is equivalent to util.fixConsole in utils.js Parameters ---------- txt : string Returns ------- string """ ansi_colormap = { '30': 'ansiblack', '31': 'ansired', '32': 'ansigreen', '33': 'ansiyellow', '34': 'ansiblue', '35': 'ansipurple', '36': 'ansicyan', '37': 'ansigrey', '01': 'ansibold', } # do ampersand first txt = txt.replace('&', '&') html_escapes = { '<': '<', '>': '>', "'": ''', '"': '"', '`': '`', } for c, escape in html_escapes.iteritems(): txt = txt.replace(c, escape) ansi_re = re.compile('\x1b' + r'\[([\dA-Fa-f;]*?)m') m = ansi_re.search(txt) opened = False cmds = [] opener = '' closer = '' while m: cmds = m.groups()[0].split(';') closer = '' if opened else '' # True if there is there more than one element in cmds, *or* # if there is only one but it is not equal to a string of zeroes. opened = len(cmds) > 1 or cmds[0] != '0' * len(cmds[0]) classes = [] for cmd in cmds: if cmd in ansi_colormap: classes.append(ansi_colormap.get(cmd)) if classes: opener = '' % (' '.join(classes)) else: opener = '' txt = re.sub(ansi_re, closer + opener, txt, 1) m = ansi_re.search(txt) if opened: txt += '' return txt # Pandoc-dependent code def markdown2latex(src): """Convert a markdown string to LaTeX via pandoc. This function will raise an error if pandoc is not installed. Any error messages generated by pandoc are printed to stderr. Parameters ---------- src : string Input string, assumed to be valid markdown. Returns ------- out : string Output as returned by pandoc. """ p = subprocess.Popen('pandoc -f markdown -t latex'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(src.encode('utf-8')) if err: print(err, file=sys.stderr) #print('*'*20+'\n', out, '\n'+'*'*20) # dbg return unicode(out, 'utf-8') def markdown2rst(src): """Convert a markdown string to LaTeX via pandoc. This function will raise an error if pandoc is not installed. Any error messages generated by pandoc are printed to stderr. Parameters ---------- src : string Input string, assumed to be valid markdown. Returns ------- out : string Output as returned by pandoc. """ p = subprocess.Popen('pandoc -f markdown -t rst'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(src.encode('utf-8')) if err: print(err, file=sys.stderr) #print('*'*20+'\n', out, '\n'+'*'*20) # dbg return unicode(out, 'utf-8') def rst_directive(directive, text=''): """ Makes ReST directive block and indents any text passed to it. """ out = [directive, ''] if text: out.extend([indent(text), '']) return out def coalesce_streams(outputs): """merge consecutive sequences of stream output into single stream to prevent extra newlines inserted at flush calls TODO: handle \r deletion """ new_outputs = [] last = outputs[0] new_outputs = [last] for output in outputs[1:]: if (output.output_type == 'stream' and last.output_type == 'stream' and last.stream == output.stream ): last.text += output.text else: new_outputs.append(output) return new_outputs def rst2simplehtml(infile): """Convert a rst file to simplified html suitable for blogger. This just runs rst2html with certain parameters to produce really simple html and strips the document header, so the resulting file can be easily pasted into a blogger edit window. """ # This is the template for the rst2html call that produces the cleanest, # simplest html I could find. This should help in making it easier to # paste into the blogspot html window, though I'm still having problems # with linebreaks there... cmd_template = ("rst2html --link-stylesheet --no-xml-declaration " "--no-generator --no-datestamp --no-source-link " "--no-toc-backlinks --no-section-numbering " "--strip-comments ") cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd_template, infile) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) html, stderr = proc.communicate() if stderr: raise IOError(stderr) # Make an iterator so breaking out holds state. Our implementation of # searching for the html body below is basically a trivial little state # machine, so we need this. walker = iter(html.splitlines()) # Find start of main text, break out to then print until we find end /div. # This may only work if there's a real title defined so we get a 'div # class' tag, I haven't really tried. for line in walker: if line.startswith(''): break newfname = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + '.html' with open(newfname, 'w') as f: for line in walker: if line.startswith(''): break f.write(line) f.write('\n') return newfname #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cell-level functions -- similar to IPython.nbformat.v3.rwbase functions # but at cell level instead of whole notebook level #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def writes_cell(cell, **kwargs): kwargs['cls'] = BytesEncoder kwargs['indent'] = 3 kwargs['sort_keys'] = True kwargs['separators'] = (',', ': ') if kwargs.pop('split_lines', True): cell = split_lines_cell(copy.deepcopy(cell)) return py3compat.str_to_unicode(json.dumps(cell, **kwargs), 'utf-8') def split_lines_cell(cell): """ Split lines within a cell as in IPython.nbformat.v3.rwbase.split_lines """ if cell.cell_type == 'code': if 'input' in cell and isinstance(cell.input, basestring): cell.input = (cell.input + '\n').splitlines() for output in cell.outputs: for key in _multiline_outputs: item = output.get(key, None) if isinstance(item, basestring): output[key] = (item + '\n').splitlines() else: # text, heading cell for key in ['source', 'rendered']: item = cell.get(key, None) if isinstance(item, basestring): cell[key] = (item + '\n').splitlines() return cell def cell_to_lines(cell): ''' Write a cell to json, returning the split lines. ''' split_lines_cell(cell) s = writes_cell(cell).strip() return s.split('\n')