""" Implementations for various useful completers See extensions/ipy_stock_completers.py on examples of how to enable a completer, but the basic idea is to do: ip.set_hook('complete_command', svn_completer, str_key = 'svn') NOTE: some of the completers that used to be here, the ones used always by default (loaded before by ipy_stock_completers) have been moved into core.completerlib, where they will be further cleaned up and maintained. The rest of this file would need to be well commented, cleaned up and tested for inclusion into the core. """ import glob,os,shlex,sys import inspect from time import time from zipimport import zipimporter from IPython.core import ipapi from IPython.core.error import TryNext ip = ipapi.get() def vcs_completer(commands, event): """ utility to make writing typical version control app completers easier VCS command line apps typically have the format: [sudo ]PROGNAME [help] [command] file file... """ cmd_param = event.line.split() if event.line.endswith(' '): cmd_param.append('') if cmd_param[0] == 'sudo': cmd_param = cmd_param[1:] if len(cmd_param) == 2 or 'help' in cmd_param: return commands.split() return ip.Completer.file_matches(event.symbol) svn_commands = """\ add blame praise annotate ann cat checkout co cleanup commit ci copy cp delete del remove rm diff di export help ? h import info list ls lock log merge mkdir move mv rename ren propdel pdel pd propedit pedit pe propget pget pg proplist plist pl propset pset ps resolved revert status stat st switch sw unlock update """ def svn_completer(self,event): return vcs_completer(svn_commands, event) hg_commands = """ add addremove annotate archive backout branch branches bundle cat clone commit copy diff export grep heads help identify import incoming init locate log manifest merge outgoing parents paths pull push qapplied qclone qcommit qdelete qdiff qfold qguard qheader qimport qinit qnew qnext qpop qprev qpush qrefresh qrename qrestore qsave qselect qseries qtop qunapplied recover remove rename revert rollback root serve showconfig status strip tag tags tip unbundle update verify version """ def hg_completer(self,event): """ Completer for mercurial commands """ return vcs_completer(hg_commands, event) __bzr_commands = None def bzr_commands(): global __bzr_commands if __bzr_commands is not None: return __bzr_commands out = os.popen('bzr help commands') __bzr_commands = [l.split()[0] for l in out] return __bzr_commands def bzr_completer(self,event): """ Completer for bazaar commands """ cmd_param = event.line.split() if event.line.endswith(' '): cmd_param.append('') if len(cmd_param) > 2: cmd = cmd_param[1] param = cmd_param[-1] output_file = (param == '--output=') if cmd == 'help': return bzr_commands() elif cmd in ['bundle-revisions','conflicts', 'deleted','nick','register-branch', 'serve','unbind','upgrade','version', 'whoami'] and not output_file: return [] else: # the rest are probably file names return ip.Completer.file_matches(event.symbol) return bzr_commands() def apt_get_packages(prefix): out = os.popen('apt-cache pkgnames') for p in out: if p.startswith(prefix): yield p.rstrip() apt_commands = """\ update upgrade install remove purge source build-dep dist-upgrade dselect-upgrade clean autoclean check""" def apt_completer(self, event): """ Completer for apt-get (uses apt-cache internally) """ cmd_param = event.line.split() if event.line.endswith(' '): cmd_param.append('') if cmd_param[0] == 'sudo': cmd_param = cmd_param[1:] if len(cmd_param) == 2 or 'help' in cmd_param: return apt_commands.split() return list(apt_get_packages(event.symbol))