# coding: utf-8 """Tests for IPython.lib.pretty.""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import print_function from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque, OrderedDict import types, string, ctypes import nose.tools as nt from IPython.lib import pretty from IPython.testing.decorators import (skip_without, py2_only, py3_only, cpython2_only) from IPython.utils.py3compat import PY3, unicode_to_str if PY3: from io import StringIO else: from StringIO import StringIO class MyList(object): def __init__(self, content): self.content = content def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text("MyList(...)") else: with p.group(3, "MyList(", ")"): for (i, child) in enumerate(self.content): if i: p.text(",") p.breakable() else: p.breakable("") p.pretty(child) class MyDict(dict): def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text("MyDict(...)") class MyObj(object): def somemethod(self): pass class Dummy1(object): def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text("Dummy1(...)") class Dummy2(Dummy1): _repr_pretty_ = None class NoModule(object): pass NoModule.__module__ = None class Breaking(object): def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): with p.group(4,"TG: ",":"): p.text("Breaking(") p.break_() p.text(")") class BreakingRepr(object): def __repr__(self): return "Breaking(\n)" class BreakingReprParent(object): def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): with p.group(4,"TG: ",":"): p.pretty(BreakingRepr()) class BadRepr(object): def __repr__(self): return 1/0 def test_indentation(): """Test correct indentation in groups""" count = 40 gotoutput = pretty.pretty(MyList(range(count))) expectedoutput = "MyList(\n" + ",\n".join(" %d" % i for i in range(count)) + ")" nt.assert_equal(gotoutput, expectedoutput) def test_dispatch(): """ Test correct dispatching: The _repr_pretty_ method for MyDict must be found before the registered printer for dict. """ gotoutput = pretty.pretty(MyDict()) expectedoutput = "MyDict(...)" nt.assert_equal(gotoutput, expectedoutput) def test_callability_checking(): """ Test that the _repr_pretty_ method is tested for callability and skipped if not. """ gotoutput = pretty.pretty(Dummy2()) expectedoutput = "Dummy1(...)" nt.assert_equal(gotoutput, expectedoutput) def test_sets(): """ Test that set and frozenset use Python 3 formatting. """ objects = [set(), frozenset(), set([1]), frozenset([1]), set([1, 2]), frozenset([1, 2]), set([-1, -2, -3])] expected = ['set()', 'frozenset()', '{1}', 'frozenset({1})', '{1, 2}', 'frozenset({1, 2})', '{-3, -2, -1}'] for obj, expected_output in zip(objects, expected): got_output = pretty.pretty(obj) yield nt.assert_equal, got_output, expected_output @skip_without('xxlimited') def test_pprint_heap_allocated_type(): """ Test that pprint works for heap allocated types. """ import xxlimited output = pretty.pretty(xxlimited.Null) nt.assert_equal(output, 'xxlimited.Null') def test_pprint_nomod(): """ Test that pprint works for classes with no __module__. """ output = pretty.pretty(NoModule) nt.assert_equal(output, 'NoModule') def test_pprint_break(): """ Test that p.break_ produces expected output """ output = pretty.pretty(Breaking()) expected = "TG: Breaking(\n ):" nt.assert_equal(output, expected) def test_pprint_break_repr(): """ Test that p.break_ is used in repr """ output = pretty.pretty(BreakingReprParent()) expected = "TG: Breaking(\n ):" nt.assert_equal(output, expected) def test_bad_repr(): """Don't catch bad repr errors""" with nt.assert_raises(ZeroDivisionError): output = pretty.pretty(BadRepr()) class BadException(Exception): def __str__(self): return -1 class ReallyBadRepr(object): __module__ = 1 @property def __class__(self): raise ValueError("I am horrible") def __repr__(self): raise BadException() def test_really_bad_repr(): with nt.assert_raises(BadException): output = pretty.pretty(ReallyBadRepr()) class SA(object): pass class SB(SA): pass def test_super_repr(): # "" output = pretty.pretty(super(SA)) nt.assert_regexp_matches(output, r"") # ">" sb = SB() output = pretty.pretty(super(SA, sb)) nt.assert_regexp_matches(output, r">") def test_long_list(): lis = list(range(10000)) p = pretty.pretty(lis) last2 = p.rsplit('\n', 2)[-2:] nt.assert_equal(last2, [' 999,', ' ...]']) def test_long_set(): s = set(range(10000)) p = pretty.pretty(s) last2 = p.rsplit('\n', 2)[-2:] nt.assert_equal(last2, [' 999,', ' ...}']) def test_long_tuple(): tup = tuple(range(10000)) p = pretty.pretty(tup) last2 = p.rsplit('\n', 2)[-2:] nt.assert_equal(last2, [' 999,', ' ...)']) def test_long_dict(): d = { n:n for n in range(10000) } p = pretty.pretty(d) last2 = p.rsplit('\n', 2)[-2:] nt.assert_equal(last2, [' 999: 999,', ' ...}']) def test_unbound_method(): output = pretty.pretty(MyObj.somemethod) nt.assert_in('MyObj.somemethod', output) class MetaClass(type): def __new__(cls, name): return type.__new__(cls, name, (object,), {'name': name}) def __repr__(self): return "[CUSTOM REPR FOR CLASS %s]" % self.name ClassWithMeta = MetaClass('ClassWithMeta') def test_metaclass_repr(): output = pretty.pretty(ClassWithMeta) nt.assert_equal(output, "[CUSTOM REPR FOR CLASS ClassWithMeta]") def test_unicode_repr(): u = u"üniçodé" ustr = unicode_to_str(u) class C(object): def __repr__(self): return ustr c = C() p = pretty.pretty(c) nt.assert_equal(p, u) p = pretty.pretty([c]) nt.assert_equal(p, u'[%s]' % u) def test_basic_class(): def type_pprint_wrapper(obj, p, cycle): if obj is MyObj: type_pprint_wrapper.called = True return pretty._type_pprint(obj, p, cycle) type_pprint_wrapper.called = False stream = StringIO() printer = pretty.RepresentationPrinter(stream) printer.type_pprinters[type] = type_pprint_wrapper printer.pretty(MyObj) printer.flush() output = stream.getvalue() nt.assert_equal(output, '%s.MyObj' % __name__) nt.assert_true(type_pprint_wrapper.called) # This is only run on Python 2 because in Python 3 the language prevents you # from setting a non-unicode value for __qualname__ on a metaclass, and it # doesn't respect the descriptor protocol if you subclass unicode and implement # __get__. @py2_only def test_fallback_to__name__on_type(): # Test that we correctly repr types that have non-string values for # __qualname__ by falling back to __name__ class Type(object): __qualname__ = 5 # Test repring of the type. stream = StringIO() printer = pretty.RepresentationPrinter(stream) printer.pretty(Type) printer.flush() output = stream.getvalue() # If __qualname__ is malformed, we should fall back to __name__. expected = '.'.join([__name__, Type.__name__]) nt.assert_equal(output, expected) # Clear stream buffer. stream.buf = '' # Test repring of an instance of the type. instance = Type() printer.pretty(instance) printer.flush() output = stream.getvalue() # Should look like: # prefix = '<' + '.'.join([__name__, Type.__name__]) + ' at 0x' nt.assert_true(output.startswith(prefix)) @py2_only def test_fail_gracefully_on_bogus__qualname__and__name__(): # Test that we correctly repr types that have non-string values for both # __qualname__ and __name__ class Meta(type): __name__ = 5 class Type(object): __metaclass__ = Meta __qualname__ = 5 stream = StringIO() printer = pretty.RepresentationPrinter(stream) printer.pretty(Type) printer.flush() output = stream.getvalue() # If we can't find __name__ or __qualname__ just use a sentinel string. expected = '.'.join([__name__, '']) nt.assert_equal(output, expected) # Clear stream buffer. stream.buf = '' # Test repring of an instance of the type. instance = Type() printer.pretty(instance) printer.flush() output = stream.getvalue() # Should look like: # at 0x7f7658ae07d0> prefix = '<' + '.'.join([__name__, '']) + ' at 0x' nt.assert_true(output.startswith(prefix)) def test_collections_defaultdict(): # Create defaultdicts with cycles a = defaultdict() a.default_factory = a b = defaultdict(list) b['key'] = b # Dictionary order cannot be relied on, test against single keys. cases = [ (defaultdict(list), 'defaultdict(list, {})'), (defaultdict(list, {'key': '-' * 50}), "defaultdict(list,\n" " {'key': '--------------------------------------------------'})"), (a, 'defaultdict(defaultdict(...), {})'), (b, "defaultdict(list, {'key': defaultdict(...)})"), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) def test_collections_ordereddict(): # Create OrderedDict with cycle a = OrderedDict() a['key'] = a cases = [ (OrderedDict(), 'OrderedDict()'), (OrderedDict((i, i) for i in range(1000, 1010)), 'OrderedDict([(1000, 1000),\n' ' (1001, 1001),\n' ' (1002, 1002),\n' ' (1003, 1003),\n' ' (1004, 1004),\n' ' (1005, 1005),\n' ' (1006, 1006),\n' ' (1007, 1007),\n' ' (1008, 1008),\n' ' (1009, 1009)])'), (a, "OrderedDict([('key', OrderedDict(...))])"), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) def test_collections_deque(): # Create deque with cycle a = deque() a.append(a) cases = [ (deque(), 'deque([])'), (deque(i for i in range(1000, 1020)), 'deque([1000,\n' ' 1001,\n' ' 1002,\n' ' 1003,\n' ' 1004,\n' ' 1005,\n' ' 1006,\n' ' 1007,\n' ' 1008,\n' ' 1009,\n' ' 1010,\n' ' 1011,\n' ' 1012,\n' ' 1013,\n' ' 1014,\n' ' 1015,\n' ' 1016,\n' ' 1017,\n' ' 1018,\n' ' 1019])'), (a, 'deque([deque(...)])'), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) def test_collections_counter(): class MyCounter(Counter): pass cases = [ (Counter(), 'Counter()'), (Counter(a=1), "Counter({'a': 1})"), (MyCounter(a=1), "MyCounter({'a': 1})"), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) @py3_only def test_mappingproxy(): MP = types.MappingProxyType underlying_dict = {} mp_recursive = MP(underlying_dict) underlying_dict[2] = mp_recursive underlying_dict[3] = underlying_dict cases = [ (MP({}), "mappingproxy({})"), (MP({None: MP({})}), "mappingproxy({None: mappingproxy({})})"), (MP({k: k.upper() for k in string.ascii_lowercase}), "mappingproxy({'a': 'A',\n" " 'b': 'B',\n" " 'c': 'C',\n" " 'd': 'D',\n" " 'e': 'E',\n" " 'f': 'F',\n" " 'g': 'G',\n" " 'h': 'H',\n" " 'i': 'I',\n" " 'j': 'J',\n" " 'k': 'K',\n" " 'l': 'L',\n" " 'm': 'M',\n" " 'n': 'N',\n" " 'o': 'O',\n" " 'p': 'P',\n" " 'q': 'Q',\n" " 'r': 'R',\n" " 's': 'S',\n" " 't': 'T',\n" " 'u': 'U',\n" " 'v': 'V',\n" " 'w': 'W',\n" " 'x': 'X',\n" " 'y': 'Y',\n" " 'z': 'Z'})"), (mp_recursive, "mappingproxy({2: {...}, 3: {2: {...}, 3: {...}}})"), (underlying_dict, "{2: mappingproxy({2: {...}, 3: {...}}), 3: {...}}"), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) @cpython2_only # In PyPy, types.DictProxyType is dict def test_dictproxy(): # This is the dictproxy constructor itself from the Python API, DP = ctypes.pythonapi.PyDictProxy_New DP.argtypes, DP.restype = (ctypes.py_object,), ctypes.py_object underlying_dict = {} mp_recursive = DP(underlying_dict) underlying_dict[0] = mp_recursive underlying_dict[-3] = underlying_dict cases = [ (DP({}), "dict_proxy({})"), (DP({None: DP({})}), "dict_proxy({None: dict_proxy({})})"), (DP({k: k.lower() for k in string.ascii_uppercase}), "dict_proxy({'A': 'a',\n" " 'B': 'b',\n" " 'C': 'c',\n" " 'D': 'd',\n" " 'E': 'e',\n" " 'F': 'f',\n" " 'G': 'g',\n" " 'H': 'h',\n" " 'I': 'i',\n" " 'J': 'j',\n" " 'K': 'k',\n" " 'L': 'l',\n" " 'M': 'm',\n" " 'N': 'n',\n" " 'O': 'o',\n" " 'P': 'p',\n" " 'Q': 'q',\n" " 'R': 'r',\n" " 'S': 's',\n" " 'T': 't',\n" " 'U': 'u',\n" " 'V': 'v',\n" " 'W': 'w',\n" " 'X': 'x',\n" " 'Y': 'y',\n" " 'Z': 'z'})"), (mp_recursive, "dict_proxy({-3: {-3: {...}, 0: {...}}, 0: {...}})"), ] for obj, expected in cases: nt.assert_is_instance(obj, types.DictProxyType) # Meta-test nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(obj), expected) nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(underlying_dict), "{-3: {...}, 0: dict_proxy({-3: {...}, 0: {...}})}") class OrderedCounter(Counter, OrderedDict): 'Counter that remembers the order elements are first encountered' def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, OrderedDict(self)) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (OrderedDict(self),) class MySet(set): # Override repr of a basic type def __repr__(self): return 'mine' def test_custom_repr(): """A custom repr should override a pretty printer for a parent type""" oc = OrderedCounter("abracadabra") nt.assert_in("OrderedCounter(OrderedDict", pretty.pretty(oc)) nt.assert_equal(pretty.pretty(MySet()), 'mine')