===================== Development version ===================== This document describes in-flight development work. .. warning:: Please do not edit this file by hand (doing so will likely cause merge conflicts for other Pull Requests). Instead, create a new file in the `docs/source/whatsnew/pr` folder Released .... ...., 2017 Need to be updated: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: pr/* IPython 6 feature a major improvement in the completion machinery which is now capable of completing non-executed code. It is also the first version of IPython to stop compatibility with Python 2, which is still supported on the bugfix only 5.x branch. Read below to have a non-exhaustive list of new features. Make sure you have pip > 9.0 before upgrading. You should be able to update by using: .. code:: pip install ipython --upgrade Autowait: Asynchronous REPL =========================== Staring with IPython 7.0 and on Python 3.6+, IPython can automatically await code at top level, you should not need to access an event loop or runner yourself. To know more read the `autoawait`_ section of our docs, or try the following code:: In [6]: from asyncio import sleep ...: print('Going to sleep...') ...: await sleep(3) ...: print('Waking up') Going to sleep... Waking up Asynchronous code in a Notebook interface or any other frontend using the Jupyter Protocol will need further updates of the IPykernel package. Change to Nested Embed ====================== The introduction of the ability to run async code had ripple effect on the ability to use nested IPython. You may need to install the ``trio`` library (version 05 at the time of this writing) to have this feature working. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. FEATURE INSERTION POINT. Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. INCOMPAT INSERTION POINT.