===================== Development version ===================== This document describes in-flight development work. .. warning:: Please do not edit this file by hand (doing so will likely cause merge conflicts for other Pull Requests). Instead, create a new file in the `docs/source/whatsnew/pr` folder Added a ``Valid`` widget which inherits the ``_Bool`` widget and displays a green checkmark or red cross depending on the truth of ``.value``. Callbacks registered with the ``Widget.on_some_change`` method are passed the Backbone model ``change`` event's arguments. The serialization of widget traitlets can be customized. Custom serialization can use binary message buffers. Refer to :ghpull:`7757` for more information. Code raising ``DeprecationWarning`` entered by the user in an interactive session will now display the warning by default. See :ghpull:`8480` an :ghissue:`8478`. The `--deep-reload` flag and the corresponding options to inject `dreload` or `reload` into the interactive namespace have been deprecated, and will be removed in future versions. You should now explicitly import `reload` from `IPython.lib.deepreload` to use it. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. FEATURE INSERTION POINT. Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ .. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE BEFORE RELEASE. INCOMPAT INSERTION POINT.