"""Tornado handlers for the live notebook view.""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import os from tornado import web HTTPError = web.HTTPError from ..base.handlers import ( IPythonHandler, FilesRedirectHandler, notebook_path_regex, path_regex, ) from ..utils import url_escape class NotebookHandler(IPythonHandler): @web.authenticated def get(self, path=''): """get renders the notebook template if a name is given, or redirects to the '/files/' handler if the name is not given.""" path = path.strip('/') cm = self.contents_manager # a .ipynb filename was given if not cm.file_exists(path): raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Notebook does not exist: %s' % path) name = url_escape(path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) path = url_escape(path) self.write(self.render_template('notebook.html', notebook_path=path, notebook_name=name, kill_kernel=False, mathjax_url=self.mathjax_url, ) ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # URL to handler mappings #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- default_handlers = [ (r"/notebooks%s" % notebook_path_regex, NotebookHandler), (r"/notebooks%s" % path_regex, FilesRedirectHandler), ]