"""A semi-synchronous Client for the ZMQ cluster Authors: * MinRK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import json import sys import time import warnings from datetime import datetime from getpass import getpass from pprint import pprint pjoin = os.path.join import zmq # from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream from IPython.config.configurable import MultipleInstanceError from IPython.core.application import BaseIPythonApplication from IPython.utils.jsonutil import rekey from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import LOCAL_IPS from IPython.utils.path import get_ipython_dir from IPython.utils.traitlets import (HasTraits, Integer, Instance, Unicode, Dict, List, Bool, Set) from IPython.external.decorator import decorator from IPython.external.ssh import tunnel from IPython.parallel import error from IPython.parallel import util from IPython.zmq.session import Session, Message from .asyncresult import AsyncResult, AsyncHubResult from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir, ProfileDirError from .view import DirectView, LoadBalancedView if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # xrange is used in a couple 'isinstance' tests in py2 # should be just 'range' in 3k xrange = range #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorators for Client methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @decorator def spin_first(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """Call spin() to sync state prior to calling the method.""" self.spin() return f(self, *args, **kwargs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Metadata(dict): """Subclass of dict for initializing metadata values. Attribute access works on keys. These objects have a strict set of keys - errors will raise if you try to add new keys. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self) md = {'msg_id' : None, 'submitted' : None, 'started' : None, 'completed' : None, 'received' : None, 'engine_uuid' : None, 'engine_id' : None, 'follow' : None, 'after' : None, 'status' : None, 'pyin' : None, 'pyout' : None, 'pyerr' : None, 'stdout' : '', 'stderr' : '', } self.update(md) self.update(dict(*args, **kwargs)) def __getattr__(self, key): """getattr aliased to getitem""" if key in self.iterkeys(): return self[key] else: raise AttributeError(key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """setattr aliased to setitem, with strict""" if key in self.iterkeys(): self[key] = value else: raise AttributeError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """strict static key enforcement""" if key in self.iterkeys(): dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: raise KeyError(key) class Client(HasTraits): """A semi-synchronous client to the IPython ZMQ cluster Parameters ---------- url_or_file : bytes or unicode; zmq url or path to ipcontroller-client.json Connection information for the Hub's registration. If a json connector file is given, then likely no further configuration is necessary. [Default: use profile] profile : bytes The name of the Cluster profile to be used to find connector information. If run from an IPython application, the default profile will be the same as the running application, otherwise it will be 'default'. context : zmq.Context Pass an existing zmq.Context instance, otherwise the client will create its own. debug : bool flag for lots of message printing for debug purposes timeout : int/float time (in seconds) to wait for connection replies from the Hub [Default: 10] #-------------- session related args ---------------- config : Config object If specified, this will be relayed to the Session for configuration username : str set username for the session object packer : str (import_string) or callable Can be either the simple keyword 'json' or 'pickle', or an import_string to a function to serialize messages. Must support same input as JSON, and output must be bytes. You can pass a callable directly as `pack` unpacker : str (import_string) or callable The inverse of packer. Only necessary if packer is specified as *not* one of 'json' or 'pickle'. #-------------- ssh related args ---------------- # These are args for configuring the ssh tunnel to be used # credentials are used to forward connections over ssh to the Controller # Note that the ip given in `addr` needs to be relative to sshserver # The most basic case is to leave addr as pointing to localhost (, # and set sshserver as the same machine the Controller is on. However, # the only requirement is that sshserver is able to see the Controller # (i.e. is within the same trusted network). sshserver : str A string of the form passed to ssh, i.e. 'server.tld' or 'user@server.tld:port' If keyfile or password is specified, and this is not, it will default to the ip given in addr. sshkey : str; path to ssh private key file This specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. Regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument. password : str Your ssh password to sshserver. Note that if this is left None, you will be prompted for it if passwordless key based login is unavailable. paramiko : bool flag for whether to use paramiko instead of shell ssh for tunneling. [default: True on win32, False else] ------- exec authentication args ------- If even localhost is untrusted, you can have some protection against unauthorized execution by signing messages with HMAC digests. Messages are still sent as cleartext, so if someone can snoop your loopback traffic this will not protect your privacy, but will prevent unauthorized execution. exec_key : str an authentication key or file containing a key default: None Attributes ---------- ids : list of int engine IDs requesting the ids attribute always synchronizes the registration state. To request ids without synchronization, use semi-private _ids attributes. history : list of msg_ids a list of msg_ids, keeping track of all the execution messages you have submitted in order. outstanding : set of msg_ids a set of msg_ids that have been submitted, but whose results have not yet been received. results : dict a dict of all our results, keyed by msg_id block : bool determines default behavior when block not specified in execution methods Methods ------- spin flushes incoming results and registration state changes control methods spin, and requesting `ids` also ensures up to date wait wait on one or more msg_ids execution methods apply legacy: execute, run data movement push, pull, scatter, gather query methods queue_status, get_result, purge, result_status control methods abort, shutdown """ block = Bool(False) outstanding = Set() results = Instance('collections.defaultdict', (dict,)) metadata = Instance('collections.defaultdict', (Metadata,)) history = List() debug = Bool(False) profile=Unicode() def _profile_default(self): if BaseIPythonApplication.initialized(): # an IPython app *might* be running, try to get its profile try: return BaseIPythonApplication.instance().profile except (AttributeError, MultipleInstanceError): # could be a *different* subclass of config.Application, # which would raise one of these two errors. return u'default' else: return u'default' _outstanding_dict = Instance('collections.defaultdict', (set,)) _ids = List() _connected=Bool(False) _ssh=Bool(False) _context = Instance('zmq.Context') _config = Dict() _engines=Instance(util.ReverseDict, (), {}) # _hub_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _query_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _control_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _iopub_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _notification_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _mux_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _task_socket=Instance('zmq.Socket') _task_scheme=Unicode() _closed = False _ignored_control_replies=Integer(0) _ignored_hub_replies=Integer(0) def __new__(self, *args, **kw): # don't raise on positional args return HasTraits.__new__(self, **kw) def __init__(self, url_or_file=None, profile=None, profile_dir=None, ipython_dir=None, context=None, debug=False, exec_key=None, sshserver=None, sshkey=None, password=None, paramiko=None, timeout=10, **extra_args ): if profile: super(Client, self).__init__(debug=debug, profile=profile) else: super(Client, self).__init__(debug=debug) if context is None: context = zmq.Context.instance() self._context = context self._setup_profile_dir(self.profile, profile_dir, ipython_dir) if self._cd is not None: if url_or_file is None: url_or_file = pjoin(self._cd.security_dir, 'ipcontroller-client.json') assert url_or_file is not None, "I can't find enough information to connect to a hub!"\ " Please specify at least one of url_or_file or profile." if not util.is_url(url_or_file): # it's not a url, try for a file if not os.path.exists(url_or_file): if self._cd: url_or_file = os.path.join(self._cd.security_dir, url_or_file) assert os.path.exists(url_or_file), "Not a valid connection file or url: %r"%url_or_file with open(url_or_file) as f: cfg = json.loads(f.read()) else: cfg = {'url':url_or_file} # sync defaults from args, json: if sshserver: cfg['ssh'] = sshserver if exec_key: cfg['exec_key'] = exec_key exec_key = cfg['exec_key'] location = cfg.setdefault('location', None) cfg['url'] = util.disambiguate_url(cfg['url'], location) url = cfg['url'] proto,addr,port = util.split_url(url) if location is not None and addr == '': # location specified, and connection is expected to be local if location not in LOCAL_IPS and not sshserver: # load ssh from JSON *only* if the controller is not on # this machine sshserver=cfg['ssh'] if location not in LOCAL_IPS and not sshserver: # warn if no ssh specified, but SSH is probably needed # This is only a warning, because the most likely cause # is a local Controller on a laptop whose IP is dynamic warnings.warn(""" Controller appears to be listening on localhost, but not on this machine. If this is true, you should specify Client(...,sshserver='you@%s') or instruct your controller to listen on an external IP."""%location, RuntimeWarning) elif not sshserver: # otherwise sync with cfg sshserver = cfg['ssh'] self._config = cfg self._ssh = bool(sshserver or sshkey or password) if self._ssh and sshserver is None: # default to ssh via localhost sshserver = url.split('://')[1].split(':')[0] if self._ssh and password is None: if tunnel.try_passwordless_ssh(sshserver, sshkey, paramiko): password=False else: password = getpass("SSH Password for %s: "%sshserver) ssh_kwargs = dict(keyfile=sshkey, password=password, paramiko=paramiko) # configure and construct the session if exec_key is not None: if os.path.isfile(exec_key): extra_args['keyfile'] = exec_key else: exec_key = util.asbytes(exec_key) extra_args['key'] = exec_key self.session = Session(**extra_args) self._query_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self._query_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, self.session.bsession) if self._ssh: tunnel.tunnel_connection(self._query_socket, url, sshserver, **ssh_kwargs) else: self._query_socket.connect(url) self.session.debug = self.debug self._notification_handlers = {'registration_notification' : self._register_engine, 'unregistration_notification' : self._unregister_engine, 'shutdown_notification' : lambda msg: self.close(), } self._queue_handlers = {'execute_reply' : self._handle_execute_reply, 'apply_reply' : self._handle_apply_reply} self._connect(sshserver, ssh_kwargs, timeout) def __del__(self): """cleanup sockets, but _not_ context.""" self.close() def _setup_profile_dir(self, profile, profile_dir, ipython_dir): if ipython_dir is None: ipython_dir = get_ipython_dir() if profile_dir is not None: try: self._cd = ProfileDir.find_profile_dir(profile_dir) return except ProfileDirError: pass elif profile is not None: try: self._cd = ProfileDir.find_profile_dir_by_name( ipython_dir, profile) return except ProfileDirError: pass self._cd = None def _update_engines(self, engines): """Update our engines dict and _ids from a dict of the form: {id:uuid}.""" for k,v in engines.iteritems(): eid = int(k) self._engines[eid] = v self._ids.append(eid) self._ids = sorted(self._ids) if sorted(self._engines.keys()) != range(len(self._engines)) and \ self._task_scheme == 'pure' and self._task_socket: self._stop_scheduling_tasks() def _stop_scheduling_tasks(self): """Stop scheduling tasks because an engine has been unregistered from a pure ZMQ scheduler. """ self._task_socket.close() self._task_socket = None msg = "An engine has been unregistered, and we are using pure " +\ "ZMQ task scheduling. Task farming will be disabled." if self.outstanding: msg += " If you were running tasks when this happened, " +\ "some `outstanding` msg_ids may never resolve." warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) def _build_targets(self, targets): """Turn valid target IDs or 'all' into two lists: (int_ids, uuids). """ if not self._ids: # flush notification socket if no engines yet, just in case if not self.ids: raise error.NoEnginesRegistered("Can't build targets without any engines") if targets is None: targets = self._ids elif isinstance(targets, basestring): if targets.lower() == 'all': targets = self._ids else: raise TypeError("%r not valid str target, must be 'all'"%(targets)) elif isinstance(targets, int): if targets < 0: targets = self.ids[targets] if targets not in self._ids: raise IndexError("No such engine: %i"%targets) targets = [targets] if isinstance(targets, slice): indices = range(len(self._ids))[targets] ids = self.ids targets = [ ids[i] for i in indices ] if not isinstance(targets, (tuple, list, xrange)): raise TypeError("targets by int/slice/collection of ints only, not %s"%(type(targets))) return [util.asbytes(self._engines[t]) for t in targets], list(targets) def _connect(self, sshserver, ssh_kwargs, timeout): """setup all our socket connections to the cluster. This is called from __init__.""" # Maybe allow reconnecting? if self._connected: return self._connected=True def connect_socket(s, url): url = util.disambiguate_url(url, self._config['location']) if self._ssh: return tunnel.tunnel_connection(s, url, sshserver, **ssh_kwargs) else: return s.connect(url) self.session.send(self._query_socket, 'connection_request') # use Poller because zmq.select has wrong units in pyzmq 2.1.7 poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(self._query_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # poll expects milliseconds, timeout is seconds evts = poller.poll(timeout*1000) if not evts: raise error.TimeoutError("Hub connection request timed out") idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket,mode=0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) msg = Message(msg) content = msg.content self._config['registration'] = dict(content) if content.status == 'ok': ident = self.session.bsession if content.mux: self._mux_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self._mux_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, ident) connect_socket(self._mux_socket, content.mux) if content.task: self._task_scheme, task_addr = content.task self._task_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self._task_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, ident) connect_socket(self._task_socket, task_addr) if content.notification: self._notification_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.SUB) connect_socket(self._notification_socket, content.notification) self._notification_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') # if content.query: # self._query_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.DEALER) # self._query_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, self.session.bsession) # connect_socket(self._query_socket, content.query) if content.control: self._control_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self._control_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, ident) connect_socket(self._control_socket, content.control) if content.iopub: self._iopub_socket = self._context.socket(zmq.SUB) self._iopub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') self._iopub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, ident) connect_socket(self._iopub_socket, content.iopub) self._update_engines(dict(content.engines)) else: self._connected = False raise Exception("Failed to connect!") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handlers and callbacks for incoming messages #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _unwrap_exception(self, content): """unwrap exception, and remap engine_id to int.""" e = error.unwrap_exception(content) # print e.traceback if e.engine_info: e_uuid = e.engine_info['engine_uuid'] eid = self._engines[e_uuid] e.engine_info['engine_id'] = eid return e def _extract_metadata(self, header, parent, content): md = {'msg_id' : parent['msg_id'], 'received' : datetime.now(), 'engine_uuid' : header.get('engine', None), 'follow' : parent.get('follow', []), 'after' : parent.get('after', []), 'status' : content['status'], } if md['engine_uuid'] is not None: md['engine_id'] = self._engines.get(md['engine_uuid'], None) if 'date' in parent: md['submitted'] = parent['date'] if 'started' in header: md['started'] = header['started'] if 'date' in header: md['completed'] = header['date'] return md def _register_engine(self, msg): """Register a new engine, and update our connection info.""" content = msg['content'] eid = content['id'] d = {eid : content['queue']} self._update_engines(d) def _unregister_engine(self, msg): """Unregister an engine that has died.""" content = msg['content'] eid = int(content['id']) if eid in self._ids: self._ids.remove(eid) uuid = self._engines.pop(eid) self._handle_stranded_msgs(eid, uuid) if self._task_socket and self._task_scheme == 'pure': self._stop_scheduling_tasks() def _handle_stranded_msgs(self, eid, uuid): """Handle messages known to be on an engine when the engine unregisters. It is possible that this will fire prematurely - that is, an engine will go down after completing a result, and the client will be notified of the unregistration and later receive the successful result. """ outstanding = self._outstanding_dict[uuid] for msg_id in list(outstanding): if msg_id in self.results: # we already continue try: raise error.EngineError("Engine %r died while running task %r"%(eid, msg_id)) except: content = error.wrap_exception() # build a fake message: parent = {} header = {} parent['msg_id'] = msg_id header['engine'] = uuid header['date'] = datetime.now() msg = dict(parent_header=parent, header=header, content=content) self._handle_apply_reply(msg) def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg): """Save the reply to an execute_request into our results. execute messages are never actually used. apply is used instead. """ parent = msg['parent_header'] msg_id = parent['msg_id'] if msg_id not in self.outstanding: if msg_id in self.history: print ("got stale result: %s"%msg_id) else: print ("got unknown result: %s"%msg_id) else: self.outstanding.remove(msg_id) self.results[msg_id] = self._unwrap_exception(msg['content']) def _handle_apply_reply(self, msg): """Save the reply to an apply_request into our results.""" parent = msg['parent_header'] msg_id = parent['msg_id'] if msg_id not in self.outstanding: if msg_id in self.history: print ("got stale result: %s"%msg_id) print self.results[msg_id] print msg else: print ("got unknown result: %s"%msg_id) else: self.outstanding.remove(msg_id) content = msg['content'] header = msg['header'] # construct metadata: md = self.metadata[msg_id] md.update(self._extract_metadata(header, parent, content)) # is this redundant? self.metadata[msg_id] = md e_outstanding = self._outstanding_dict[md['engine_uuid']] if msg_id in e_outstanding: e_outstanding.remove(msg_id) # construct result: if content['status'] == 'ok': self.results[msg_id] = util.unserialize_object(msg['buffers'])[0] elif content['status'] == 'aborted': self.results[msg_id] = error.TaskAborted(msg_id) elif content['status'] == 'resubmitted': # TODO: handle resubmission pass else: self.results[msg_id] = self._unwrap_exception(content) def _flush_notifications(self): """Flush notifications of engine registrations waiting in ZMQ queue.""" idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._notification_socket, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) while msg is not None: if self.debug: pprint(msg) msg_type = msg['header']['msg_type'] handler = self._notification_handlers.get(msg_type, None) if handler is None: raise Exception("Unhandled message type: %s"%msg.msg_type) else: handler(msg) idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._notification_socket, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) def _flush_results(self, sock): """Flush task or queue results waiting in ZMQ queue.""" idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) while msg is not None: if self.debug: pprint(msg) msg_type = msg['header']['msg_type'] handler = self._queue_handlers.get(msg_type, None) if handler is None: raise Exception("Unhandled message type: %s"%msg.msg_type) else: handler(msg) idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) def _flush_control(self, sock): """Flush replies from the control channel waiting in the ZMQ queue. Currently: ignore them.""" if self._ignored_control_replies <= 0: return idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) while msg is not None: self._ignored_control_replies -= 1 if self.debug: pprint(msg) idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) def _flush_ignored_control(self): """flush ignored control replies""" while self._ignored_control_replies > 0: self.session.recv(self._control_socket) self._ignored_control_replies -= 1 def _flush_ignored_hub_replies(self): ident,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) while msg is not None: ident,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) def _flush_iopub(self, sock): """Flush replies from the iopub channel waiting in the ZMQ queue. """ idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) while msg is not None: if self.debug: pprint(msg) parent = msg['parent_header'] msg_id = parent['msg_id'] content = msg['content'] header = msg['header'] msg_type = msg['header']['msg_type'] # init metadata: md = self.metadata[msg_id] if msg_type == 'stream': name = content['name'] s = md[name] or '' md[name] = s + content['data'] elif msg_type == 'pyerr': md.update({'pyerr' : self._unwrap_exception(content)}) elif msg_type == 'pyin': md.update({'pyin' : content['code']}) else: md.update({msg_type : content.get('data', '')}) # reduntant? self.metadata[msg_id] = md idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # len, getitem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __len__(self): """len(client) returns # of engines.""" return len(self.ids) def __getitem__(self, key): """index access returns DirectView multiplexer objects Must be int, slice, or list/tuple/xrange of ints""" if not isinstance(key, (int, slice, tuple, list, xrange)): raise TypeError("key by int/slice/iterable of ints only, not %s"%(type(key))) else: return self.direct_view(key) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin public methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def ids(self): """Always up-to-date ids property.""" self._flush_notifications() # always copy: return list(self._ids) def close(self): if self._closed: return snames = filter(lambda n: n.endswith('socket'), dir(self)) for socket in map(lambda name: getattr(self, name), snames): if isinstance(socket, zmq.Socket) and not socket.closed: socket.close() self._closed = True def spin(self): """Flush any registration notifications and execution results waiting in the ZMQ queue. """ if self._notification_socket: self._flush_notifications() if self._mux_socket: self._flush_results(self._mux_socket) if self._task_socket: self._flush_results(self._task_socket) if self._control_socket: self._flush_control(self._control_socket) if self._iopub_socket: self._flush_iopub(self._iopub_socket) if self._query_socket: self._flush_ignored_hub_replies() def wait(self, jobs=None, timeout=-1): """waits on one or more `jobs`, for up to `timeout` seconds. Parameters ---------- jobs : int, str, or list of ints and/or strs, or one or more AsyncResult objects ints are indices to self.history strs are msg_ids default: wait on all outstanding messages timeout : float a time in seconds, after which to give up. default is -1, which means no timeout Returns ------- True : when all msg_ids are done False : timeout reached, some msg_ids still outstanding """ tic = time.time() if jobs is None: theids = self.outstanding else: if isinstance(jobs, (int, basestring, AsyncResult)): jobs = [jobs] theids = set() for job in jobs: if isinstance(job, int): # index access job = self.history[job] elif isinstance(job, AsyncResult): map(theids.add, job.msg_ids) continue theids.add(job) if not theids.intersection(self.outstanding): return True self.spin() while theids.intersection(self.outstanding): if timeout >= 0 and ( time.time()-tic ) > timeout: break time.sleep(1e-3) self.spin() return len(theids.intersection(self.outstanding)) == 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Control methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @spin_first def clear(self, targets=None, block=None): """Clear the namespace in target(s).""" block = self.block if block is None else block targets = self._build_targets(targets)[0] for t in targets: self.session.send(self._control_socket, 'clear_request', content={}, ident=t) error = False if block: self._flush_ignored_control() for i in range(len(targets)): idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._control_socket,0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) if msg['content']['status'] != 'ok': error = self._unwrap_exception(msg['content']) else: self._ignored_control_replies += len(targets) if error: raise error @spin_first def abort(self, jobs=None, targets=None, block=None): """Abort specific jobs from the execution queues of target(s). This is a mechanism to prevent jobs that have already been submitted from executing. Parameters ---------- jobs : msg_id, list of msg_ids, or AsyncResult The jobs to be aborted If unspecified/None: abort all outstanding jobs. """ block = self.block if block is None else block jobs = jobs if jobs is not None else list(self.outstanding) targets = self._build_targets(targets)[0] msg_ids = [] if isinstance(jobs, (basestring,AsyncResult)): jobs = [jobs] bad_ids = filter(lambda obj: not isinstance(obj, (basestring, AsyncResult)), jobs) if bad_ids: raise TypeError("Invalid msg_id type %r, expected str or AsyncResult"%bad_ids[0]) for j in jobs: if isinstance(j, AsyncResult): msg_ids.extend(j.msg_ids) else: msg_ids.append(j) content = dict(msg_ids=msg_ids) for t in targets: self.session.send(self._control_socket, 'abort_request', content=content, ident=t) error = False if block: self._flush_ignored_control() for i in range(len(targets)): idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._control_socket,0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) if msg['content']['status'] != 'ok': error = self._unwrap_exception(msg['content']) else: self._ignored_control_replies += len(targets) if error: raise error @spin_first def shutdown(self, targets=None, restart=False, hub=False, block=None): """Terminates one or more engine processes, optionally including the hub.""" block = self.block if block is None else block if hub: targets = 'all' targets = self._build_targets(targets)[0] for t in targets: self.session.send(self._control_socket, 'shutdown_request', content={'restart':restart},ident=t) error = False if block or hub: self._flush_ignored_control() for i in range(len(targets)): idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._control_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) if msg['content']['status'] != 'ok': error = self._unwrap_exception(msg['content']) else: self._ignored_control_replies += len(targets) if hub: time.sleep(0.25) self.session.send(self._query_socket, 'shutdown_request') idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) if msg['content']['status'] != 'ok': error = self._unwrap_exception(msg['content']) if error: raise error #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execution related methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _maybe_raise(self, result): """wrapper for maybe raising an exception if apply failed.""" if isinstance(result, error.RemoteError): raise result return result def send_apply_message(self, socket, f, args=None, kwargs=None, subheader=None, track=False, ident=None): """construct and send an apply message via a socket. This is the principal method with which all engine execution is performed by views. """ assert not self._closed, "cannot use me anymore, I'm closed!" # defaults: args = args if args is not None else [] kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} subheader = subheader if subheader is not None else {} # validate arguments if not callable(f): raise TypeError("f must be callable, not %s"%type(f)) if not isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("args must be tuple or list, not %s"%type(args)) if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise TypeError("kwargs must be dict, not %s"%type(kwargs)) if not isinstance(subheader, dict): raise TypeError("subheader must be dict, not %s"%type(subheader)) bufs = util.pack_apply_message(f,args,kwargs) msg = self.session.send(socket, "apply_request", buffers=bufs, ident=ident, subheader=subheader, track=track) msg_id = msg['header']['msg_id'] self.outstanding.add(msg_id) if ident: # possibly routed to a specific engine if isinstance(ident, list): ident = ident[-1] if ident in self._engines.values(): # save for later, in case of engine death self._outstanding_dict[ident].add(msg_id) self.history.append(msg_id) self.metadata[msg_id]['submitted'] = datetime.now() return msg #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # construct a View object #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_balanced_view(self, targets=None): """construct a DirectView object. If no arguments are specified, create a LoadBalancedView using all engines. Parameters ---------- targets: list,slice,int,etc. [default: use all engines] The subset of engines across which to load-balance """ if targets == 'all': targets = None if targets is not None: targets = self._build_targets(targets)[1] return LoadBalancedView(client=self, socket=self._task_socket, targets=targets) def direct_view(self, targets='all'): """construct a DirectView object. If no targets are specified, create a DirectView using all engines. rc.direct_view('all') is distinguished from rc[:] in that 'all' will evaluate the target engines at each execution, whereas rc[:] will connect to all *current* engines, and that list will not change. That is, 'all' will always use all engines, whereas rc[:] will not use engines added after the DirectView is constructed. Parameters ---------- targets: list,slice,int,etc. [default: use all engines] The engines to use for the View """ single = isinstance(targets, int) # allow 'all' to be lazily evaluated at each execution if targets != 'all': targets = self._build_targets(targets)[1] if single: targets = targets[0] return DirectView(client=self, socket=self._mux_socket, targets=targets) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Query methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @spin_first def get_result(self, indices_or_msg_ids=None, block=None): """Retrieve a result by msg_id or history index, wrapped in an AsyncResult object. If the client already has the results, no request to the Hub will be made. This is a convenient way to construct AsyncResult objects, which are wrappers that include metadata about execution, and allow for awaiting results that were not submitted by this Client. It can also be a convenient way to retrieve the metadata associated with blocking execution, since it always retrieves Examples -------- :: In [10]: r = client.apply() Parameters ---------- indices_or_msg_ids : integer history index, str msg_id, or list of either The indices or msg_ids of indices to be retrieved block : bool Whether to wait for the result to be done Returns ------- AsyncResult A single AsyncResult object will always be returned. AsyncHubResult A subclass of AsyncResult that retrieves results from the Hub """ block = self.block if block is None else block if indices_or_msg_ids is None: indices_or_msg_ids = -1 if not isinstance(indices_or_msg_ids, (list,tuple)): indices_or_msg_ids = [indices_or_msg_ids] theids = [] for id in indices_or_msg_ids: if isinstance(id, int): id = self.history[id] if not isinstance(id, basestring): raise TypeError("indices must be str or int, not %r"%id) theids.append(id) local_ids = filter(lambda msg_id: msg_id in self.history or msg_id in self.results, theids) remote_ids = filter(lambda msg_id: msg_id not in local_ids, theids) if remote_ids: ar = AsyncHubResult(self, msg_ids=theids) else: ar = AsyncResult(self, msg_ids=theids) if block: ar.wait() return ar @spin_first def resubmit(self, indices_or_msg_ids=None, subheader=None, block=None): """Resubmit one or more tasks. in-flight tasks may not be resubmitted. Parameters ---------- indices_or_msg_ids : integer history index, str msg_id, or list of either The indices or msg_ids of indices to be retrieved block : bool Whether to wait for the result to be done Returns ------- AsyncHubResult A subclass of AsyncResult that retrieves results from the Hub """ block = self.block if block is None else block if indices_or_msg_ids is None: indices_or_msg_ids = -1 if not isinstance(indices_or_msg_ids, (list,tuple)): indices_or_msg_ids = [indices_or_msg_ids] theids = [] for id in indices_or_msg_ids: if isinstance(id, int): id = self.history[id] if not isinstance(id, basestring): raise TypeError("indices must be str or int, not %r"%id) theids.append(id) for msg_id in theids: self.outstanding.discard(msg_id) if msg_id in self.history: self.history.remove(msg_id) self.results.pop(msg_id, None) self.metadata.pop(msg_id, None) content = dict(msg_ids = theids) self.session.send(self._query_socket, 'resubmit_request', content) zmq.select([self._query_socket], [], []) idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] if content['status'] != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) ar = AsyncHubResult(self, msg_ids=theids) if block: ar.wait() return ar @spin_first def result_status(self, msg_ids, status_only=True): """Check on the status of the result(s) of the apply request with `msg_ids`. If status_only is False, then the actual results will be retrieved, else only the status of the results will be checked. Parameters ---------- msg_ids : list of msg_ids if int: Passed as index to self.history for convenience. status_only : bool (default: True) if False: Retrieve the actual results of completed tasks. Returns ------- results : dict There will always be the keys 'pending' and 'completed', which will be lists of msg_ids that are incomplete or complete. If `status_only` is False, then completed results will be keyed by their `msg_id`. """ if not isinstance(msg_ids, (list,tuple)): msg_ids = [msg_ids] theids = [] for msg_id in msg_ids: if isinstance(msg_id, int): msg_id = self.history[msg_id] if not isinstance(msg_id, basestring): raise TypeError("msg_ids must be str, not %r"%msg_id) theids.append(msg_id) completed = [] local_results = {} # comment this block out to temporarily disable local shortcut: for msg_id in theids: if msg_id in self.results: completed.append(msg_id) local_results[msg_id] = self.results[msg_id] theids.remove(msg_id) if theids: # some not locally cached content = dict(msg_ids=theids, status_only=status_only) msg = self.session.send(self._query_socket, "result_request", content=content) zmq.select([self._query_socket], [], []) idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] if content['status'] != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) buffers = msg['buffers'] else: content = dict(completed=[],pending=[]) content['completed'].extend(completed) if status_only: return content failures = [] # load cached results into result: content.update(local_results) # update cache with results: for msg_id in sorted(theids): if msg_id in content['completed']: rec = content[msg_id] parent = rec['header'] header = rec['result_header'] rcontent = rec['result_content'] iodict = rec['io'] if isinstance(rcontent, str): rcontent = self.session.unpack(rcontent) md = self.metadata[msg_id] md.update(self._extract_metadata(header, parent, rcontent)) md.update(iodict) if rcontent['status'] == 'ok': res,buffers = util.unserialize_object(buffers) else: print rcontent res = self._unwrap_exception(rcontent) failures.append(res) self.results[msg_id] = res content[msg_id] = res if len(theids) == 1 and failures: raise failures[0] error.collect_exceptions(failures, "result_status") return content @spin_first def queue_status(self, targets='all', verbose=False): """Fetch the status of engine queues. Parameters ---------- targets : int/str/list of ints/strs the engines whose states are to be queried. default : all verbose : bool Whether to return lengths only, or lists of ids for each element """ engine_ids = self._build_targets(targets)[1] content = dict(targets=engine_ids, verbose=verbose) self.session.send(self._query_socket, "queue_request", content=content) idents,msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] status = content.pop('status') if status != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) content = rekey(content) if isinstance(targets, int): return content[targets] else: return content @spin_first def purge_results(self, jobs=[], targets=[]): """Tell the Hub to forget results. Individual results can be purged by msg_id, or the entire history of specific targets can be purged. Use `purge_results('all')` to scrub everything from the Hub's db. Parameters ---------- jobs : str or list of str or AsyncResult objects the msg_ids whose results should be forgotten. targets : int/str/list of ints/strs The targets, by int_id, whose entire history is to be purged. default : None """ if not targets and not jobs: raise ValueError("Must specify at least one of `targets` and `jobs`") if targets: targets = self._build_targets(targets)[1] # construct msg_ids from jobs if jobs == 'all': msg_ids = jobs else: msg_ids = [] if isinstance(jobs, (basestring,AsyncResult)): jobs = [jobs] bad_ids = filter(lambda obj: not isinstance(obj, (basestring, AsyncResult)), jobs) if bad_ids: raise TypeError("Invalid msg_id type %r, expected str or AsyncResult"%bad_ids[0]) for j in jobs: if isinstance(j, AsyncResult): msg_ids.extend(j.msg_ids) else: msg_ids.append(j) content = dict(engine_ids=targets, msg_ids=msg_ids) self.session.send(self._query_socket, "purge_request", content=content) idents, msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] if content['status'] != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) @spin_first def hub_history(self): """Get the Hub's history Just like the Client, the Hub has a history, which is a list of msg_ids. This will contain the history of all clients, and, depending on configuration, may contain history across multiple cluster sessions. Any msg_id returned here is a valid argument to `get_result`. Returns ------- msg_ids : list of strs list of all msg_ids, ordered by task submission time. """ self.session.send(self._query_socket, "history_request", content={}) idents, msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] if content['status'] != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) else: return content['history'] @spin_first def db_query(self, query, keys=None): """Query the Hub's TaskRecord database This will return a list of task record dicts that match `query` Parameters ---------- query : mongodb query dict The search dict. See mongodb query docs for details. keys : list of strs [optional] The subset of keys to be returned. The default is to fetch everything but buffers. 'msg_id' will *always* be included. """ if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] content = dict(query=query, keys=keys) self.session.send(self._query_socket, "db_request", content=content) idents, msg = self.session.recv(self._query_socket, 0) if self.debug: pprint(msg) content = msg['content'] if content['status'] != 'ok': raise self._unwrap_exception(content) records = content['records'] buffer_lens = content['buffer_lens'] result_buffer_lens = content['result_buffer_lens'] buffers = msg['buffers'] has_bufs = buffer_lens is not None has_rbufs = result_buffer_lens is not None for i,rec in enumerate(records): # relink buffers if has_bufs: blen = buffer_lens[i] rec['buffers'], buffers = buffers[:blen],buffers[blen:] if has_rbufs: blen = result_buffer_lens[i] rec['result_buffers'], buffers = buffers[:blen],buffers[blen:] return records __all__ = [ 'Client' ]