"""These kinds of tests are less than ideal, but at least they run. This was an old test that was being run interactively in the top-level tests/ directory, which we are removing. For now putting this here ensures at least we do run the test, though ultimately this functionality should all be tested with better-isolated tests that don't rely on the global instance in iptest. """ def doctest_autocall(): """ In [1]: def f1(a,b,c): ...: return a+b+c ...: In [2]: def f2(a): ...: return a + a ...: In [3]: ;f2 a b c Out[3]: 'a b ca b c' In [4]: assert _ == "a b ca b c" In [5]: ,f1 a b c Out[5]: 'abc' In [6]: assert _ == 'abc' In [7]: print _ abc In [8]: /f1 1,2,3 Out[8]: 6 In [9]: assert _ == 6 In [10]: /f2 4 Out[10]: 8 In [11]: assert _ == 8 In [11]: del f1, f2 """