// // Test the widget framework. // casper.notebook_test(function () { //this.test.begin("widget tests (notebook)", 2, function(test) { // Utility function that allows us to easily execute a cell of python code // and wait for the results. var that = this; var run_python_code = function(code){ var index = that.evaluate(function (code) { var index = IPython.notebook.ncells(); var cell = IPython.notebook.insert_cell_at_index('code', index); cell.set_text(code); cell.execute(); return index; }, code); that.wait_for_output(index); return index; }; // Test widget dependencies //////////////////////////////////////////////// this.then(function () { // Check if the WidgetManager class is defined. this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() { return IPython.WidgetManager != undefined; }), 'WidgetManager class is defined'); }); run_python_code('from IPython.html import widgets\n' + 'from IPython.display import display, clear_output\n' + 'print("Success")'); this.wait(500); // Wait for require.js async callbacks to load dependencies. this.then(function () { // Check if the widget manager has been instanciated. this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() { return IPython.widget_manager != undefined; }), 'Notebook widget manager instanciated'); }); // Check widget mapping //////////////////////////////////////////////////// var cell_index = run_python_code('names = [name for name in dir(widgets)' + ' if name.endswith("Widget") and name!= "Widget"]\n' + 'for name in names:\n' + ' print(name)\n'); this.then(function () { // Get the widget names that are registered with the widget manager. Assume // a 1 to 1 mapping of model and widgets names (model names just have 'model' // suffixed). var javascript_names = this.evaluate(function () { names = []; for (var name in IPython.widget_manager.widget_model_types) { names.push(name.replace('Model','')); } return names; }); // Get the widget names registered in python. var python_names = this.get_output_cell(cell_index).text.split('\n'); // Make sure the two lists have the same items. for (var i in javascript_names) { var javascript_name = javascript_names[i]; var found = false; for (var j in python_names) { var python_name = python_names[j]; if (python_name==javascript_name) { found = true; break; } } this.test.assert(found, javascript_name + ' exists in python'); } for (var i in python_names) { var python_name = python_names[i]; if (python_name.length > 0) { var found = false; for (var j in javascript_names) { var javascript_name = javascript_names[j]; if (python_name==javascript_name) { found = true; break; } } this.test.assert(found, python_name + ' exists in javascript'); } } }); //}); // end of test.begin });