# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ History related magics and functionality """ # Stdlib imports import fnmatch import os import IPython.utils.io from IPython.utils.io import ask_yes_no from IPython.utils.warn import warn from IPython.core import ipapi def magic_history(self, parameter_s = ''): """Print input history (_i variables), with most recent last. %history -> print at most 40 inputs (some may be multi-line)\\ %history n -> print at most n inputs\\ %history n1 n2 -> print inputs between n1 and n2 (n2 not included)\\ By default, input history is printed without line numbers so it can be directly pasted into an editor. With -n, each input's number is shown, and is accessible as the automatically generated variable _i as well as In[]. Multi-line statements are printed starting at a new line for easy copy/paste. Options: -n: print line numbers for each input. This feature is only available if numbered prompts are in use. -o: also print outputs for each input. -p: print classic '>>>' python prompts before each input. This is useful for making documentation, and in conjunction with -o, for producing doctest-ready output. -r: (default) print the 'raw' history, i.e. the actual commands you typed. -t: print the 'translated' history, as IPython understands it. IPython filters your input and converts it all into valid Python source before executing it (things like magics or aliases are turned into function calls, for example). With this option, you'll see the native history instead of the user-entered version: '%cd /' will be seen as 'get_ipython().magic("%cd /")' instead of '%cd /'. -g: treat the arg as a pattern to grep for in (full) history. This includes the "shadow history" (almost all commands ever written). Use '%hist -g' to show full shadow history (may be very long). In shadow history, every index nuwber starts with 0. -f FILENAME: instead of printing the output to the screen, redirect it to the given file. The file is always overwritten, though IPython asks for confirmation first if it already exists. """ if not self.displayhook.do_full_cache: print 'This feature is only available if numbered prompts are in use.' return opts,args = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'gnoptsrf:',mode='list') # Check if output to specific file was requested. try: outfname = opts['f'] except KeyError: outfile = IPython.utils.io.Term.cout # default # We don't want to close stdout at the end! close_at_end = False else: if os.path.exists(outfname): if not ask_yes_no("File %r exists. Overwrite?" % outfname): print 'Aborting.' return outfile = open(outfname,'w') close_at_end = True if 't' in opts: input_hist = self.input_hist elif 'r' in opts: input_hist = self.input_hist_raw else: # Raw history is the default input_hist = self.input_hist_raw default_length = 40 pattern = None if 'g' in opts: init = 1 final = len(input_hist) parts = parameter_s.split(None, 1) if len(parts) == 1: parts += '*' head, pattern = parts pattern = "*" + pattern + "*" elif len(args) == 0: final = len(input_hist)-1 init = max(1,final-default_length) elif len(args) == 1: final = len(input_hist) init = max(1, final-int(args[0])) elif len(args) == 2: init, final = map(int, args) else: warn('%hist takes 0, 1 or 2 arguments separated by spaces.') print >> IPython.utils.io.Term.cout, self.magic_hist.__doc__ return width = len(str(final)) line_sep = ['','\n'] print_nums = 'n' in opts print_outputs = 'o' in opts pyprompts = 'p' in opts found = False if pattern is not None: sh = self.shadowhist.all() for idx, s in sh: if fnmatch.fnmatch(s, pattern): print >> outfile, "0%d: %s" %(idx, s) found = True if found: print >> outfile, "===" print >> outfile, \ "shadow history ends, fetch by %rep (must start with 0)" print >> outfile, "=== start of normal history ===" for in_num in range(init,final): inline = input_hist[in_num] if pattern is not None and not fnmatch.fnmatch(inline, pattern): continue multiline = int(inline.count('\n') > 1) if print_nums: print >> outfile, \ '%s:%s' % (str(in_num).ljust(width), line_sep[multiline]), if pyprompts: print >> outfile, '>>>', if multiline: lines = inline.splitlines() print >> outfile, '\n... '.join(lines) print >> outfile, '... ' else: print >> outfile, inline, else: print >> outfile, inline, if print_outputs: output = self.shell.user_ns['Out'].get(in_num) if output is not None: print >> outfile, repr(output) if close_at_end: outfile.close() def magic_hist(self, parameter_s=''): """Alternate name for %history.""" return self.magic_history(parameter_s) def rep_f(self, arg): r""" Repeat a command, or get command to input line for editing - %rep (no arguments): Place a string version of last computation result (stored in the special '_' variable) to the next input prompt. Allows you to create elaborate command lines without using copy-paste:: $ l = ["hei", "vaan"] $ "".join(l) ==> heivaan $ %rep $ heivaan_ <== cursor blinking %rep 45 Place history line 45 to next input prompt. Use %hist to find out the number. %rep 1-4 6-7 3 Repeat the specified lines immediately. Input slice syntax is the same as in %macro and %save. %rep foo Place the most recent line that has the substring "foo" to next input. (e.g. 'svn ci -m foobar'). """ opts,args = self.parse_options(arg,'',mode='list') if not args: self.set_next_input(str(self.user_ns["_"])) return if len(args) == 1 and not '-' in args[0]: arg = args[0] if len(arg) > 1 and arg.startswith('0'): # get from shadow hist num = int(arg[1:]) line = self.shadowhist.get(num) self.set_next_input(str(line)) return try: num = int(args[0]) self.set_next_input(str(self.input_hist_raw[num]).rstrip()) return except ValueError: pass for h in reversed(self.input_hist_raw): if 'rep' in h: continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(h,'*' + arg + '*'): self.set_next_input(str(h).rstrip()) return try: lines = self.extract_input_slices(args, True) print "lines",lines self.runlines(lines) except ValueError: print "Not found in recent history:", args _sentinel = object() class ShadowHist(object): def __init__(self,db): # cmd => idx mapping self.curidx = 0 self.db = db self.disabled = False def inc_idx(self): idx = self.db.get('shadowhist_idx', 1) self.db['shadowhist_idx'] = idx + 1 return idx def add(self, ent): if self.disabled: return try: old = self.db.hget('shadowhist', ent, _sentinel) if old is not _sentinel: return newidx = self.inc_idx() #print "new",newidx # dbg self.db.hset('shadowhist',ent, newidx) except: ipapi.get().showtraceback() print "WARNING: disabling shadow history" self.disabled = True def all(self): d = self.db.hdict('shadowhist') items = [(i,s) for (s,i) in d.items()] items.sort() return items def get(self, idx): all = self.all() for k, v in all: #print k,v if k == idx: return v def init_ipython(ip): ip.define_magic("rep",rep_f) ip.define_magic("hist",magic_hist) ip.define_magic("history",magic_history) # XXX - ipy_completers are in quarantine, need to be updated to new apis #import ipy_completers #ipy_completers.quick_completer('%hist' ,'-g -t -r -n')