// Test opening a rich notebook, saving it, and reopening it again. // //toJSON fromJSON toJSON and do a string comparison // this is just a copy of OutputArea.mime_mape_r in IPython/html/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js mime = { "text" : "text/plain", "html" : "text/html", "svg" : "image/svg+xml", "png" : "image/png", "jpeg" : "image/jpeg", "latex" : "text/latex", "json" : "application/json", "javascript" : "application/javascript", }; var black_dot_jpeg="u\"\"\"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDACodICUgGiolIiUvLSoyP2lEPzo6P4FcYUxpmYagnpaG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\nEH//2Q==\"\"\""; var black_dot_png = 'u\"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAA1BMVEUAAACnej3aAAAAAWJLR0QA\\niAUdSAAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAAd0SU1FB94BCRQnOqNu0b4AAAAKSURBVAjXY2AA\\nAAACAAHiIbwzAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC\"'; var svg = "\"\""; // helper function to ensure that the short_name is found in the toJSON // represetnation, while the original in-memory cell retains its long mimetype // name, and that fromJSON also gets its long mimetype name function assert_has(short_name, json, result, result2) { long_name = mime[short_name]; this.test.assertTrue(json[0].hasOwnProperty(short_name), 'toJSON() representation uses ' + short_name); this.test.assertTrue(result.hasOwnProperty(long_name), 'toJSON() original embeded JSON keeps ' + long_name); this.test.assertTrue(result2.hasOwnProperty(long_name), 'fromJSON() embeded ' + short_name + ' gets mime key ' + long_name); } // helper function for checkout that the first two cells have a particular // output_type (either 'pyout' or 'display_data'), and checks the to/fromJSON // for a set of mimetype keys, using their short names ('javascript', 'text', // 'png', etc). function check_output_area(output_type, keys) { this.wait_for_output(0); json = this.evaluate(function() { var json = IPython.notebook.get_cell(0).output_area.toJSON(); // appended cell will initially be empty, lets add it some output var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(1).output_area.fromJSON(json); return json; }); // The evaluate call above happens asyncrhonously: wait for cell[1] to have output this.wait_for_output(1); var result = this.get_output_cell(0); var result2 = this.get_output_cell(1); this.test.assertEquals(result.output_type, output_type, 'testing ' + output_type + ' for ' + keys.join(' and ')); for (var idx in keys) { assert_has.apply(this, [keys[idx], json, result, result2]); } } // helper function to clear the first two cells, set the text of and execute // the first one function clear_and_execute(that, code) { that.evaluate(function() { IPython.notebook.get_cell(0).clear_output(); IPython.notebook.get_cell(1).clear_output(); }); that.set_cell_text(0, code); that.execute_cell(0); } casper.notebook_test(function () { this.evaluate(function () { var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(0); // "we have to make messes to find out who we are" cell.set_text([ "%%javascript", "IPython.notebook.insert_cell_below('code')" ].join('\n') ); cell.execute(); }); this.wait_for_output(0); this.then(function ( ) { var result = this.get_output_cell(0); var num_cells = this.get_cells_length(); this.test.assertEquals(num_cells, 2, '%%javascript magic works'); this.test.assertTrue(result.hasOwnProperty('application/javascript'), 'testing JS embeded with mime key'); }); //this.thenEvaluate(function() { IPython.notebook.save_notebook(); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['javascript']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, '%lsmagic'); }); this.then(function () { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'json']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "x = %lsmagic\nfrom IPython.display import display; display(x)"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'json']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Latex; Latex('$X^2$')"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'latex']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Latex, display; display(Latex('$X^2$'))"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'latex']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import HTML; HTML('it works!')"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'html']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import HTML, display; display(HTML('it works!'))"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'html']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Image; Image(" + black_dot_png + ")"); }); this.thenEvaluate(function() { IPython.notebook.save_notebook(); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'png']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Image, display; display(Image(" + black_dot_png + "))"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'png']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Image; Image(" + black_dot_jpeg + ", format='jpeg')"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'jpeg']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.display import Image, display; display(Image(" + black_dot_jpeg + ", format='jpeg'))"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'jpeg']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.core.display import SVG; SVG(" + svg + ")"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['pyout', ['text', 'svg']]); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, "from IPython.core.display import SVG, display; display(SVG(" + svg + "))"); }); this.then(function ( ) { check_output_area.apply(this, ['display_data', ['text', 'svg']]); }); this.thenEvaluate(function() { IPython.notebook.save_notebook(); }); this.then(function() { clear_and_execute(this, [ "from IPython.core.formatters import HTMLFormatter", "x = HTMLFormatter()", "x.format_type = 'text/superfancymimetype'", "get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['text/superfancymimetype'] = x", "from IPython.display import HTML, display", 'display(HTML("yo"))', "HTML('hello')"].join('\n') ); }); this.then(function ( ) { var long_name = 'text/superfancymimetype'; var result = this.get_output_cell(0); this.test.assertTrue(result.hasOwnProperty(long_name), 'display_data custom mimetype ' + long_name); var result = this.get_output_cell(0, 1); this.test.assertTrue(result.hasOwnProperty(long_name), 'pyout custom mimetype ' + long_name); }); });