// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ "widgets/js/widget", "base/js/utils", "jquery", "bootstrap", ], function(widget, utils, $){ var DropdownView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render : function(){ // Called when view is rendered. this.$el .addClass('widget-hbox widget-dropdown'); this.$label = $('<div />') .appendTo(this.$el) .addClass('widget-label') .hide(); this.$buttongroup = $('<div />') .addClass('widget_item') .addClass('btn-group') .appendTo(this.$el); this.$droplabel = $('<button />') .addClass('btn btn-default') .addClass('widget-combo-btn') .html(" ") .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); this.$dropbutton = $('<button />') .addClass('btn btn-default') .addClass('dropdown-toggle') .addClass('widget-combo-carrot-btn') .attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown') .append($('<span />').addClass("caret")) .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); this.$droplist = $('<ul />') .addClass('dropdown-menu') .appendTo(this.$buttongroup); this.model.on('change:button_style', function(model, value) { this.update_button_style(); }, this); this.update_button_style(''); // Set defaults. this.update(); }, update : function(options){ // Update the contents of this view // // Called when the model is changed. The model may have been // changed by another view or by a state update from the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { var selected_item_text = this.model.get('value_name'); if (selected_item_text.trim().length === 0) { this.$droplabel.html(" "); } else { this.$droplabel.text(selected_item_text); } var items = this.model.get('value_names'); var $replace_droplist = $('<ul />') .addClass('dropdown-menu'); // Copy the style $replace_droplist.attr('style', this.$droplist.attr('style')); var that = this; _.each(items, function(item, i) { var item_button = $('<a href="#"/>') .text(item) .on('click', $.proxy(that.handle_click, that)); $replace_droplist.append($('<li />').append(item_button)); }); this.$droplist.replaceWith($replace_droplist); this.$droplist.remove(); this.$droplist = $replace_droplist; if (this.model.get('disabled')) { this.$buttongroup.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$droplabel.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$dropbutton.attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$droplist.attr('disabled','disabled'); } else { this.$buttongroup.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$droplabel.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$dropbutton.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$droplist.removeAttr('disabled'); } var description = this.model.get('description'); if (description.length === 0) { this.$label.hide(); } else { this.$label.text(description); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,this.$label.get(0)]); this.$label.show(); } } return DropdownView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, update_button_style: function(previous_trait_value) { var class_map = { primary: ['btn-primary'], success: ['btn-success'], info: ['btn-info'], warning: ['btn-warning'], danger: ['btn-danger'] }; this.update_mapped_classes(class_map, 'button_style', previous_trait_value, this.$droplabel); this.update_mapped_classes(class_map, 'button_style', previous_trait_value, this.$dropbutton); }, update_attr: function(name, value) { // Set a css attr of the widget view. if (name.substring(0, 6) == 'border' || name == 'background' || name == 'color') { this.$droplabel.css(name, value); this.$dropbutton.css(name, value); this.$droplist.css(name, value); } else if (name == 'width') { this.$droplist.css(name, value); this.$droplabel.css(name, value); } else if (name == 'padding') { this.$droplist.css(name, value); this.$buttongroup.css(name, value); } else if (name == 'margin') { this.$buttongroup.css(name, value); } else if (name == 'height') { this.$droplabel.css(name, value); this.$dropbutton.css(name, value); } else { this.$droplist.css(name, value); this.$droplabel.css(name, value); } }, handle_click: function (e) { // Handle when a value is clicked. // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. this.model.set('value_name', $(e.target).text(), {updated_view: this}); this.touch(); }, }); var RadioButtonsView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render : function(){ // Called when view is rendered. this.$el .addClass('widget-hbox widget-radio'); this.$label = $('<div />') .appendTo(this.$el) .addClass('widget-label') .hide(); this.$container = $('<div />') .appendTo(this.$el) .addClass('widget-radio-box'); this.update(); }, update : function(options){ // Update the contents of this view // // Called when the model is changed. The model may have been // changed by another view or by a state update from the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { // Add missing items to the DOM. var items = this.model.get('value_names'); var disabled = this.model.get('disabled'); var that = this; _.each(items, function(item, index) { var item_query = ' :input[value="' + item + '"]'; if (that.$el.find(item_query).length === 0) { var $label = $('<label />') .addClass('radio') .text(item) .appendTo(that.$container); $('<input />') .attr('type', 'radio') .addClass(that.model) .val(item) .prependTo($label) .on('click', $.proxy(that.handle_click, that)); } var $item_element = that.$container.find(item_query); if (that.model.get('value_name') == item) { $item_element.prop('checked', true); } else { $item_element.prop('checked', false); } $item_element.prop('disabled', disabled); }); // Remove items that no longer exist. this.$container.find('input').each(function(i, obj) { var value = $(obj).val(); var found = false; _.each(items, function(item, index) { if (item == value) { found = true; return false; } }); if (!found) { $(obj).parent().remove(); } }); var description = this.model.get('description'); if (description.length === 0) { this.$label.hide(); } else { this.$label.text(description); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,this.$label.get(0)]); this.$label.show(); } } return RadioButtonsView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, update_attr: function(name, value) { // Set a css attr of the widget view. this.$container.css(name, value); }, handle_click: function (e) { // Handle when a value is clicked. // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. this.model.set('value_name', $(e.target).val(), {updated_view: this}); this.touch(); }, }); var ToggleButtonsView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ initialize: function() { this._css_state = {}; ToggleButtonsView.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, render: function() { // Called when view is rendered. this.$el .addClass('widget-hbox widget-toggle-buttons'); this.$label = $('<div />') .appendTo(this.$el) .addClass('widget-label') .hide(); this.$buttongroup = $('<div />') .addClass('btn-group') .attr('data-toggle', 'buttons-radio') .appendTo(this.$el); this.model.on('change:button_style', function(model, value) { this.update_button_style(); }, this); this.update_button_style(''); this.update(); }, update : function(options){ // Update the contents of this view // // Called when the model is changed. The model may have been // changed by another view or by a state update from the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { // Add missing items to the DOM. var items = this.model.get('value_names'); var disabled = this.model.get('disabled'); var that = this; var item_html; _.each(items, function(item, index) { if (item.trim().length == 0) { item_html = " "; } else { item_html = utils.escape_html(item); } var item_query = '[data-value="' + item + '"]'; var $item_element = that.$buttongroup.find(item_query); if (!$item_element.length) { $item_element = $('<button/>') .attr('type', 'button') .addClass('btn btn-default') .html(item_html) .appendTo(that.$buttongroup) .attr('data-value', item) .on('click', $.proxy(that.handle_click, that)); that.update_style_traits($item_element); } if (that.model.get('value_name') == item) { $item_element.addClass('active'); } else { $item_element.removeClass('active'); } $item_element.prop('disabled', disabled); }); // Remove items that no longer exist. this.$buttongroup.find('button').each(function(i, obj) { var value = $(obj).data('value'); var found = false; _.each(items, function(item, index) { if (item == value) { found = true; return false; } }); if (!found) { $(obj).remove(); } }); var description = this.model.get('description'); if (description.length === 0) { this.$label.hide(); } else { this.$label.text(description); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,this.$label.get(0)]); this.$label.show(); } } return ToggleButtonsView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, update_attr: function(name, value) { // Set a css attr of the widget view. this._css_state[name] = value; this.update_style_traits(); }, update_style_traits: function(button) { for (var name in this._css_state) { if (this._css_state.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (name == 'margin') { this.$buttongroup.css(name, this._css_state[name]); } else if (name != 'width') { if (button) { button.css(name, this._css_state[name]); } else { this.$buttongroup.find('button').css(name, this._css_state[name]); } } } } }, update_button_style: function(previous_trait_value) { var class_map = { primary: ['btn-primary'], success: ['btn-success'], info: ['btn-info'], warning: ['btn-warning'], danger: ['btn-danger'] }; this.update_mapped_classes(class_map, 'button_style', previous_trait_value, this.$buttongroup.find('button')); }, handle_click: function (e) { // Handle when a value is clicked. // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. this.model.set('value_name', $(e.target).data('value'), {updated_view: this}); this.touch(); }, }); var SelectView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render : function(){ // Called when view is rendered. this.$el .addClass('widget-hbox widget-select'); this.$label = $('<div />') .appendTo(this.$el) .addClass('widget-label') .hide(); this.$listbox = $('<select />') .addClass('widget-listbox form-control') .attr('size', 6) .appendTo(this.$el); this.update(); }, update : function(options){ // Update the contents of this view // // Called when the model is changed. The model may have been // changed by another view or by a state update from the back-end. if (options === undefined || options.updated_view != this) { // Add missing items to the DOM. var items = this.model.get('value_names'); var that = this; _.each(items, function(item, index) { var item_query = 'option[value_name="' + item + '"]'; if (that.$listbox.find(item_query).length === 0) { $('<option />') .text(item) .attr('value_name', item) .appendTo(that.$listbox) .on('click', $.proxy(that.handle_click, that)); } }); // Select the correct element this.$listbox.val(this.model.get('value_name')); // Disable listbox if needed var disabled = this.model.get('disabled'); this.$listbox.prop('disabled', disabled); // Remove items that no longer exist. this.$listbox.find('option').each(function(i, obj) { var value = $(obj).text(); var found = false; _.each(items, function(item, index) { if (item == value) { found = true; return false; } }); if (!found) { $(obj).remove(); } }); var description = this.model.get('description'); if (description.length === 0) { this.$label.hide(); } else { this.$label.text(description); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,this.$label.get(0)]); this.$label.show(); } } return SelectView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, update_attr: function(name, value) { // Set a css attr of the widget view. this.$listbox.css(name, value); }, handle_click: function (e) { // Handle when a value is clicked. // Calling model.set will trigger all of the other views of the // model to update. this.model.set('value_name', $(e.target).text(), {updated_view: this}); this.touch(); }, }); return { 'DropdownView': DropdownView, 'RadioButtonsView': RadioButtonsView, 'ToggleButtonsView': ToggleButtonsView, 'SelectView': SelectView, }; });