#!/usr/bin/env python
"""edited session.py to work with streams, and move msg_type to the header
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2011  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

import os
import pprint
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

    import cPickle
    pickle = cPickle
    cPickle = None
    import pickle

import zmq
from zmq.utils import jsonapi
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream

from .util import ISO8601

# packer priority: jsonlib[2], cPickle, simplejson/json, pickle
json_name = '' if not jsonapi.jsonmod else jsonapi.jsonmod.__name__
if json_name in ('jsonlib', 'jsonlib2'):
    use_json = True
elif json_name:
    if cPickle is None:
        use_json = True
        use_json = False
    use_json = False

def squash_unicode(obj):
    if isinstance(obj,dict):
        for key in obj.keys():
            obj[key] = squash_unicode(obj[key])
            if isinstance(key, unicode):
                obj[squash_unicode(key)] = obj.pop(key)
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        for i,v in enumerate(obj):
            obj[i] = squash_unicode(v)
    elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
        obj = obj.encode('utf8')
    return obj

json_packer = jsonapi.dumps
json_unpacker = lambda s: squash_unicode(jsonapi.loads(s))

pickle_packer = lambda o: pickle.dumps(o,-1)
pickle_unpacker = pickle.loads

if use_json:
    default_packer = json_packer
    default_unpacker = json_unpacker
    default_packer = pickle_packer
    default_unpacker = pickle_unpacker


class Message(object):
    """A simple message object that maps dict keys to attributes.

    A Message can be created from a dict and a dict from a Message instance
    simply by calling dict(msg_obj)."""
    def __init__(self, msg_dict):
        dct = self.__dict__
        for k, v in dict(msg_dict).iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = Message(v)
            dct[k] = v

    # Having this iterator lets dict(msg_obj) work out of the box.
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__dict__.iteritems())
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)

    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)

    def __contains__(self, k):
        return k in self.__dict__

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        return self.__dict__[k]

def msg_header(msg_id, msg_type, username, session):
    return locals()

def extract_header(msg_or_header):
    """Given a message or header, return the header."""
    if not msg_or_header:
        return {}
        # See if msg_or_header is the entire message.
        h = msg_or_header['header']
    except KeyError:
            # See if msg_or_header is just the header
            h = msg_or_header['msg_id']
        except KeyError:
            h = msg_or_header
    if not isinstance(h, dict):
        h = dict(h)
    return h

class StreamSession(object):
    """tweaked version of IPython.zmq.session.Session, for development in Parallel"""
    def __init__(self, username=None, session=None, packer=None, unpacker=None, key=None, keyfile=None):
        if username is None:
            username = os.environ.get('USER','username')
        self.username = username
        if session is None:
            self.session = str(uuid.uuid4())
            self.session = session
        self.msg_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if packer is None:
            self.pack = default_packer
            if not callable(packer):
                raise TypeError("packer must be callable, not %s"%type(packer))
            self.pack = packer
        if unpacker is None:
            self.unpack = default_unpacker
            if not callable(unpacker):
                raise TypeError("unpacker must be callable, not %s"%type(unpacker))
            self.unpack = unpacker
        if key is not None and keyfile is not None:
            raise TypeError("Must specify key OR keyfile, not both")
        if keyfile is not None:
            with open(keyfile) as f:
                self.key = f.read().strip()
            self.key = key
        if isinstance(self.key, unicode):
            self.key = self.key.encode('utf8')
        # print key, keyfile, self.key
        self.none = self.pack({})
    def msg_header(self, msg_type):
        h = msg_header(self.msg_id, msg_type, self.username, self.session)
        self.msg_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        return h

    def msg(self, msg_type, content=None, parent=None, subheader=None):
        msg = {}
        msg['header'] = self.msg_header(msg_type)
        msg['msg_id'] = msg['header']['msg_id']
        msg['parent_header'] = {} if parent is None else extract_header(parent)
        msg['msg_type'] = msg_type
        msg['content'] = {} if content is None else content
        sub = {} if subheader is None else subheader
        return msg

    def check_key(self, msg_or_header):
        """Check that a message's header has the right key"""
        if self.key is None:
            return True
        header = extract_header(msg_or_header)
        return header.get('key', None) == self.key
    def send(self, stream, msg_or_type, content=None, buffers=None, parent=None, subheader=None, ident=None, track=False):
        """Build and send a message via stream or socket.
        stream : zmq.Socket or ZMQStream
            the socket-like object used to send the data
        msg_or_type : str or Message/dict
            Normally, msg_or_type will be a msg_type unless a message is being sent more
            than once.
        content : dict or None
            the content of the message (ignored if msg_or_type is a message)
        buffers : list or None
            the already-serialized buffers to be appended to the message
        parent : Message or dict or None
            the parent or parent header describing the parent of this message
        subheader : dict or None
            extra header keys for this message's header
        ident : bytes or list of bytes
            the zmq.IDENTITY routing path
        track : bool
            whether to track.  Only for use with Sockets, because ZMQStream objects cannot track messages.
        msg : message dict
            the constructed message
        (msg,tracker) : (message dict, MessageTracker)
            if track=True, then a 2-tuple will be returned, the first element being the constructed
            message, and the second being the MessageTracker

        if not isinstance(stream, (zmq.Socket, ZMQStream)):
            raise TypeError("stream must be Socket or ZMQStream, not %r"%type(stream))
        elif track and isinstance(stream, ZMQStream):
            raise TypeError("ZMQStream cannot track messages")
        if isinstance(msg_or_type, (Message, dict)):
            # we got a Message, not a msg_type
            # don't build a new Message
            msg = msg_or_type
            content = msg['content']
            msg = self.msg(msg_or_type, content, parent, subheader)
        buffers = [] if buffers is None else buffers
        to_send = []
        if isinstance(ident, list):
            # accept list of idents
        elif ident is not None:
        if self.key is not None:
        if content is None:
            content = self.none
        elif isinstance(content, dict):
            content = self.pack(content)
        elif isinstance(content, bytes):
            # content is already packed, as in a relayed message
            raise TypeError("Content incorrect type: %s"%type(content))
        flag = 0
        if buffers:
            flag = zmq.SNDMORE
            _track = False
        if track:
            tracker = stream.send_multipart(to_send, flag, copy=False, track=_track)
            tracker = stream.send_multipart(to_send, flag, copy=False)
        for b in buffers[:-1]:
            stream.send(b, flag, copy=False)
        if buffers:
            if track:
                tracker = stream.send(buffers[-1], copy=False, track=track)
                tracker = stream.send(buffers[-1], copy=False)
        # omsg = Message(msg)
        if self.debug:
        msg['tracker'] = tracker
        return msg
    def send_raw(self, stream, msg, flags=0, copy=True, ident=None):
        """Send a raw message via ident path.
        msg : list of sendable buffers"""
        to_send = []
        if isinstance(ident, bytes):
            ident = [ident]
        if ident is not None:
        if self.key is not None:
        stream.send_multipart(msg, flags, copy=copy)
    def recv(self, socket, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK, content=True, copy=True):
        """receives and unpacks a message
        returns [idents], msg"""
        if isinstance(socket, ZMQStream):
            socket = socket.socket
            msg = socket.recv_multipart(mode)
        except zmq.ZMQError as e:
            if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN:
                # We can convert EAGAIN to None as we know in this case
                # recv_multipart won't return None.
                return None
        # return an actual Message object
        # determine the number of idents by trying to unpack them.
        # this is terrible:
        idents, msg = self.feed_identities(msg, copy)
            return idents, self.unpack_message(msg, content=content, copy=copy)
        except Exception as e:
            print (idents, msg)
            # TODO: handle it
            raise e
    def feed_identities(self, msg, copy=True):
        """feed until DELIM is reached, then return the prefix as idents and remainder as
        msg. This is easily broken by setting an IDENT to DELIM, but that would be silly.
        msg : a list of Message or bytes objects
            the message to be split
        copy : bool
            flag determining whether the arguments are bytes or Messages
        (idents,msg) : two lists
            idents will always be a list of bytes - the indentity prefix
            msg will be a list of bytes or Messages, unchanged from input
            msg should be unpackable via self.unpack_message at this point.
        ikey = int(self.key is not None)
        minlen = 3 + ikey
        msg = list(msg)
        idents = []
        while len(msg) > minlen:
            if copy:
                s = msg[0]
                s = msg[0].bytes
            if s == DELIM:
        return idents, msg
    def unpack_message(self, msg, content=True, copy=True):
        """Return a message object from the format
        sent by self.send.
        content : bool (True)
            whether to unpack the content dict (True), 
            or leave it serialized (False)
        copy : bool (True)
            whether to return the bytes (True), 
            or the non-copying Message object in each place (False)
        ikey = int(self.key is not None)
        minlen = 3 + ikey
        message = {}
        if not copy:
            for i in range(minlen):
                msg[i] = msg[i].bytes
        if ikey:
            if not self.key == msg[0]:
                raise KeyError("Invalid Session Key: %s"%msg[0])
        if not len(msg) >= minlen:
            raise TypeError("malformed message, must have at least %i elements"%minlen)
        message['header'] = self.unpack(msg[ikey+0])
        message['msg_type'] = message['header']['msg_type']
        message['parent_header'] = self.unpack(msg[ikey+1])
        if content:
            message['content'] = self.unpack(msg[ikey+2])
            message['content'] = msg[ikey+2]
        message['buffers'] = msg[ikey+3:]# [ m.buffer for m in msg[3:] ]
        return message

def test_msg2obj():
    am = dict(x=1)
    ao = Message(am)
    assert ao.x == am['x']

    am['y'] = dict(z=1)
    ao = Message(am)
    assert ao.y.z == am['y']['z']
    k1, k2 = 'y', 'z'
    assert ao[k1][k2] == am[k1][k2]
    am2 = dict(ao)
    assert am['x'] == am2['x']
    assert am['y']['z'] == am2['y']['z']