# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Magics for interacting with Octave via oct2py.

.. note::

  The ``oct2py`` module needs to be installed separately and
  can be obtained using ``easy_install`` or ``pip``.









#  Copyright (C) 2012 The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

import tempfile
from glob import glob
from shutil import rmtree

import numpy as np
import oct2py
from xml.dom import minidom

from IPython.core.displaypub import publish_display_data
from IPython.core.magic import (Magics, magics_class, line_magic,
                                line_cell_magic, needs_local_scope)
from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest
from IPython.core.magic_arguments import (
    argument, magic_arguments, parse_argstring
from IPython.utils.py3compat import unicode_to_str

class OctaveMagicError(oct2py.Oct2PyError):

_mimetypes = {'png' : 'image/png',
             'svg' : 'image/svg+xml',
             'jpg' : 'image/jpeg',
              'jpeg': 'image/jpeg'}

class OctaveMagics(Magics):
    """A set of magics useful for interactive work with Octave via oct2py.
    def __init__(self, shell):
        shell : IPython shell

        super(OctaveMagics, self).__init__(shell)
        self._oct = oct2py.Oct2Py()
        self._plot_format = 'png'

        # Allow publish_display_data to be overridden for
        # testing purposes.
        self._publish_display_data = publish_display_data

    def _fix_gnuplot_svg_size(self, image, size=None):
        GnuPlot SVGs do not have height/width attributes.  Set
        these to be the same as the viewBox, so that the browser
        scales the image correctly.

        image : str
            SVG data.
        size : tuple of int
            Image width, height.

        (svg,) = minidom.parseString(image).getElementsByTagName('svg')
        viewbox = svg.getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ')

        if size is not None:
            width, height = size
            width, height = viewbox[2:]

        svg.setAttribute('width', '%dpx' % width)
        svg.setAttribute('height', '%dpx' % height)
        return svg.toxml()

    def octave_push(self, line):
        Line-level magic that pushes a variable to Octave.

        `line` should be made up of whitespace separated variable names in the
        IPython namespace::

            In [7]: import numpy as np

            In [8]: X = np.arange(5)

            In [9]: X.mean()
            Out[9]: 2.0

            In [10]: %octave_push X

            In [11]: %octave mean(X)
            Out[11]: 2.0

        inputs = line.split(' ')
        for input in inputs:
            input = unicode_to_str(input)
            self._oct.put(input, self.shell.user_ns[input])

    def octave_pull(self, line):
        Line-level magic that pulls a variable from Octave.

            In [18]: _ = %octave x = [1 2; 3 4]; y = 'hello'

            In [19]: %octave_pull x y

            In [20]: x
            array([[ 1.,  2.],
                   [ 3.,  4.]])

            In [21]: y
            Out[21]: 'hello'

        outputs = line.split(' ')
        for output in outputs:
            output = unicode_to_str(output)
            self.shell.push({output: self._oct.get(output)})

        '-i', '--input', action='append',
        help='Names of input variables to be pushed to Octave. Multiple names '
             'can be passed, separated by commas with no whitespace.'
        '-o', '--output', action='append',
        help='Names of variables to be pulled from Octave after executing cell '
             'body. Multiple names can be passed, separated by commas with no '
        '-s', '--size', action='store',
        help='Pixel size of plots, "width,height". Default is "-s 400,250".'
        '-f', '--format', action='store',
        help='Plot format (png, svg or jpg).'

    def octave(self, line, cell=None, local_ns=None):
        Execute code in Octave, and pull some of the results back into the
        Python namespace.

            In [9]: %octave X = [1 2; 3 4]; mean(X)
            Out[9]: array([[ 2., 3.]])

        As a cell, this will run a block of Octave code, without returning any

            In [10]: %%octave
               ....: p = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
               ....: polyout(p, 'x')

            -2*x^4 - 1*x^3 + 0*x^2 + 1*x^1 + 2

        In the notebook, plots are published as the output of the cell, e.g.

        %octave plot([1 2 3], [4 5 6])

        will create a line plot.

        Objects can be passed back and forth between Octave and IPython via the
        -i and -o flags in line::

            In [14]: Z = np.array([1, 4, 5, 10])

            In [15]: %octave -i Z mean(Z)
            Out[15]: array([ 5.])

            In [16]: %octave -o W W = Z * mean(Z)
            Out[16]: array([  5.,  20.,  25.,  50.])

            In [17]: W
            Out[17]: array([  5.,  20.,  25.,  50.])

        The size and format of output plots can be specified::

            In [18]: %%octave -s 600,800 -f svg
                ...: plot([1, 2, 3]);

        args = parse_argstring(self.octave, line)

        # arguments 'code' in line are prepended to the cell lines
        if cell is None:
            code = ''
            return_output = True
            code = cell
            return_output = False

        code = ' '.join(args.code) + code

        # if there is no local namespace then default to an empty dict
        if local_ns is None:
            local_ns = {}

        if args.input:
            for input in ','.join(args.input).split(','):
                input = unicode_to_str(input)
                    val = local_ns[input]
                except KeyError:
                    val = self.shell.user_ns[input]
                self._oct.put(input, val)

        # generate plots in a temporary directory
        plot_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp().replace('\\', '/')
        if args.size is not None:
            size = args.size
            size = '400,240'

        if args.format is not None:
            plot_format = args.format
            plot_format = 'png'

        pre_call = '''
        global __ipy_figures = [];

        function fig_create(src, event)
          global __ipy_figures;
          __ipy_figures(size(__ipy_figures) + 1) = src;
          set(src, "visible", "off");

        set(0, 'DefaultFigureCreateFcn', @fig_create);

        close all;
        clear ans;

        # ___<end_pre_call>___ #

        post_call = '''
        # ___<start_post_call>___ #

        # Save output of the last execution
        if exist("ans") == 1
          _ = ans;
          _ = nan;

        for f = __ipy_figures
          outfile = sprintf('%(plot_dir)s/__ipy_oct_fig_%%03d.png', f);
            print(f, outfile, '-d%(plot_format)s', '-tight', '-S%(size)s');

        ''' % locals()

        code = ' '.join((pre_call, code, post_call))
            text_output = self._oct.run(code, verbose=False)
        except (oct2py.Oct2PyError) as exception:
            msg = exception.message
            msg = msg.split('# ___<end_pre_call>___ #')[1]
            msg = msg.split('# ___<start_post_call>___ #')[0]
            raise OctaveMagicError('Octave could not complete execution.  '
                                   'Traceback (currently broken in oct2py): %s'
                                   % msg)

        key = 'OctaveMagic.Octave'
        display_data = []

        # Publish text output
        if text_output:
            display_data.append((key, {'text/plain': text_output}))

        # Publish images
        images = [open(imgfile, 'rb').read() for imgfile in \
                  glob("%s/*" % plot_dir)]

        plot_mime_type = _mimetypes.get(plot_format, 'image/png')
        width, height = [int(s) for s in size.split(',')]
        for image in images:
            if plot_format == 'svg':
                image = self._fix_gnuplot_svg_size(image, size=(width, height))
            display_data.append((key, {plot_mime_type: image}))

        if args.output:
            for output in ','.join(args.output).split(','):
                output = unicode_to_str(output)
                self.shell.push({output: self._oct.get(output)})

        for source, data in display_data:
            self._publish_display_data(source, data)

        if return_output:
            ans = self._oct.get('_')

            # Unfortunately, Octave doesn't have a "None" object,
            # so we can't return any NaN outputs
            if np.isscalar(ans) and np.isnan(ans):
                ans = None

            return ans

__doc__ = __doc__.format(
    OCTAVE_DOC = ' '*8 + OctaveMagics.octave.__doc__,
    OCTAVE_PUSH_DOC = ' '*8 + OctaveMagics.octave_push.__doc__,
    OCTAVE_PULL_DOC = ' '*8 + OctaveMagics.octave_pull.__doc__

def load_ipython_extension(ip):
    """Load the extension in IPython."""