((============================================================================ NBConvert Sphinx-Latex Template Purpose: Allow export of PDF friendly Latex inspired by Sphinx. Most of the template is derived directly from Sphinx source. Inheritance: null>display_priority>latex_base ==========================================================================)) ((*- extends 'latex_base.tplx' -*)) ((* block header *)) % Header, overrides base % Make sure that the sphinx doc style knows who it inherits from. \def\sphinxdocclass{(((parentdocumentclass)))} % Declare the document class \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,english]{sphinx(((documentclass)))} % Imports \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00A0}{\\nobreakspace} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{import} \usepackage[Bjarne]{fncychap} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{sphinx} \usepackage{multirow} % Document level variables \title{((( nb.metadata.name )))} \date{\today} \release{} \author{Unknown Author} \newcommand{\sphinxlogo}{} \renewcommand{\releasename}{Release} \makeindex ((* block sphinxheader *))((* endblock sphinxheader *)) ((* endblock header *)) ((* block bodyBegin *)) % Body % Start of the document \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents ((* endblock bodyBegin *))((* block bodyEnd *)) \renewcommand{\indexname}{Index} \printindex % End of document \end{document} ((* endblock bodyEnd *)) % Footer ((* block footer *)) ((* endblock footer *)) ((* block headingcell -*)) ((*- if cell.level == 1 -*)) \part ((*- elif cell.level == 2 -*)) \chapter ((*- elif cell.level == 3 -*)) \section ((*- elif cell.level == 4 -*)) \subsection ((*- elif cell.level == 5 -*)) \subsubsection ((*- elif cell.level == 6 -*)) \paragraph ((*- endif -*)){((( filterOutLatex(cell.source) )))} ((*- endblock headingcell *)) ((*- block rawcell -*)) ((("\n"))) \setbox0\vbox{ \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth} ((( filterOutLatex(cell.source) ))) \end{minipage}} \begin{center}\setlength{\fboxsep}{5pt} \shadowbox{\box0}\end{center} ((*- endblock rawcell -*)) ((*- block unknowncell scoped-*)) ((("\n"))) % Unsupported cell type, no formatting ((( filterOutLatex(cell.source) ))) ((*- endblock unknowncell -*)) ((*- block markdowncell scoped-*)) ((( super() ))) ((*- endblock markdowncell -*)) ((* macro filterOutLatex(text) -*)) ((*- set text = text|replace("\\","\\backslash") -*)) ((*- set text = text|replace("{","\\{") -*)) ((*- set text = text|replace("}","\\}") -*)) ((*- set text = text|replace("|","\\vert") -*)) ((( text ))) ((*- endmacro *)) ((======================================================================== EVERYTHING BELOW HERE STILL NEEDS TO BE FILLED IN! ========================================================================)) ((*- block codecell scoped -*)) ((*- block input_group -*)) ((*- block in_prompt -*))((*- endblock in_prompt -*)) ((*- block input -*))((*- endblock input -*)) ((*- endblock input_group -*)) ((*- if cell.outputs -*)) ((*- block output_group -*)) ((*- block output_prompt -*))((*- endblock output_prompt -*)) ((*- block outputs -*)) ((*- for output in cell.outputs -*)) ((*- if output.output_type in ['pyout'] -*)) ((*- block pyout scoped -*))((*- endblock pyout -*)) ((*- elif output.output_type in ['stream'] -*)) ((*- block stream scoped -*)) ((*- if output.stream in ['stdout'] -*)) ((*- block stream_stdout scoped -*)) ((*- endblock stream_stdout -*)) ((*- elif output.stream in ['stderr'] -*)) ((*- block stream_stderr scoped -*)) ((*- endblock stream_stderr -*)) ((*- endif -*)) ((*- endblock stream -*)) ((*- elif output.output_type in ['display_data'] -*)) ((*- block display_data scoped -*)) ((*- block data_priority scoped -*)) ((*- endblock data_priority -*)) ((*- endblock display_data -*)) ((*- elif output.output_type in ['pyerr'] -*)) ((*- block pyerr scoped -*)) ((*- for line in output.traceback -*)) ((*- block traceback_line scoped -*))((*- endblock traceback_line -*)) ((*- endfor -*)) ((*- endblock pyerr -*)) ((*- endif -*)) ((*- endfor -*)) ((*- endblock outputs -*)) ((*- endblock output_group -*)) ((*- endif -*)) ((*- endblock codecell -*))